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Posts posted by rjc123

  1. I personally would say 100% jewfish. It depends in what way you mean. The fight you get from a meter king is something to behold and is an incredible catch, but for jewie anglers (like myself) all those quiet hours are completely made up for when a solid jewie is landed. Nothing beats it. I haven't landed a meter jew yet (97cm PB) nor have i landed a meter king (PB 67cm). Obviously a 67cm king doesn't compare to a meter king in terms of fight, and achievement. Maybe I'll find out soon what a meter king feels like but for now I'm 100% jew.

    Some may disagree but jewfish are generally much harder to come by than kings and "generally" take a lot more time and in some cases effort (waking at 3am to catch live pike and squid) to catch. They're a real smart fish, and for me the moment i got my first jew clearly outweighed the moment i got my first king. Even though my jew was caught on 40lb gear and king on 6lb the jewie was more valuable to me.

    Not at all saying meter kings aren't a prized catch, they certainly are. Takes a lot of angling skill to put one in the boat!

    That's just my 20 cents worth. Interested to see other opinions.

    In fact, this thread has motivated me to put in for my first yak jewie tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

    Cheers, Tom

  2. Yeah not a shark.. Yakka wouldn't come back in one piece if it was hit by a shark. Big squid/cuttlefish isn't a bad guess but i've had big bonito do similar things to livies. Bonito don't have thick teeth so if they are big gauges then i'd call it for squid/cuttlefish.

    Cheers, Tom

  3. The Okuma Salina Jig Rod is tops on kings. Highly recommended by a lot of people and i'm about to order one with a Salina 3 10000 on it. You could get away with the stradic 8000 but not 30lb braid. 50 would be minimum with 65-80lb ideal. A 10000 reel matched with 80lb braid on that rod would be my pick for sure. The Shimano Terez are also worth a look.

    Cheers, Tom

  4. What type of jig head do you use in the grubs? Everything I have tried sticks out too far from the body of the SP and I ALWAYS miss hook ups. i get non stop bites but no hook ups.

    Could you take a photo of a jighead you use and how you present a grub on it??

    Hi mate,

    I usually fish a 1/12 TT Tournament Series Jig Head with size 1 hook on my grubz. Does the trick for me. I'll take a photo tomorrow and post it up.

  5. Very decent bream. I've still yet to get any fish on any artificial bait/lure.

    ^ EP is short for Estuary Perch.

    Yeah, bream aren't an easy starting point. Flatties are pretty easy. They'll take most lures fished with almost any retrieve. Bream require a little bit of finesse at times and can be very hard to fool. The days you see lots of good bream are often the days you don't catch them. They're a smart fish :-rolleyes

  6. Hi Raiders,

    Just trying to get used to the new and improved site. Great job Admin, looking really good :clapping:

    Headed the other day with the intention of finding a few EP's. Spent the morning peppering all likely snags and with my ol' favourite Z-man Grubz in "Watermelon Red". Picked up a few smallish bream and lost what would have been my first EP at the side of the yak :devil: Much to my dismay not another fish came along for the morning.

    This called for a new plan. I've had the bream sussed out lately so headed downstream to a few of my favourite honey holes. Started slow with only the one legal fish of 26cm in the first hour. The tide wasn't quite high enough for this spot to fish well so moved on to another. After only a few minutes, BANG, hit on the drop. A nice 30cm Breambo hits the yak. Good fun keeping him away from the pylons on 3lb and a 1-2kg rod! Not too long after the grubz got monstered again. This fish really tested me out! Almost got me on the pylons at one stage! Leader was badly frayed when i eventually got him in. 33cm of Bream was added to the bag!

    With things really heating up, i was able to fish a little more relaxed and focus on what i was doing. Let me tell you, I needed every fibre in my body focused for what happened next!

    Made the decision to change colour to bloodworm, a proven big bream colour for me. As the grubz made its way to the base of the pylon, i felt a big bump on my line. The line began moving underneath the pylon so i knew something was up. Whacked him hard and i can honestly say, i thought it was a school jew with the amount of weight and screaming run i experienced next. It took me under the pylon and out the other side. For 5 minutes, i battled this fish, 70% of the rod was in the water while the fish fought from the other side. By some miracle i managed to coax it back under the pylon and before it had the chance to dive back through, netted a cracker of a bream. At this stage i was so glad i had upgraded from 4lb leader to 8lb! I then paddled over to a small beach as fast as possible for a photo shoot of the fish.

    Measured up on the brag mat and he went 43cm. Got an approximate weight of 1.2kg from the lip grippers as well. A new lure PB for me! Popped him in the livewell to make a total of 4.


    Had an hour to find one more fish and the pylons had shut down. Headed back to a favourite snag, on the first cast, the plastic was chased by a school of nice bream. Of course, the smallest of the lot (27cm) had to take my plastic. There were a few 35+ fish in that school so was a shame in a way. Can't complain though, it completed one of my best bags in a long time!

    The bag was, 43, 33, 30, 27, 26. Was great to release them all at the end to fight another day. Hopefully in a few years time, the 43 will be edging closer to the 50 mark. That's my next goal :soccer_h4h:


    Cheers, Tom

  7. Top Bream Tom : )

    Im hoping to get out this week. Might give the z man's a go

    Yeah the bream are firing atm. With the z-mans, you need to superglue them onto the jighead (unless you use the TT Headlockz) otherwise they slip down the hook... Definitely my #1 bream plastic at the moment. I think its time i try and crack a few on top water HB's!

    Heading out chasing EP's and maybe a bass or two later in the week. Need to tick them off the list!

    Cheers, Tom

  8. Nice work again Tom and a quality haul of fish there.

    Great way to start off the New Year too!

    I got myself some of those 2.5" Z man grubz and 4" swimmerz and looking forward to giving them a go very soon.

    Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading your reports.

    Keep up the tremendous work.

    All the best


    You'll love them mate! 1/12 TT jighead is perfect for the grubz in most situations. The 4" swimmerz claim their fair share of jews. Hopefully thats the case this afternoon :biggrin2:

    Cheers, Tom

  9. Top stuff mate wont be long and you will be smashn them in tournies

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2

    Thanks mate, wishful thinking though :biggrin2:

    Smashing the bream there Tom :)

    You thinking of doing any tournies? I'm gonna enter next year for a bit of fun with a mate. Need to get a few good bream sessions in soon.

    Hi Paul, yeah I'm also going to have a crack at the ABT Hobie Bream series later this year. I've got plenty of practicing time til then :thumbup:

  10. Hi Raiders,

    Headed out on the yak earlier in the week with the intention of getting a solid bag of bream in a few hours. The snags have been good to me lately so most of the session was spent fishing them...

    Started out having a flick in a favourite flattie spot. 3 smallish 45cm flatties in as many casts! Still good fun on a 1-2kg rod! Nothing more after this so returned to the target of the day - BREAM.

    post-14949-026934200 1357386974_thumb.png

    Went to my favourite set of snags and started peppering casts in every likely holding area. Typically the top of the tide had slowed the bream down but i hung around and was rewarded big time. Around an hour after the tide change, my little Z-man Grubz in "Watermellon Red" got smashed right in front of the snag. It was less than a foot deep so straight away got a glimpse of a good fish. Hard work keeping him out from the snag on ultra light tackle but after a few minutes netted a solid Bream of 34cm. A very fat fish for its length! Popped him in the live well and this was Bream #1 for the bag.

    post-14949-037361700 1357386986_thumb.jpg

    Next cast straight into a new snag and this time the plastic was smashed on top! Was fishing it on top and letting it sink once it had passed the oyster ledge behind the snag. Was a great visual and got a great little tussle from a 27cm Bream. Popped him in the livewell and he was Bream #2 for the bag.

    Less than 5 mins later had another sensational surface strike from a 25cm Bream. Bream #3 for the bag!

    Things started to slow down with only a few undersize bream and choppers hitting the plastic. Moved onto my next set of snags soon after. It took under 5 mins for the next fish to hit the deck. A 26cm Bream which was Bream #4 for the bag!

    Not long after i reached the target scoring another 25cm Bream and getting that Bream #5 to complete my bag. Was hoping to find a few better fish soon after but things died down and called it a day.

    Overall a top little session with a couple of good fish caught.

    Here's the end result, before release.

    post-14949-039734700 1357387004_thumb.png

    Cheers, Tom

  11. Bad luck :thumbdown:

    Same thing happened to me last week. Hooked a solid jew on 4lb braid and leader while breaming and took me for a short sharp ride straight towards the pylons then PING. GONNE!! Nor fun losing a good fish is it :1badmood:

    You'll get him next time!''

    Cheers, Tom

  12. I've been getting them on plastics consistantly as by-catch while breaming. I've got most of them on a double hop retrieve but if i was specifically targetting them i'd probably use a slow roll with the odd hop. Z-man Grubz 2.5" in either bloodworm or watermellon red has done the damage for me. If your targeting them on top then stiffy popper, berkley scum dog and Bassday sugarpen are the go. Keep at it and you'll find a few.

    Cheers, Tom

  13. Sunline PE is part of the problem. I stopped buying it under 10lb because i (and many others) got wind knots time and time again. The 20lb+ stuff is fine for me though. Power Pro is generally pretty good stuff but if your looking at some quality line that seems to have far less wind knots then give Daiwa Sensor TD a go. Great stuff. Put it on my caldia (4lb) and have had no problems what so ever so far. Top braid!

    Cheers, Tom

  14. Hey all,

    I just recently bought a little fishing kayak to have a bit of fun with on Pittwater/Narra lakes etc etc(Pic below), as I have no place to keep a little boat.

    I went out on Pittwater yesterday and absolutely smashed the flattys! 5 in total, biggest went 76cm.

    I also managed what Im pretty sure was a yellow tail barracuda, which I thought was very interesting to get in Pittwater... Can anyone confirm if there is a species of fish in Pitty that looks very similar?

    Anyway, had a great day and hopefully next time I can get some pics of the fish (didn't have a phone on my at the time)


    The Yak Sparrow

    Nice work on the flatties :thumbup:

    Were you up the back end of pitty?

    Never make the mistake of heading out around west head on a windy day. I own a Hobie Pro Angler 12 which is a big yak, and got tossed around when gathering livies and drifting for flatties there. Was dead flat when i went out and then a change came in :thumbdown:

    Sounds like a great session of yours though :thumbup:

    Cheers, Tom

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