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Everything posted by mavo

  1. Thanks guys, Yeah I was as surprised as anyone. Nice work catching it on a plastic too! I was just casting it as far as I could with a lift and wind retrieve like a plastic. Ive lost a few doing it that way though. They are a hard fighting little fish and now i'll have to read up and target them one day.
  2. G'day all, I went for a quick fish the other day land based near Lilli Pilli armed with 2 blades (Yellow Strike Pro 9.1g plus a blue cheapy). Half an hour into the session something decent grabbed it, then pulled the hooks. I cast back in the same direction and BANG I was on again. I had no idea what it was but geez it had some go. Much to my surprise I pulled in a hungry little mullet! After a great fight I moved on and managed to land a small flatty and Bream. All fish released to catch again soon! So far on the blades that makes: Flathead, Leatherjacket, Bream, Tailor and now a Mullet!
  3. I had a got at this the other week and i'm converted, it was bloody beautiful.... and not a big fan of salt and vinegar chips. Thanks for posting it.
  4. How did it come out? and what fish did you use?
  5. Hey Nicey while you are soaking those prawns you should drop over a squidgy silver fox and forget about it, until the rod starts moving that is! And by the way J Bisho nice work on the flatty's mate
  6. Nice Trevally what were you throwing the lure at? How greedy is that little snapper, that SX40 is almost half its size!
  7. I just saw this dish on Poh's Kitchen and it looks too good not to share! Numus (Pickled Fish Dish) Ingredients serves 4 * 4 medium size fillets from firm white flesh fish eg - trevally * 1 onion * 1 lemon or lime * ½ tsp red and green chilli for colour * Pepper and salt * ¼ tsp garlic * ½ tsp palm sugar * 1 tbs mushroom flavored soy sauce * 1 cup white vinegar Slice onion into fine pieces (half or rings) and scatter around base of ceramic or glass bowl. Sprinkle pepper all over onion. Slice very fine bite size pieces of fish and layer evenly over onion. Pinch of sea salt over fish; add finely chopped chilli, garlic and sugar. Layer finely sliced lemon pieces all over fish. Pour over soy then do same with vinegar. Give ingredients a gentle mix. Put in fridge for 20 to 30 minutes. Gently mix before serving For those who don't like eating raw fish, the vinegar and lemon cooks the fish through.
  8. This one was 6 hours. Yeah its great value over there and quite cheap to fly there now (We paid $1400 return to Cancun) I will definitely be trying for Tarpon next time also.
  9. Hi yeah it works out to be about USD$125 each for a day fishing but that was food and beer included. The price varies a bit tho.
  10. Hey George, I wasn't too sure myself but they looked like little trevally. I'm pretty sure that's what the deckhand called them (Well that was the translation from Spanish to English to Australian!)
  11. G'day All, I just got home from a well overdue holiday to Mexico where i squeezed in a few quick fishing charters (between drinking) in Cancun and Playa Del Carmen. First off let me say if you are thinking about heading over there.... DO IT! We had an amazing time and it was nice to remember what summer feels like again. We Charterd a 38' boat between four of us. As we pulled out of the marina in Cancun we started by catching a few Blue Runners for live bait. It wasn't long before the barracuda's were hammering the livies and we werent too far out to sea either. The big ones were jumping and putting up a great fight until they were nearing the boat and seemed to give up. We kept a few and let the rest go. We lost a King Mackerel which was disappointing because the splash it made when it hit a surface lure was incredible. No luck finding any Mahi Mahi which was a shame but that definitely didn't spoil the trip. With our last live bait I thought i was hooked onto the reef until the line started to peel off. Ten minutes and a few good runs later i landed a nice Dog Snapper. Unfortunately i didn't get measurements or weigh him but my arms were aching and it was a great fish to end on. When we returned to the marina there was a school of meter-plus Tarpon waiting for a feed. Mexico is such a great fishing location but just a shame its so far away from Australia. Anyway i hope you like my photos.
  12. I love the silicone non slip fish gripper too! haha. Nice fish mate.
  13. G'day all, After a bit of Fishraider advise i set my alarm and headed for Windang Beach first thing this morning with a mate to land my first Sambo. We were using pillies on surf popper rigs. As soon as it hit the water (at first light) we got a double hook up of Tailor and a nice Salmon. Things went a bit quiet after that but we managed to get another decent Sambo before we called it a morning. I think i'll lighten up a bit next time and try some different rigs. Thanks everyone for your advise i had an awesome morning and i'll be eating fishcakes tonight for dinner!
  14. Great day for it today, glad to see someone was out there soaking it up. I bet the bigger mowys put up a good fight.
  15. Thankyou very much for all the help, I truly appreciate it. Hopefully early next week i can put it to use and post some Salmon pics (Any size would be my new pb) and if i don't post anything it means i'm probably tangled in fishing line lying in the sand somewhere so send help! Thanks again.
  16. G'day Raiders, I finally got myself a beach rod and some Salmon rigs, so i'm going to try for some salmon in the next few days. I was thinking about heading down towards Garie Beach or Stanwell way. I was going to get there early and throw some pilchards (and surf poppers) around. Does anyone know where would be a good spot to start or have any other suggestions?? Thanks.
  17. I'd head North 10-15 mins towards toukley to Norah Head.
  18. Congrats on the fish! Ditto on the Silver Fox's Roberta. I've had plenty of luck on the 100mm with 9g jighead land based and out of a boat. First of many to come Ultrasouth.
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