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  1. kingies in the harbour!!

  2. Your a pretty cool guy, good theory on why muwong have big lips
  3. where were u fishing? anyone been catching bonitos lately?
  4. your not getting any luck especially with the DRAAAGGGOOOOONNNSSSSS!!!!!!!!
  5. Hi mate, The snapper was around the 5kg mark
  6. Nathan well done man, did Ivan tell you about what happened at Roseville on Saturday. But gotta say, HUGE SQUID bro!
  7. Hi Raiders Went out to colors today with fresh squid caught on Friday and no kings . Just one coutta and two 60cm flatties, pretty disapointing day as there were no kings but the coutta was fun as it was a first. clontarf_king
  8. Yeh the cootas are on because of the cold water, I got a few down at colors and at long reef but I have to say they are beautiful fish!
  9. Hi, All Raiders Was fishing at Roseville and it was packed at the boat ramp with boats constantly coming in and going out but there was plenty of fish. Boat went off to Browns Mountain and got a blue eye cod and 5 gemfish. At Bondi, there was a boat that got nearly a dozen flatheads. Another boat went to North Head and got 1 huge snapper and another just legal sized one, 5 flatties of decent size, bream and pike. Nothing at quarantine station, only a few bream and trevallie but most importantly, NO FISH AT ROSEVILLE! Sorry couldn't get any photos as I did not have my phone on me. Take Care, clontarf_king
  10. Good work mate, keep up the good work. These posts make me hungry! Take it easy, clontarf_king
  11. Went for a fish around middle harbour. I had fresh squid which I caught and froze 2 weeks ago so I tried it. Not one hit, although on the prawns I got one decent 35cm bream
  12. Thinking of heading up to the spit for a fish. Anyone know where the fish are bitting?
  13. cant wait for fishing season to start with my new daiwa saltist 6500

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