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BREAM (4/19)



  1. I love it when they feed on the surface, nice one!
  2. nice mullet, would have made good jewie baits. How did you take the photo and release them all? confused me as they look pretty dead, not that i care, just confused . I would have kept them for future baits
  3. the further out towards the heads you go the more consistent it will be. Try the clifss around North head, south head, middle head etc. Fish both deep and shallow. I find deep is more consistent.
  4. for nice 10-15lb high quality braid and a really nice rod the Exist would be my ultimate choice. So light and an absolute joy to cast all day. I use one for snapper fishing with 15lb braid and find i am now soooooo spoilt. Anytime i pick up other outfits for a similar job they feel heavy and uncomfortable
  5. It really comes down to what you want it for. Yes, the Exist is incredibly light which is a benefit not a problem. The materials are top of the line and will not let you down. However if you want something that is tougher then perhaps the stella is the go. Its heavier and not as nice to use in my opinion because of the weight but would be better for heavier line classes. What are you using it for? What line strength etc? Thats what it comes down to.
  6. i would say not as important if your using a patenoster, however if your just using the jigs by themselves without a patenoster then the good brands are better. I often have both out in deep water, jigs by themselves only work in deepwater if its a slow drift without much current. Another tip is to use the brands that have long flexible spikes on them and fish fairly heavy line, when you get snagged up you can just bend out the spikes with heavier line. Heavy line doesn't seem to affect catch rates in deep water. My two cents
  7. Good to see your giving advice to others to help out on the fishing front but just felt inclined to point out that releasing carp isn't really a to do with whether or not one hates carp but more about trying to help maintain the natural environment and help Australian native species thrive. They are a pest in Australia and should be treated as such and disposed of when caught.
  8. Agreed those guys do well. But if you had 70 boats of fisherman who spent lots of time chasing bream in specific systems and they used baits they would do as well if not better in plenty of situations. At the end of the day they are scavengers that would eat virtually anything so finding the right location and time the fish are there is 90% of the battle, if you dont know that the easy method is to berley or use baits that are oily and will draw them in. My biggest bream have been caught on lures but if i was under the gun and had to produce big bream i would choose baits.
  9. if your chasing BIG bream use BIG fresh baits, fish fillets like pike, tailor, bonito and mullet are hard to beat. Big baits gives the bigger fish time to find them and often steal them away from little fish. Most peoples PB bream are when fishing for jew with very big baits.
  10. be careful at longy its not an easy one. OK if your tinnie is small but i would go down and watch others first
  11. KISS theory mate. Start by trying to catch flathead as they are the easiest species to catch on plastics. Find some sandflats go down around low tide and walk along the edge of the drop offs flicking out the plastic and working it back in. 1/16th is fine but to make sure its hopping on the bottom fish the retrieve slowly. Basic retrieve is two hops with the rod tip then pause for the plastic to sink to the bottom again then repeat all the way in. Walk the edges and cover lots of territory. If you cant catch flatties this way take up ping pong. Brand of plastic and scent and colour is far less important than retrieve and fishing the right areas around tides.
  12. i went through this process a while ago, infact i think i asked on here about what everyone uses. i ended up forking out the dough on glass lenses because they dont scracth and i am sick of having to buy new ones that are all scratched....i treat em rough. anyway long story short the sales guy at erina sold me the new mako photochromic which i was hesitant about because it didn't look the same as others but now that i got them i wouldn't go back to the cheapies. Comfy too and made in Japan which is what sold me....haha sucker! They are called blades, love em.
  13. If you fall into a large body of water with a car battery there is no way it would kill you. If it was a hand basin it might give you a fair shock but a harbour or estuary where your prawning has way to much water for anything to happen. You will be fine, although pretty upset if you fall over....maybe save the bourbons till after prawning and less chance of falling over
  14. Its quite common for the kings to only bite on squid. the good news for you is that its very uncommon for them to only bite on live squid. Basically if they are zoned in on squid you will get them on head baits, gut baits and strip baits usually so those big squid could easily be used as 4-6 really good baits and dont have to be kept live, just nice and fresh. Just fish them like a livie, you can even downrig with strips and head baits with good success. good luck and congrats on the 85 - nice fish
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