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Everything posted by boy53

  1. Nice Raj, was it on Yakkas too?
  2. I need to work harder to go for trip like that haha.
  3. Good on ya Jez. Thanks for very details report Congrat on 1st Jewie.
  4. Damn, epic night. Nice one buddy.
  5. boy53


    Pretty much everywhere is over crowded now. Kiama, Basspoint, Hill60, pier 2 haha. You name it. Check out swell and wind for cloacliff. Last time I went, I couldn't fish at all, wave was so big that hit the rocks and I couldn't fish at all. So I packed my fishing gears and take some sunrise photos there.
  6. I never caught one there but I have seen people caught "undersized kingie" and they still took it. So I suppose they will eat it.
  7. I see people fishing at Pier 2 almost every morning. I live in city and i take train to north syd. At least 2 or 3 will be there haha. You can still fish there even if 2 or 3 there. Here is the link to pier 2 - > http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=The+Rocks,+New+South+Wales&aq=0&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=68.780747,99.404297&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=The+Rocks+New+South+Wales&ll=-33.853916,151.206293&spn=0.002029,0.003034&z=19
  8. wow nice video. What outfit did the first guy use?
  9. No problem Stan. It would be good if you can let me know a day or 2 earlier Have a good day.
  10. Hey Stan, I live in city. Let me know when you go next time, I'll join ya. I have full time job so I can get there like 6 - 7pm for monday - friday and anytime in weekend I'll pm my number. max
  11. I've been there few times but never caught one yet haha.
  12. This is where I normally fish. Park your car at first car park then walk down the grass, bit to the left. You will see lot of people there. Look for a spot and spin. Most likely you will get bonito and kingy. Check this Google map out. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=bass+point&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=bass+point&hnear=Bass+Point,+Bass+Point+Tourist+Rd,+Shell+Cove+New+South+Wales+2529&ll=-34.593153,150.897949&spn=0.001744,0.00254&t=h&z=19&iwloc=A Last time I went was around X-mas period. Caught heaps of bonitos and occasionally rat kings in within 1 - 2 hours. Most of the time bonnies lol. Just be careful when you are standing on the rocks. It is a bit slippery and watch out for waves. I caught all on metal and squid skirt. You can try pillies there but most likely, someone will cross your line when your float moves around. I'm sure some of raiders that been there recently will give you more info Oh btw, gate opens at 6:30am I think !!!
  13. Good on you I'm still chasing my first legal kingy
  14. There you go Pier 2. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Sydney+NSW&aq=&sll=-33.858442,150.953178&sspn=0.213255,0.325127&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Sydney+New+South+Wales&ll=-33.854807,151.206862&spn=0.006665,0.01016&t=h&z=17 You will see the wharf with "Wharf Theatres" on top of building. Walk all the way towards end and you will see people fish there. Try to avoid weekend lol. You won't have space to fish as some people stay overnight to fish. I went there 3 weeks ago on Sat morning. There were this big group of people with 10-20 rods Lol.
  15. mate, your son is so cute with PVC
  16. Nice mate. You can consider buying head cam? Maybe not that expensive now. Record some action and share with us next time
  17. One of my mate went to basspoint on Sunday. He said not many fish there too. What's going on?
  18. Glad he didn't cut his hand while he was pulling it
  19. Damn, this is good for LB mate. Well done
  20. Nice mate, I understand the feeling when you intended chase for something and got another thing
  21. Lot for great info from replies Wasn't mean to hijack the thread. I have some question about float and depth. I always have this problem when I fish. How deep do you put down the bait or livie and how do you measure the depth? This is what I normally use and it doesn't work for me haha. Main line(40lb) -> Plastic stopper -> 1 meter -> Float -> Sinker -> Swivel -> 1 meter of trace line (60lb) -> Hook. If I put stopper for like 1.5m then 1 meter trace, I find it very hard to cast out. When I cast it hard, yakkas always fly out solo lol. I always use like 2-2.5 meters in depth to put down and bait. For some reason, I wont get a single hard pull or bait gone by the time I reel in lol and all the fish (Bonnies, Salmons, Tailors) I caught were on Lures.
  22. Thanks for providing great tips, Bigking
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