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Posts posted by vo2c88

  1. Hey guys with the black fishing heating up and the number of posts and reports being issued, ive decided I want to give it a go however require a little bit of help especially in collecting the weed. I would like to fish the georges river / botany area and would appreciate it if someone can lead me onto some weed. I hear its hard to find and worth its weight in gold however any help will be appreciated.



  2. What a Beast Congratulations mate and well done on releasing her hopefully next year we start hearing of meterys being caught in the bay. Year after year they're getting bigger and bigger :-)



  3. Finally your pride and joy is complete Bill. Well done mate :-) Welcome to fishraider.

    I bet you're one proud owner and why wouldn't you be. The satisfaction of building your own boat which works and caters your needs is priceless. You just had to rig her up for some bluewater fishing ay? Maybe a little late for the beakies but when the tuna start moving we have to take both boats out. Btw Love the outriggers have you tested them yet?



  4. G'day Raiders,

    Was fishing the bay today which was pretty slow to say the least. Came across this weird creature which looks like a ray however has a jaw, no tail and sluggyish in its movement. Never seen anything like it before. Caught and released at towra Point. Would anybody have a clue what it is?





  5. Thanks for that, ill have to give it a go. Just wondering the livie will swim where ever it wants it could sit on the surface. How do you make it go deep or it doesn't matter?



  6. Well Done Mate, that's a good haul you got there. im just curious as Ive never fished the Fads with baits always trolling. I see alot of boats on them fishing baits however what rigs get used as it appears everyone fishes unweighted do you do the same with the livies?



  7. Hey Raiders,

    Its been a while since my last fishing session and I'm pretty keen to get out there these holidays.

    Got a couple of guests coming over next week keen for a fish also. Just wondering has anybody hit the FADS lately? Are the dollies still around?

    Thankyou in advance guys

    Happy Easter to All


  8. Hey Pete,

    How you doing? A couple of year back I hooked onto a small mako just outsise of the hawkesbury. Pretty rare I think. Everyone on board was dazzled it took a green halco straight out of the packet. The quickest way to loose a lure :-) Lost it right near the boat when no one was willing to grab it as we had no gaff.



  9. What a CRACKER, people struggle to land them on bait and here you are getting them on hard bodies. You got every right to brag about that awesome catch mate.

    Well done :-)



  10. Hey Raiders,

    With the boat sitting put for some time and weather looking good for Sunday the plan was put together for a troll outside of botany to give the home made teasers a go and a shot at some dollies. As soon as we got outside the heads we set the troll and off we went. A couple of kms out we got our first trip on a Lumo skirt just going legal. We ended up catching 7 dollies with 4 legal so you bet it I was a happy camper. We headed to the fad and to my surprise we saw around 10 boats and then within half an hour they started to dissappear only to find a couple of boats and the infamous blue and white flags around the FAD. Yep you guessed it spear fisherman who must have wrecked the days fishing for the rest. I was just wondering are they allowed to do that as it seems abit unfair for those with a line and sinker.

    Tight lines guys.


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