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Posts posted by vo2c88

  1. Thankyou guys for your responses. It's a challenge we've set ourselves without beibg stupid. it'll be interesting to see how we go. Just experiencing it would be great and any fish a bonus. Will keep you posted on how we go!



  2. Hey guys,

    it's been a long time coming however fairs have been paid and flights booked. Im heading up to darwin with 2 fellow mates for 5 days in which we are hiring a boat for 3 days fishing. It's the first time we head up north and just wondering what to expect in terms of species at that time of the year. Any advice will be appreciated.



  3. Hi Guys,

    Was reading a report in some old Magazine and came across techniques for catching hairtail.

    It notes that Hairtail can be caught in Botany Bay, The Harbour and Hawkesbury.

    Ive heard of reports from Cowan Creek and the Harbour but not on Botany Bay.

    Has anyone actually targeted them in the bay previously and if so any success.

    I know its not the time for them atm but just curious.



  4. Unfortunately not I think they are yet to come in, or its just hit or miss at the moment.

    One thing i struggle with and many others is finding the squid.Any help will be appreciated maybe a PM.

    Ill keep you posted though if I go out this weekend.



  5. Hey Guys,

    It's been a while so here it goes. Plan was to try out for some kings to no avail. We trolled the headland to no strikes at all. I think the weather was just too good. However we were able to get a small Jew and this Croc which was let to live another day before the crazy NE kicked up. Any luck on the kings as of yet ? Any feedback will be appreciated?

    Tight Lines





  6. Hi guys,

    Currently looking at purchasing a sea legend 650 inboard and would like some advice. The topic which have always been subject to debate are

    inboards vs outboards. One question i would like to ask is, is the.transom on and inboard the same as the outboard allowing one to change to an outboard with minor body work. Any assistance or opinions will be appreciated.


  7. Gents,

    Hit Windang today for bugger all fish. Was on the water at 6:30am till 5 pm with only two bream all day. Not a flatty insite till 4:30pm which was undersize released to fight another day. Ive heard good reports about the place in the summer period but today was far from it. The Algae at the moment was frustrating and the wind didn't help either. Does anybody know when things may start to change?



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