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Posts posted by MOE^MOE

  1. the wether has been great squiding wether and nothing beats those yamashita warm jacket squid jigs if your our early paul try captain cook bridge just find the weed beds near the pontoon and the squid should be there or the hot water outlet iv got a few there

  2. the best advice i can give you is dont worry about the star light get your self the new yamashita warm jacket squid jigs me and a few mates have been using them and since using them never come home with out a squid

  3. i was at woy woy last weekend dand 3 drunk idiots keeped driving the boat in close 2 the warf and they were sayin stuff like stupid and i come from a lebanese backround iwas annoyed as most of my friends are all diffrent culture then the cops come 2 me and my mate 2 ask us if we have seen 3 idiots on a boat so ipointed them were they went i was getting ready to do something to these clowns but why should i stuff up my night for these idiots

  4. i have had the same problem with a raider and a catana and shimano wer very nice about it and replaced it they said there mite have been a fracture in the graphite thats why i love shimano and just last week my 3 year old rack raider snapped and i took it 2 my local tackle shop and its getting replaced

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