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Posts posted by Smitty

  1. Hi Bill, and :1welcomeani: to fishraider.

    Thanks for the intetesting read mate, it made me think back to my early fishing days too......the lessons we learn hey :wacko: ! One thing I also learned young was that you can never get to much information from the older blokes who have been doing it for years and have it wired!

    Good luck with your blackfishing this time around, with an older and wiser head and all the info form Roberta and other Raiders you should have no trouble at all. The Shoalhaven area sure is a nice area to give it a try too :thumbup: . Looking forward to seeing the reports of your successful blackie exploits.



  2. :1happybday: Stewy, I hope you have a fantastic day mate!!! But I dont think you will be getting any presents, I reckon you got em all in one go about 6 weeks ago :thumbup: !!!

    Take it easy my friend, I'll talk to you soon. :biggrin2:



  3. When you leave the ramp are you travelling upstream or downstream??? (away from the ocean or toward it). The system is designed so its port to port and starboard to starboard when you are travelling in from the ocean. The colours will always be back to front if you're travelling downstream.


  4. Hi Raiders,

    I had some yard work to do this mornin....and it was pretty warm in the beautiful autumn sunshine (geez a coldie would've hit the spot but the cupboard was bare). When I was done I went inside for a while to cool off. I went back out a couple of hours later and couldn't believe the difference....a cool breeze had picked up and I remembered that the cool weather is on its way.

    Anyway, I got thinking about the good and bad things about the cooler months to come. What are your pros and cons for the cooler months to come??? Here's my shortlist.


    Coolweather species (blackies, salmon YFT etc),

    Hot showers,

    My combustion heater,


    Getting out of a warm bed in the morning,


    Gets dark too early,

    What have I missed???



  5. Umm... its used for fishing. hahha..

    Well, red beads etc are used to attract fishes' attention. Usually, whiting. I think its supposed to look like the head of the beach worms which the whiting feeds on. its normally attached just above the hook.

    Sometimes they're used as litte umm...shock absorbers to prevent sinkers damaging knots etc. I use them above some floats to stop small "stoppers" going through the float eyelet or sometimes to stop small hook eyes going inside sinkers. Hope that makes sence :wacko:

  6. Hi Raiders,

    Headed down the Harbour this morning with good mate and fellow member Stingrai in search of some nice Blackies. Recent reports had our hopes and our confidence soaring! We arrived at our chosen location at first light - the tide was just starting to run out. After a bit of burley the Blackies came out to play and it wasnt long before the first fish was in the bag. It was a bit of a patchy bite though and by half tide we had only landed half a dozen fish.......oh well it coulda been worse. They went totally of the bite shortly after and we decided to pull stumps. Tried another spot quickly on the way home but no cigar!!!

    Had a great morning anyway and we caught some nice fish for the table as a bonus.

    Here are a couple of pics of our dinner guests (all between 32 and 37cm).



    Catch ya later,


  7. Some nice looking fish there Rickster - well done mate. Gotta love foul hooking fish...they always fight above their weight hey? Lucky you had that second trace on!!

    Should be heading down that way to give em a tickle up later this week, there seem to be some nice fish around at the moment.



  8. Hi Raiders,

    Headed out this morning with Scottakasid and his future father-in-law (another Chris!!! WE are everywhere I go :wacko: ). The plan was to give Chris, a Melbourneite, a look at Sydney from the water and hopefully pick up a few flathead and leather jackets for the table.

    As most of you would know, Sydney turned on a beautiful day and I'm sure our southern visitor was suitably impressed :biggrin2: , just a pity we didn't do a bit better on the fishing front.

    The tides weren't ideal for my usual flathead haunts in the Lane Cove river but we perservered and managed 4 nice flatties between 40-45cm, thanks mostly to scott and his trusty blade (I didn't bring any blades with me :ranting2: and they outfished plastics 4:1). Then we had to move around a couple of times before we could find the leather jackets :insane: ........ and when we finally found em it was our victorian friend opened the innings. We ended the session with 4 flathead, 4 LJs, a flounder, plenty of laughs and a nice cold beer :beersmile: . All in all a fun day on the water with a couple of great blokes and I hope we can do it all again some time - well most of it anyway.

    Here are a couple of pics from the day..



    Couldn't resist this one!!!




  9. that awsome to hear of the silvers around chippo.i also was aware that SNAG got 1 in chippo area a while back.im pumped now cos iv been exploring my local waters around fairfield & have had some suprisingly good catches.chippo is only a 10min drive from my house so il sure be out there putting in that little bit extra effort.id love to land a silver on a lure,or bait for that matter.il keep fellow raiders posted on my missions.hopefully il accomplish it.

    SMITTY,would you know if your mate caught it landbased or boat?im landbased so it would be great to know he got it LB'd.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

    The fish my mate got was caught whilst boat fishing at night using live prawns. But dont let that put you off, just keep fishing and you never know what'll turn up next.

    I might even give Chippo a go over the weekend, I've had reports of some good fish being landed!

    Good luck everyone.



  10. Snag got one a few years ago up around chippo somewhere in the salt

    So its not a first hey, this one came from the Chippo area also!

    Doesn't surprise me, I've got quite a few in the parramatta river and some of the creeks in the hills area. August/September in a few of my regular carp spots I was getting more perch than carp to the point I was starting to think perch are a pest.

    Thats interesting Anti-carp, any size to the silvers?

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