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Posts posted by Smitty

  1. Hi all,

    This warm weather has me thinking about Bass all day, so when I got home this arvo I decided to head to my favorite local spot for a couple of hours fishing. This spot is only a 5 minute drive and fifteen minute walk from home.....I was standing on the waters edge by 5pm.

    I tied on a cheap little shallow diver that I picked up for $3 from a bargain bin and started casting. First cast gets a nudge and a follow from a smallish fish - no hook up but a promising start. A few more casts and another follow later I decided to walk a couple of hundred metres downstream and try a different area.

    A couple of cast in the new spot and I'm on.......a very small fish (13cm) that hit the lure 2 metres from me. A few more casts and BANG, on again, this is a much better fish. After an exciting tussle I landed a beautiful 45cm Bass - I very good wild fish for this water!!! :icon_peace:

    There were a few small surface swirls happening so I thought a change to the trusted old Cicada might be the go, two cast later a hit and a miss and I decided to walk back to the large pond for a dusk surface lure session. Short walk, first cast, no sooner had the lure hit the water and it was engulfed out wide by another good fish....a few anxious moments followed as the fish got into a weed bed, then back out again, then headed for the snags :04: but luck was on my side and I soon landed a lovely 43cm fish......two nice fish in 15 minutes, I was stoked!!!

    I kept casting as the light faded and landed another good fish of 39cm and a smaller fish of 27cm.

    What a fantastic afternoon and a great way to kick off the new Bass season!!! :smoke:

    Hope you like the pics,






    the spot




    sit still mate - its only a camera






  2. Well, well, well another FANTASTIC Fishraider social!!! :thumbup:

    Like everyone else I'de like to say a GREAT BIG - THANK YOU to the organisers and all those who gave up a day on the water, to make everybody elses day so enjoyable. :1clap::1clap::1clap: Congratulations, you should be very proud of a job well done.

    It's always great to meet other Fishraider members - to be able to put faces to names and to catch up with those we've met before....and it's definately ALL of these people who go a long way toward making this site the great site that it is!!!

    A big thanks to Huey for the cool portable sounder, can't wait to get down the river and throw it at some of my favourite Blackfish spots, I'll be storing every reef, drop off and rockledge in my memory banks for future reference.

    Stewy, whats this about tuna :ph34r: , do yellowfin Bream really eat yellowfin Tuna? If so, how do they catch them? :074:

    Thanks all see ya next time.

    Cheers Smitty

  3. I used the ramp on the Georges near Flower Power a couple of days after they pull 12 or 14 cars from the river last year (the cars were all still in the car park).

    What a bloody mess.....the entire ramp was ankle deep in greasy, oily, muddy oose with car parts and broken glass all through it, it smelt like a bloody wreckers yard. Nearly went arse over on a strut assembly burried in the crap :1badmood: .

    I decided then never to use that ramp again....it's a s*#t house ramp at the best of times anyway!!!

    The idoits on their jet skis and in their speed boats are welcome to it!

  4. G'day Ross,

    Glad to see that you put ET and Tetsuya onto some great table fish :clapping: .........sound like a nice day on the water, cant wait to see the video.

    But I must say that I'm a little envious to hear that you manager seven blackfish on Tuesday, after Mondays very poor showing. Stewy is still spewin about the couple he lost!!! Did you get them on the same weed we were using the day before ;) ?



  5. Good on ya Roberta,

    Another great little session, thanks for sharing it wit us :thumbup: .

    I always enjoy reading your posts.......especially when I'm sitting here at work........makes me want to take a sickie and wet a line myself!!! Beaut photos by the way; the weather here in Sydney today looks like it did in Forster yesterday - MAGNIFICENT.

    Nice weed!!! I wonder............if I print off those photos and cut out the weed bits.............will the blackfish fall for it??? Now I'm dreamin again :1prop::1prop: .........better get back to work.

    Keep it up,


  6. Yes dear, a friend was up there last week and fished all day for one 35cm rainbow. He got the fish early when the weather was crappy and as the weather improved the fishing went down hill. Bloody lot of hard work if you ask me.


  7. Well done Smitty!! The ones that got off must have been goodies!!! :( Fun, aren't they??


    I am using weed at least a month old - works very well & not slimey at all!! :)

    They are great fun aren't they Roberta!! Most of the fish weren't huge, only between 28 and 33cm but at that size thay are sooooo sweet, but I'm sure you know that. The family and I had a great meal of crumbed boneless fillets for dinner tonight, its very hard to go past them!!! And catching them is definately my favouite winter hobbie. :biggrin2:

    I have never had any problem keeping weed fresh, I just wash it well, wrap it in plenty of newspaper, pop it in a plastic bag and keep it in the bottom of the fridge...too easy.



  8. You got it right there Chris when you said those who are lucky enough to find a supply of green weed. There are plenty of fish around at the moment but getting the weed is almost impossible down this way :1badmood: (Illawarra).

    Good luck to you - a great session on the water :thumbup: .


    Yeh Howard, getting a supply of weed has certainly become a bit of a problem.

    The weed I used yesterday has been in my fridge for about two months, I'm amazed at how long it's stayed in good condition!!!

    Gunna see if I can find some more this arvo......here's hoping.

  9. Hi Raiders,

    I had the day off work yesterday and decided to brave the elements and try the Georges for some blackfish in the afternoon (I had a choice of shopping with the wife and daughter or wetting a line………….ummm???) I decided to give it a go even though it was blowing a gale at home.

    Got to my chosen spot (a spot I hadn’t fished before despite fishing the Georges for the last 25 plus years!) just the bottom of the tide and had instant success, landing a nice blackfish on my very first bait. The bite continued for about an hour before the blackfish moved on, by that time I had 5 keepers in the net, had pulled the hooks out of a few and lost a couple to the reef below.

    It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon; the wind gave me no trouble at all and the occasional bit of drizzle was easy to put up with. A very enjoyable way to spend a winter’s afternoon! :biggrin2:

    Sorry no pictures, I left in such a hurry that I left the camera at home. :1prop:

    There are plenty on blackfish around for those who are willing top give it a go, or those who are luck enough find a supply of green weed.

    Catch ya later,


  10. Thanks fellas, I'll give it a go and see what I can turn up, Stay posted!

    You're right Musty, any day on the water is a good day anyway!!!!

    Have a good one all.



  11. Hi everyone,

    I'm goin crazy, I need a fishing hit!!! :1prop::wacko:

    Has anybody seen the georges river in the last couple of days, if so whats the water colour / turbidity like in the middle reaches (around Lagarno area)? I'm sure its a bit off colour with all the rain we've had but I'm hoping the big tides have help bring some clean water in.

    Any info would be appreciated.



  12. Hi Raiders,

    Here is a quick belated post about a rock fishing session last Saturday morning.

    Went out with a couple of other members (Moon Unit and Kungee) for a session off the stones down toward the Gong. After an eventful climb down, with Moon Unit trying to get to the bottom the fast way (luckily he only grazed his arms and backside in the rolling process) we settled in for a morings fish. The Drummer weren’t playing the game, well not the big ones anyway! So I decided to throw some pillies around for a while.

    After a few mixed ooglies I managed to fluke a yakka on a 4/0 hook. I pulled the 4/0 from his chin and stuck it through his body and sent him back out for a swim. Within about 5 minutes something huge picked up the yakka and slowly swum off with it. I let it move about 30 metres sideways and then struck; what ever it was, was very heavy!!! But within a few seconds it spat the bait and the line went slack (still a good adrenaline buzz though). I retrieved the now dead yakka, filleted it and sent a fillet out on gangs under a bobby cork. Ten minutes later I hooked this beautiful 58cm Bonito!!!

    A very nice (and tasty) consolation prize. :thumbup:


    Catch ya later.



  13. CONGRATULATIONS Dan, good on ya mate!!! :yahoo: Beautiful fish.

    Great to see all that hard work, all those long hours and all that dedication and attention to detail have paid off for you.

    We'll have to catch up and wet a line together before too long.



  14. Hey Stewy,

    Looks like you and Dan had another memorable trip and I'll bet you both had a ball on the Sambos...they're always fun! You'll just have to keep trying for that fabled 20kg beach Jew mate, bring on the next dark eh?

    That Darts a "wee ripper" :074:

    Oh yeh, sorry bout the early wake up call yesterday! :ranting2:

    Catch ya soon,


  15. Smitty,

    I fished the boardwalk on 2 afternoons last week catching the bottom of the tide, and failed to land even one fish. Had weed from 3 different locations and maybe only scored a couple of half heated downs.

    On Friday arvo, a couple not 20m's from the end of the boardwalk landed a half dozen in under an hour.Let me tell you that was very frustrating.

    Good luck to you anyway, I'm going to try and get back there some time this week.

    Quick question, was the weed local???

    Cheers Jed.


    The keepers from the boardwalk came from the end near the channel marker, only very small fish at the other end.

    The weed is from an upstream tributary of the Geoges but I wouldn't call it local by any stretch of the imagination! It's the same weed Stewy and Dan used with great success last weekend, and its been in the fridge for about two weeks now.



  16. Hahaha, very good :074::074::074: Rod was doin all the hard work, Annette was just hangin around!

    Yes Peter , just weed for bait.


    Well done Smitty. Any Bream fishos on the walkway?


    There was one bloke there when I first arrived, said he'd been there since before sunup, he was fishing for Jew but had no luck. There were also a couple of blokes heading that way when I was leaving.


  17. Hi Raiders,

    Thought I'de give the Blackfish a lash in the Georges yesterday, and I wasn't disappointed.

    Started at the boardwalk at Lambeth reserve, and although I didn't get a lot of downs I still managed four fish to 30cm in just over an hour. Things then went a bit quiet (nearing the bottom of the tide) so I headed downstream to give another possie a go. The next spot started producing from the moment the first bait drifted down into the strike zone, and another eight fish were landed before it was time to pull up stumps.

    What a top afteroon, the weather was beautiful and the fishing was great. Landed about a dozen fish all up (best went 36cm) and invited three home for dinner tonight.

    Here are a couple of pics of the arvo.


    Beautiful spot to spend a few hours.


    A couple of friends I invited to dinner.



  18. Smitty,

    Thanks again for the invite, great meeting Dan and Roffo. The weather didn't look promising at first but that didn't matter because the company was great, the fishing was great, the place was great. I look forward to having another opportunity to do this again. Stewy you are a legend, and Happy Birthday mate. I hope many more raiders end up fishing here sometime.

    Did someone mention staying overnight???? I'm there!!!!!!

    Cheers fellas


    No worries mate, you're welcome anytime....was a pleasure fishin with ya!

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