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Everything posted by mrmoshe

  1. Crab collecting boy hit by propeller A 14-year-old boy collecting crabs at a Sydney national park suffered serious injuries after falling off a boat and being struck by a propeller. The boy, from Northbridge, was with a friend on mud flats at Refuge Bay in Ku-ring-gai National Park at Pittwater in an inflatable boat yesterday afternoon. "The boys pushed the boat into deeper water and climbed in, attempting to start the motor," police said in a statement. "While starting the motor the boat lurched forward, causing one boy to fall into the water behind the boat, striking his face against the propeller as he fell." He suffered deep cuts to his face but remained conscious throughout, say police. Police said the boy's friend pulled him into the inflatable and returned to his parents' vessel moored in deeper water. The boy was taken to Palm Beach Ferry Wharf and treated by paramedics and flown to Royal North Shore for emergency surgery. He is in a serious but stable condition.
  2. Deep-sea sharks wired for sound Deep-sea sharks have been tagged and tracked and their habitats precisely mapped in world-first research to test the conservation value of areas closed to commercial fishing. Last month scientists from the CSIRO Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship fitted acoustic tags to 50 gulper sharks, swellsharks and green eye dogfish near Port Lincoln, South Australia. They will track the shark’s movements in a closed area designed to protect the gulper shark – a species which is severely depleted over much of its range and is nominated for protection under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. “Half of the fish harvested in Australia’s south-east fishery come from a thin belt of water along the south-eastern continental shelf at depths of 200-700 metres,” says CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship scientist, Dr Alan Williams. “This rich belt yields prime table fish such as blue eye trevalla and pink ling, but is also home to several shark species vulnerable to over-fishing. “The fishery has taken steps to reduce its impact on sharks by putting in place a network of three closed areas located off South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales. “To assess the optimum size and location of such areas, we need to know how much time the sharks spend there, what the seabed habitats are like, and what role they play in the ecology of the sharks. For example, the sharks may rely on shelter in rough habitats, and these are scarce.” The research applied tagging techniques never before tested at such depths and developed new handling practices to minimise stress caused by the tag and release process. The closed area, which covers approximately 1200-square-kilometres and is mostly in 200 to 1000m depths, was mapped from the Marine National Facility Research Vessel Southern Surveyor. Multi-beam sonar was used to draw the contours of steep rocky banks, narrow muddy terraces and submarine canyons on a previously blank area of seabed. A towed underwater camera system was used for fine-scale observations of seabed habitats and communities, fish behaviour and habitat use, and to estimate fish distribution and abundance. In collaboration with the University of Western Australia, baited video cameras were also used to estimate fish abundance. The sharks were caught and tagged from the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) Marine Research Vessel Ngerin, with fishing assistance provided by scientists from the Australian Maritime College National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability. Some sharks were released at the surface while others were lowered to the seabed in large cages fitted with video surveillance systems to monitor their recovery. The sharks will be tracked for the next three years by a network of 24 acoustic listening stations moored 100 metres off the complex and steep seabed. These listening stations were deployed with pinpoint accuracy using the precise positioning capabilities of the Marine National Facility. Four listening stations raised for an early preview have detected a flurry of activity, receiving 5700 acoustic ‘pings’ in five days from 42 of the sharks moving in all directions. “This large scale experiment, the deepest of its kind in the world, will be important to understand the balance between maintaining fisheries, and protecting the marine ecosystem,” Dr Williams says. Source: CSIRO An acoustic tag attached to a gulper shark. Image credit – CSIRO
  3. Be aware that waters around will be closed to all traffic today to search for the wreckage of the freight plane that crashed after taking off from Sydney Airport overnight. An air, land and sea exclusion zone is in place between Cronulla and Stanwell Park, five nautical miles (9.25km) out to sea and about 3km inland from the coast. Sydney plane missing Searchers have found debris floating in the sea south-east of Sydney near the last known location of a missing plane. About 6am (AEST) today members of a Maritime Safety Authority search and rescue team found boxes, bags and fibreglass debris believed to be from the aircraft which was on a mail run to Brisbane after leaving Sydney last night. "With the fibreglass on the water surface this looks as though it could be the scene of where the aircraft has hit the water,'' a search and rescue spokeswoman told AAP. "Water police officers report that they could smell aviation fuel in the area. "We haven't recovered a body, and a range of private, police and military aircraft continue to search." Sonar equipment is en route to the scene, about 9km south-east of Bundeena in the Royal National Park. An air, land and sea exclusion zone is in place between Cronulla and Stanwell Park, five nautical miles (9.25km) out to sea and about 3km inland from the coast. The plane took off from Sydney Airport about 11.30pm (AEST) last night. The male pilot, the Metroliner's only occupant, reported problems 10 nautical miles (18.5km) after take-off. AAP ______________________ Oil slick clue to missing mail plane A FREIGHT plane is missing after taking off from Sydney airport overnight. The Metroliner aircraft operated by Airtex Aviation was occupied only by the male pilot and took off from Sydney bound for Brisbane at 11.30pm (AEST) yesterday, a Civil Aviation Safety Authority spokesman said. "Ten nautical miles (18.5km) south-east of the airport, air traffic control got a broadcast from the pilot that he was having problems," the spokesman said. "Shortly after that the aircraft disappeared off the radar at about 4000 feet (1219 metres)." The aircraft's last reported location puts the Metroliner off the coast from Bundeena in the Royal National Park where a search operation has concentrated its efforts overnight. A number of parcels, believed to have been aboard the aircraft, have been found in the water, a NSW Police spokesman said. "Polair have spotted an oil slick in the water," the police spokesman said. "Water police, Polair and a Sea Hawk helicopter have spent the night searching in an operation run by the Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Canberra." The Metroliner, a 19-seat aircraft when used as a passenger plane, is believed to have been on a mail run. "This particular aircraft was first registered in Australia in February 1998," the CASA spokesman said. "We don't know what the problem was the pilot was alluding to, he didn't give any details in his broadcast, but obviously that is something we will look into as part of our investigations."
  4. I reckon Roberta would make THE BEST Survivor contestant EVER!! You could have the tribe fed,watered and sitting back watching the TV you made out of a kero tin and some bits of wire you had laying around. You amaze me with your ingenuity Cheers, Pete.
  5. Oh you've gotta be happy with that. And on a freebie lure too... to the site and look forward to seeing some further Darwin catches. Cheers, Pete.
  6. mrmoshe

    Lost At Sea

    That's a pretty amazing story....Lucky him landing on the only beach with a BBQ going and cold beers. He must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven. Some good karma headed your way I'm sure for helping the poor bloke out. Cheers, Pete.
  7. Thanks all for the kind words. I'll keep posting as long as it's still fun or I stop Cheers, Pete.
  8. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    FOOT Over and OUT!!!
  9. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    born there's one "O" someone add the second... "foot" remember
  10. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    I think that might have just been the word!!
  11. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    Just had furl 2 posts ago Try again
  12. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    The gratitude of a few who are at this stage DUET
  13. As you can see...I paid a visit to the tanning salon recently. Cheers, Pete.
  14. Harbour of dreams When you've travelled halfway round the world, your destination just has to be good. Peter Carvosso reckons that Australia's greatest city is even better than its reputation ... By Peter Carvosso Tuesday April 08 2008 Often when you see an iconic city for the first time there's a sense of disappointment that the reality simply doesn't live up to the legend. And if you've travelled halfway round the world, the feeling of loss is even greater. With Sydney, the first view from the Botanical Gardens of the Opera House -- with a backdrop of the Bridge -- puts the hype in the halfpenny place. It's everything you had hoped for, and more. That's the big image, of course, but there are so many smaller ones that leave a lingering smile at the memory: the Bondi cliff walk; the ferry-ride to a beach cafe with Sydney's skyline as a backdrop; the breathtaking views from Sydney Tower; the statue of Queen Victoria "generously donated by the people of Ireland"; the regenerated city wharves that are now celebrity haunts; those fabulous tomatoes that make the ones you buy here seem like a different species; catching kingfish in the harbour with a flyfishing rod. On the first day it's hard not to simply stop and stare at the crowds -- a milling mixture of East and West, with most apparently dressed for the beach and the business people trying hard not to sweat in their worsted suits and tightly-knotted ties. Then your gaze turns to the buildings and you have to remind yourself that the city is a baby -- only a little over 200 years old. The centre is a remarkable contrast of strutting skyscrapers with modest old terraced homes often still nestling beneath them. And everywhere the dissonant, history-in-a-word street signs tell their own story: Balmoral, Clontarf, Woolloomooloo. I confess that I knew absolutely nothing about Sydney other than the images we all have of the Bridge (which locals call the 'coat-hanger') and the legendary Opera House. What amazed me most was the sheer size of the harbour, which stretches a full 20kms inland to the mouth of the Parrammata River and has a shoreline of almost 250kms. At its heart, by the Opera House and the Bridge, is the extraordinary 'busyness' of the inner harbour, as the ferries -- some looking as though they were put together by Captain Cook's boatbuilder, others modern and flashy -- scurry back and forth with an air of suppressed impatience. You're almost surprised they don't honk at each other in fits of water rage. The most dramatic view we had of the harbour during our visit in February was from the 309m-high Sydney Tower, on the evening when the venerable cruise liner, the QE2, nudged and harried by tiny tugs, made her final exit from the harbour en route to become a floating hotel in Dubai. She was saluted by that young upstart, the Queen Victoria, as the two mighty vessels crossed paths right in the middle of the main harbour. For a moment you could hardly see water and it seemed that every small boat for miles had come to witness the unique royal encounter. For the ferries, of course, there was no sentimentality: it was back to business as soon as was decently possible. During your stay, take one to the outlying bays with their gorgeous beaches and enchanting views. Fantasise about owning one of the multi-million-dollar homes with front gardens creeping down to the seafront. And imagine what it was all like before the building started: there are still many kilometres of preserved bushland which make up Sydney Harbour National Park The ferries are the Sydneysiders' Luas and Dart, and thousands of commuters use them every day from places like Watson's Bay, with its wonderful views of the city, and Manly Cove -- so called because the early ships' officers were impressed by the stature and bearing of the Aborigines they found there. My best afternoon in the harbour was with the amazing Justin Duggan, who runs Sydney Fly Fishing Tours and takes anglers out to catch species like the legendary kingfish. This is a far cry from the elegant Irish art of the dry-fly for brown trout on rivers like the Suir. These tropical babies grow to 50lbs and almost rip your arms off with the power of their runs. But it wasn't just the fishing that made the day so memorable: it was hearing the living day-to-day stories of the harbour. Justin's contempt and anger over the shocking pollution vandals whose cynical legacy is only now being cleaned up; his pride at the natural wonders of the harbour -- the pristine beaches, the hillside wildlife, the fish -- including the occasional shark. The most beautiful place he took me to was the last -- as his boat meandered up through Middle Harbour to a small landing stage. Here the woods came down to the water in many places, and, if you shaded your eyes you could imagine you were in an untouched wilderness, with no hint of a skyscraper over the brow of the hill. It was so easy to share the astonishment of the men and women, now known as the First Fleeters, as they got their initial glimpse of the vast harbour sanctuary in January 1788 after months of privation at sea. If you want a real feel for how it was then, read The Birth of Sydney, which contains compelling first-person stories of many of the early settlers. It's edited by the historian Tim Flannery, whose lengthy introduction paints a bittersweet portrait of the city's short history. The book is dedicated "To the Cadigaleans -- with the deepest regret that our shared history is not different and with a promise to cherish Cadi and all its creatures." Some of the Aborigines living near the north of the harbour called themselves Cadigaleans: 'Cadi' was their name for the harbour and 'galeans' means 'the people of'. Flannery's love for Sydney shines through the pages -- as does his fear for the city. He describes it as an overweight adult, suffocating on its own lard. "The tragedy is that the best things Sydney has to offer -- its weather, beaches and parks -- are free. They're not making them any more, yet each year there are more and more people who want a piece of them." All cities have their problems and the price of "progress" is apparent everywhere. But to the visitor it seems that Sydney is not only aware of the issues -- but is doing more than many places to address them. It's seen in the big issues like cleaning up the harbour and establishing inviolate city parks; and the small ones, as we witnessed on the walk from Bondi to Coogee. The legendary Bondi. Yes, it's full of fabulous bodies posing like crazy. But the truth is that there are so many tourists looking as porky and pale as you do that there's no need to feel self-conscious. The best way to watch the action is from the lunchtime balcony of Icebergs restaurant at the start of the Coogee cliff walk. Have a glass of local chardonnay and some tempura prawns, and imagine yourself, if you'd been born an Aussie, waltzing the waves with these crazy young men. Then that five-kilometre walk -- gentle and slow in the sun, stopping to look at everything. The crab pools, the natural rock-formed swimming pool, the surfers' waves crashing into the cliff-face, the tiny sandy coves. There's no crass interpretative centre, but everywhere discreet little signs, telling you some history, some geography, something to make the trip even more fulfilling. And between the houses, the parks, and the sea, there are acres of natural reserves for endangered native marshy grasses -- a co-operation between the authorities and the locals. Not a huge deal, maybe, but you just felt that a lot of people do care. Someone else who cared, or if he didn't, gave a damn good impression, was the Opera House tour guide who showed us around Sydney's defining building. Mike tells the same story 10 times a day. But what a story: the guy who designed the world's most recognisable piece of modern architecture -- with its roofs soaring like sailing masts 67m into the sky -- has never actually seen his masterpiece! Danish architect Jorn Utson was commissioned to design it 51 years ago. The cost jumped from $7m to over $100m, and years into the project Utson left after one too many rows with State bosses who were stumping up the money. His masterpiece was finished in 1973, but he was so aggrieved he never returned to Sydney. Now, in recognition of his work, his company has been commissioned to renovate the iconic building and some of his new thoughts are being put into practice by his children -- but, he says, at nearly 90, he's too old to travel to Sydney. I see I'm back to where I started -- the inner harbour. And I've left so much out. The museums, the spectacular aquarium, a beautiful and oh-so-trendy hotel called Blue with a vast interior that looked like a working factory, a memorable meal at the Four Seasons followed by a jazz session in the bar. Do you remember the end of the long summer holiday when you were six and you had to go back to school? The screaming, kicking and crying. It was a bit like that as I was driven to the airport. Only worse ...
  15. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    dock remember, it's back to "foot" if we can
  16. Great report and pics Steve and way to go Angeleique!! Mate, I think you lost a daughter and gained a full time deckie! Well done. Pete.
  17. Awww Steve!!!..That's heartbreaking. All that effort for bugger all. Just a suggestion...why don't you blend up all the spoiled squid and any fish that didn't make it to the plate and refreeze the blended burley in blocks. Maybe add any other attractants like fish sauce etc. Sorry for your loss. Cheers, Pete.
  18. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    How about we all try and get it back to the word "foot" which started this and then it's GAME OVER!! I think with 5 or 6 letters..it will go on long after we are all dead. Thoughts guys?? Pete.
  19. G'day Koalaboi...Looks like an nice recipe for the humble sambo. Can you do us a favour and copy/paste it into The Kitchen under your name. Always keen to add to the recipe database. Cheers, Pete.
  20. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    cana Ca·na (kn) A village of northern Palestine near Nazareth. In the New Testament, Jesus performed his first miracle here, changing water into wine.
  21. mrmoshe

    Air Scrabble

    Nah Ceph..you can only change one letter in order.... Isn't it? Pete
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