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Posts posted by kantong

  1. G`day Fellas ,

    Slipped down to the Lagoon with Lozza to kill a few Hours , and managed to Nab a brace of 40 Cm Flatties , and a very healthy 40cm flounder .

    But what amazed me was , the flounder swallowed 4inch Softie all the way down to the Jig head .

    Lozza also had the Blood pumping when he foul hooked a small Stingray , which gave him no end of stick for a few minutes .

    A Lot of smaller Flatties were evident , but It wasn`t too bad,seeing as we were there on the wrong part of the tide .


    wat no jew report??? hehehe jokes mate

    good stuff on the flounder, btw what lagoon are you talking about?


  2. Thanks for clearing that up.

    So i presume that you would see the blue water before you see the green, because the sunlight will warm up the water, and the deeper u go, the colder it gets.

    Is that correct?

  3. good report mate. whats the difference between blue and green water? Different fish in different types of water?

    I usually fish land based, so I dont really get to see the ocean and deep water all that much.


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