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Everything posted by Howdoweplaythis

  1. If you know anybody who fishes and knows their stuff you should ask kindly ask them to take you out with them and share some of their knowledge with you. You'll save heaps of time learning from someone else. If i had a friend who fished and was as keen as i was who could show me knots, locations, baits, species, times... the lot, probably would have saved me a lot of lonely cold days catching nothing All a learning process! As people have said above, Narrabeen lake is a good starting point. Chockers full of fish and a nice easy place that's safe. Heaps of undersize so you might not catch monsters but it's excellent to learn the basics - knot tying, baiting up, casting, setting the hook etc. before you more up the ranks a little. It's where i learnt to cast as a kid! Good luck. Members here are more than happy to help
  2. Couldn't be more right. I'm doing an animal based degree and we recently had a lecture on fish. The lecturer told us his research has shown that fish from the tropics have migrated over 200km down south in search of colder waters
  3. I'd say i get a lot of my catch during change of light period and night. Not as much during the bright daytime hours
  4. Hey mate, they should be around most harbour wharfs with lights at night or during change of light periods. I found a few last night in the harbour (report in the fishing reports forum if you want to read about it). It's been real on and off for me this winter too, but they are certainly out there
  5. Ill add that the water clarity at the moment is excellent. Conditions look great. Just wish the wind would die down a little
  6. Just a quick report by me - I hit Manly today and fished right on dusk. I caught 3 in relatively quick succession. Good size too. I was out a month earlier and all the ones i caught were tiny. I went to Balmoral right after and the light there is still out. I don't think the council wants us to fish there! I haven't managed a squid there for quite a long time ever since that light went out. Some guys there had just come from Clifton and they reported catching a lot of small arrows out of there. Very pleased with my feed of squid though Cheers
  7. Took a stroll through a local department store looking for soft plastics and found a whole batch of these guys. Someone fall asleep at quality control or maybe they melted en route? Found it funny either way! Maybe they're meant to imitate melted icecream or something...
  8. Get some cheapies from your local department store too to throw around. I usually throw them out first to check how snaggy an area is (and you will lose a few starting out) and they actually do okay at getting squid. 2.5 is a good 'all round' weight to start off at
  9. Haha i'm pretty new to this fishing business mate. I'm pretty self taught so i've been a good case of monkey see monkey do and making mistakes and learning. I had my heavier outfit stuck in the ground and was fishing using a smaller rod on the side. I didn't want it to feel the weight of the rig and drag in case i was fishing with the lighter rod and needed time to reel my smaller outfit in and get to the bigger outfit. Isnt there a risk that the fish will take the bait, feel resistance against the line and drop the bait? Or worse pull my rod over the side? When SHOULD you fish with a light drag and let the fish run before striking? Cheers
  10. Hey everyone, recently, i've been trying to get bigger fish. I leave my rod there with the drag really soft and wait for a run. I've had a few good runs but haven't been able to convert any of them into hookups. First few runs i picked up the rod and thumbed the drag and went to set but the fish had dropped the bait. Today i got two good runs. First time the line broke off and second time the fish put my rig into the rocks and snagged me straight after hooking up. I'm using a running sinker rig with a ganged pillie. Any tips? How long should i let them run for? Is there a better rig? Cheers
  11. Are there still whiting and bream around winter?
  12. are they still around at night? i've been trying at night and having not much success
  13. Good work mate. I've struggled on the squid this winter. Were you fishing from a boat?
  14. do you guys think the water will be clear enough for squid tomorrow night?
  15. Howdoweplaythis

    Fish ID

    eastern smooth boxfish to be exact
  16. The southerns are much tastier in my opinion And they get a fair bit bigger too
  17. this might help http://www.goodfood.com.au/good-food/cook/squid-and-calamari-whats-the-difference-20130610-2nzj1.html
  18. From a scientific POV, squid is the broad umbrella term for all 'squid' species i.e. slimy things with tentacles. The southern calamari is a type of squid. But in a fishing/cooking context, when people refer to 'calamari', they are referring to the southern calamari species. When they say 'squid' they are generally referring to the all other squid species e.g. arrow squid
  19. haha wow you get the award for persistence buddy. Nice looking squid
  20. In case anyone wanted to have their skin crawl a little more
  21. Is fishing permitted from the bath itself? By the way, Balmoral Island, north of the beach itself has a nice and sheltered set of rocks that hold good squid
  22. Hey where abouts do you find squid in Northbridge? I've caught southern calamari once at balmoral wharf but theyre few and far between. plenty of arrow squid down there at the moment though.
  23. Thanks, i've never fished there before. Is most of the areas under the bridge accessible landbased?
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