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Posts posted by chewie

  1. Thanks for the info. I am doing a similar thing with my Saltist 6500.

    I love the reel but i have snapped the Airbail once due to a fault, not rough handling it.

    a few questions.

    I have the carbontex already, did you use the 1mm thick stuff? and did you use a drill to cut the washers?

    also can you let me know where you purchased the Cals grease and the tiny ball bearings. PM is fine.

    I was waiting to purchase it when i was in the USA next but it seems like you had some luck online.

    how was the drag after the upgrade? Smoother, more drag pressure?



  2. Nice Hoodlum!

    My first King this summer was a 110cm king back in November. Since then, i've had some absolute hidings from big kings! your fish didnt have a rig in its mouth did it? I might have to start engraving my hooks as my mates have been bagging me out at least i'll get my hooks back!

  3. Hey mate,

    That Flattie is a Tassel- Snouted Flathead. I have the Fishraider record for one caught on a lure. Funnily, it was also caught on a squid jig at night. I think yours is a bit bigger too. Did you eat it?

    great area to fish down there. i'll be back for sure.


  4. What an awesome day!

    The power and speed of that thing was a classic! That poor little stella!

    I'm hooked now and can't wait to get out there again. Next time i'll be more confident knowing sooner or later one will pop up in the spread!

    I'm so glad that one stuck! You handled it like a champ! All that preparation paid off!

  5. Nice session. If you dont mind telling, where are the slimies at?

    They were in about 50ft water depth off the white navigation marker off Chinamans beach, at the entrance to middle harbour. They were occasionally busting up on the surface or under burleyed up Yakkas.

  6. Fished inside the Harbour with the girlfriend on saturday morning and had a great little session.

    There were tonnes of boats at all the popular spots, markers and wrecks so we decided to keep clear of the floatillas.

    we managed Big bonnies, Salmon, tailor and Slimeys on metal slices before converting a downrigged Slimey to a nice dinner sized (69cm) king before pulling the pin at lunch.

    There is heaps of bait in the harbour at the moment so things are looking good for the season ahead. The king had 4 cuttlefish filling its stomach yet still smashed a Slimey!

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    pretty cool to catch so many cool species on metals in one short session.

  7. Is that at Chinaman's beach or the one that goes to the Naval Base - my daugher and I sometimes fish at the northern end Chinamans (not too seriously)when we stay there. I have mostly caught small salmon and rays - nothing worth keeping - but it is a beautiful part of the world. I have seen whiting in the water down near the Naval Base - I think they know where the sanctuary zone starts.

    Its Hyams. the long one that goes to the Naval base. Plenty of whiting can be seen if the lights right.

  8. Great colours on those fish! Well done mate!

    What did you catch them on? Blades? Plastics?

    Hey mate,

    They were all caught on live nippers. getting live bait down there was the hardest bit as none of the shops sold any.

  9. The Guiness book of records claims Hyams beach to have the whitest sand in the world.

    Armed with a few Nippers i went for a flick this morning and caught some Rays, Whiting, Bream, Tarwhine, Salmon and Blackfish.

    Might consider calling them Luderick from now on as there was nothing "Black" about the 3 x 40cm+ specimens we landed.

    check out the colour of these fish coming off the beautiful clean Sand!

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  10. Nice work, hopefully this summer produces for me.

    We're you down rigging the live bait?

    Cheers Luke

    Cheers Luke

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    No, we left the riggers at home. It was caught on a weighted Yakka, long 60lb trace on a marked school.

  11. awesome effort. Can you give me some hints on where to get livebaits, and a place to start fishing for kings, where you in the bay?

    Hey Mate,

    the kings move around all the time so its best to look for them around structure. be it wrecks, reefs, the washes, or channel markers. Find Squid over kelp beds and Yakkas around deeper wharfs and markers.

    I was fishing out of Sydney Harbour.

  12. Finished work and raced to meet Erroll for a cheeky arvo session with commitments we only had 3 hours to fish and adding to this we had to sit out the big storm at the bait grounds.

    Anyway, armed with Yakkas we sounded around some of our kingy haunts and were rewarded with a nice big Hood that gave me a real good battle all the way to the boat.

    of course we forgot the net and not wanting to gaff the fish it was tail grabbed and brought onboard and after a few pics released to terrorise another fisherman.

    There are some big kings to be caught at the moment for those who have the time to get out there!

    It went 110cm and was a solid fish.

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