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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , Yep , I have to agree , its tough alright !. All the top guns up here , have caught absolutely Zilch for the last 10 days or so . My youngfella braved the cold sunday evening till 10 pm , and his tally was One Shark . I blame it on the cold snap , what else could it be ???. Although I saw a coupple of blow ins cleaning a few just legal whiting near the lagoon on sunday arvo. Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , Nohing beats chucking a " Fish Finger " on a plate that covers the whole dam plate ! , and I too reckon the larger fish taste OK . You know I often wonder where all the bigger fish end up , because you dont see many that size taken today do you. Well done fella . Mick
  3. G`day Fellas , Heath , she will be closed all right , check out the scene looking back towards the entrance to scotts creek . Click the Enlarge Tag ! Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Went for a Run up to the entrance yesterday to check out the entrance. If you look at the last Pics , you will notice that the entrance has moved North approx 150 metres , which is wierd , because most times it moves south. But It should be closed again within the month. Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , John , the pics below give you a wide range of spots to try on the Georges River as a Land Based Fisho. Bream,flatties , whiting , The Odd Jew , and sharks can all be had at these spots. Milperra Bridge is the best Spot for Stonker Bream , C&R only, wetern side , about where it shows the swings . Good luck , and take a camera . Mick
  6. Sitting alone with my memories Reliving the good times I had And the time I spent on Hawkesburry On weekends , alone with my Dad Our Weekend shack With its Dunny out back And water that came from a well Allowed us some home creature comforts In the following hot summer spell.. But for those who might think it primitive Two beds in a Shack , and a lamp Simply don`t know what youre missing So get out , grab the kids , and go camp. They`ll think it swell And the stories they`ll tell , When youre gone , Will honour your name. But only if you leave them something That they , can later , reclaim So be quick , and for now , seize the moment Ride the crest of the swell And leave a legacy of memories , that Your kids , and grankids know well Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , No worries Ken , I can get that Ok with My 3 X optical Zoom , no sweat. I suggest you hit the weights for a month or so before you try here though , Some of these Rays and shovel Nose sharks taken recently are on bloody steroids. Never thought of snapping one for the record books though . Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , Ken , I can borrow a camera with a wide angle lens mate , how big we talking ??. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , One of the local Papers here , published the Photo I sent them of the Old Bar Entrance opening just after that rain we had , but unfortunately I did not get to see it. Next , this pic of Lawries Fish , originaly posted here , which I also sent to them was published in this paper as well. Can someone tell me how to scan a newspaper article , and remove those large Pixels from the Photo. ? Mick
  10. OWZAT

    Reel Advice

    G`day Fellas , Mark , Penn,Penn, Penn , Penn,Penn,Penn, Penn , Penn,Penn,Penn, Penn , Penn,Penn,Penn, Penn , Penn,Penn,Penn, Penn , Penn, Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , A mate called in on his way to have a chuck in , and asked If I could lend him a few sinkers . All I had at the time , were some large barrell sinkers that were laying on a table in the Garage. I handed him the sinkers and he dropped them in his bag and off he went. A few days later , He popped back in and returned my sinkers saying that he couldn`t use them , because they were plugged with sand. I checked , and sure enough , both ends of the three sinkers were indeed blocked. This puzzled me , because I had used them and as far As I could remember , they were fine. Sometime later I inserted a large needle into one end of the sinker , and tried to pick out the sand , but bugger me if the needle didn`t go well into the barrell , and when I withdrew it , It was Moist. Further examination of the other two , showed them both blocked as well , and after removing the " plugs " I discovered that they were actually small spiders , cocooned , I assume by a wasp. I never fail to marvel at Natures creatures , bloody marvellous !. Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , Grant , I think Harvesting Fish bred in Pens , requires food that Fish will eat , so I`m wondering where they would aquire the food for their stock . Harvesting also has major drawbacks in the fact that , just about every supplier of Salmon to date for instance , has had problems with exotic marine diseases etc . And the cost factor I think would be prohibitive as well. But to supply the entire nation with fish bred in captivity , would probably require massive pens stretching along the entire coastline , unlesss you are thinking of inland pens , and that too would probably be ultra expensive I think. I cannot imagine the charge for fish and chips , if the produce was bred in Pens and lot fed to supply the public . I `m also thinking the local Fish & chip shop would soon disapear very quickly if that were so. But I think it may be inevitable the way things are going, immagine a world without the humble " Fish and Chips" shop. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , Hey Heath , there is big whisper going round here , and this time its from those who should know , is that the land from the end of Lewis street to Wallabi Pt , is to be purchased from the orignal owners ( Aboriginal Land Council ? ) and developed . Rumor has it that , not only is the Millionaires Marina back on the drawing Board In Scotts Creek , but there are to be 2 storey mansions built all the way down to Wallabi Pt. According to a local Follower of council meetings , he saw the Plans for Lewis St as they were tabled two weeks ago . Now I wont mind them building all the way to Wallabi , as Long as they leave a parking area about 1/2 way down. That area known as the gap , to most of the locals , is one of the best Jewie spots on the Mid Noth coast ,and being able to drive down Lewis st , Park , and simply walk down a small sand dune and fish it will be heaven. As it is now , most of the Guns , who do not own 4X4 `s , have a I kilm walk Both ways, which as you probably know , is the the testing material . Lugging a 50 odd pound fish on your back , I kilm up the beach , in the dark , in a blow , in winter , and with all your gear is indeed tiresome . The Pussies do it in Waders , by the way ! . Watch this space. Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Belive it or not , one of the owners of these houses hired a Backhoe , and cut a driveway through the sand dune to the beach for his 4X4 . There was hell to pay from the council , and he was forced to reclaim the area , but the vegitation removed when the initial cut was made has never grown back completely , and so when we get large seas and storms combined , serious erosion occurs. The boulders were added as an attempt to stop the erosion after the 2001 floods , but as you can see are totally inadequate for the job at hand. HEATH , The pic below I think shows part of the the steps or the Platform from which the resort customers looked out over the area. I might also add , that scroungers have been very busy collecting chains , logs , and other items washed down by the rain and heavy seas , note the left hand corner of the photo. mick
  15. G`day Fellas , Hey Heath , the youngfella tooks some snaps of the beach this morning , but forgot to adjust the camera , so the pics are a bit hazy . But The pics below should give Former locals an idea of Just what has happened over the last week or so. The Blue house in the bottom pic is almost in the drink , next big storm will see it swimming , without urgent reclamation works done now!!. The Pic with the seat , is in front of the Meridian Resort , it too is under serious threat . Units are going cheap at the moment , Only $ 700,000 how many do youse want?????.
  16. G`day Fellas , Just finished watching The cricket , so thought I`d see if An email I was waiting for had arrived which it hadn`t , so had a quick look in here. Hey Heath , I was going to go for a looksee down near the Meridian this arvo , but finished up with visitors , so I didn`t get down there. I`m told the steps have gone , but I`ll get a pic in the next day or so. Yaaawwnnn , think I`ll hit the hay . Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , No matter how many times you make contact with these magnificent creatures , it always feels like a religious experience. I still dream about my Ist , and Just recently I had an overwhelming experience with a dolphin in our local Lagoon. Magic, Magic , Magic. Mick
  18. G`day Fellas , I think this one better shows the Entrance , and how its performing. Mick
  19. G`day Fellas, Hookie just sent me this Pic of Saltwater Lagoon desperately trying to reach open water. Saltwater lagoon is between Forster And Old Bar , for those who are not familiar with this area. Mick
  20. Lawrie The Lip !!!!!
  21. G`day Fellas , I slipped down to the entrane this arvo hoping to find the mouth 500 metres ide and 20 metres dep , but was disapointed to see it no less than 4 feet deep , but it was racing out pretty quick. Thing is , with such a monumentaly huge volume of sand backed up so far , only a massive flood will ever shift it again , but at least its flowing for a while . The absence of Flotsam along the beach said it all , in fact , most off the junk on the beach was huge cuttlefish bones , Jeezus one must have been close to metre long. The last photo is of " Lawrie The Lip" whom you may remember , caught that Jewie . Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , The story will have to wait for a few days i`m afraid , I`m helping him set up his puter. The fish measured I think he said about 134-5 Cms , and weighed in at 24 1/2 kilos. His mate , said it was a realy , realy solid fish , and also , one of the best looking fish he had seen in Years , with not one single blemish on it. Will be trying hard to get into his piccie album fellas , should be interesting. Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , Just finished doing a 6 hour format on my PC. So , here as promised here is Lawries 55 LB JEWIE . There are more to come. Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , Jewnut , I`m going to try and get some pics of his other catches as well , but I think he may just want to do that himself . Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Caught up with OLD BAR Top Gun Lawrie Pukallus today , who has finally purchased a PC , and will shortly be on the net. He nailed a 55 pounder on Monday Night at Smiths beach , and as I arrived , he was preparing some large steaks for the Barbie. So , untill he gets set up and can work alone , he will call in at my joint so I can photograph them for posting on this site for us all to enjoy. Lawrie is an astute fisherman , and for the Old Farts , you may just remember him from the Bait shop at TOM Uglys Bridge , which I think he owned . He has been retired here for some time now , and as you would expect , knows the area well. He also catches his fare share of Flatties , Bream , whiting and Blackfish , and can pull worms , faster than anyone I`ve ever seen. This will be fun... Mick
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