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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , Carp Fishing . Before fishing for this particular breed of Vermin , you should Ist practice Sprinting over 100 metres. When you can cover 100 in approximately 15/20 seconds you may begin. Istly take the Stick and force a wooden meat skewer 50% of the way down , making a nice channel . Then , gently push the pre- pprepared detonater down into the cavity and squeze the end closed like you would a Pastie. Then , slpay the end of the fuse so as to expose the centre strip. Then hold a match dead centre of the fuse , and drag your matchbox ovet the head of the match. When the fuse ignites throw the whole package into the river , and run like buggery. Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , Monds , I would had the Knife through that Tailor so Fast the noise would have broken the Sound Barrier. Nothing beats Fresh tailor fillets for Jews off the beach ( except Golf ball size Dollops of Worms ) . Mick
  3. G`day Fellas , I can`t see the Photo Either. Care to repost it ?. Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Here`s Ours , good luck on yours. Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , I just spoke to Lawrie , and he said that that hole at TOm Uglys Bridge , had not fired in 30 odd years. I also cannot remember anyone catching a Jew from the Tom Uglys Ground ( North Side , western bank )either . Jay , I will PM you Mate. Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , There is Indeed , a second Jewie Hole At Captain Cook Bridge . And it fishes extremely well at times , on certain tides , with fresh or Live bait . Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , Hey Davy , well spotted mate !. The bottle posted in that pic is actually the 3 litre Bottle , and the cut on that one is 8x4 . The larger 5 litre bottle and the one I use the Most , which some bugger has not returned , was 12X4 . I just made a template for each bottle from plastic , and they work a treat . In addition , Mullett hate anything sharp , so by pushing the Flaps inward at 45 degrees , they will avoid the edges , and continuously swim away from them . I also find that larger Poddies will not hesitate to whip into the larger trap , but will often swim around the smaller one. Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , For best results with your Cordial Bottle , cut a square section cut out of it 12 cms long by about 4 cms wide. Then , Cut a 1 cm long slit at 45 degrees in the corners , and fold the flaps down into the bottle also at no more than 45 degrees. The section you cut out should be just slightly below the halfway mark on the bottle for best results , this makes them swim well up into the kneck. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , One of the tricks I have learnt from catching live poddies is , to try and find a spot where a small creek empties into the Lagoon. Its also advisable to walk the area you intend to set your trap in , and take some bread with you ( I use Bread crumbs ) and after spreading a handfull on the Waters , see where and what is available . And before setting the trap , microwave the Bread for I minute on High , It works wonders . Mick
  10. G`day Fellas , Feeling as though the Walls were closing in I decided to Run away from home for the day & head to the Mud Bishop Lagoon which attaches to the entrance to the Manning River. As I had nothing else to use for bait except SP`s and a packet of Prawns , I waded out onto the sand banks and began flogging Sp`s Whilst the Prawns defrosted . AN hour solid flogging a dozen different types of SP`s saw a complete 0 , not even a nudge by a toad. Changed Tack , and fished with Peled Prawns for the rest of the day , but could not manage one keeper Whiting Or Flattie from the 20/30 juveniles I hooked and landed . But I did enjoy the day out , and it was nice to spend the day fishing and not getiting totally fried by the Sun. I`m told the flatties are still on In Saltwater lagoon < so I might Give that a try one day this week . Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Caught up with the Fella who witnessed the Jewie catch at Manning Point , and although the fish was not photographed or weighed , he said when the fella held it up for his mate to take a photo , he said the tip of the fishes tail was touching the sand , and the the head of the fish came up just under his Jaw. The fella holding the fish was a 6 footer , but the bloke holding the Camera could not get the flash to work , so no pics unfortunately . Estimated weight about 50/55 lb . Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , Just had a call from a local who said someone (non Local ) took a good size Jew off the Beach Near Manning Point last night. Estimated to be close to 50 pounds by all accounts. I`ll chase it up later today , if I can get hold of the fella who saw it . Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , Hey Inspin , you nailed it in one mate. My Dad and I were fishing Spencer in his 19 foot Launch . Big Clinker built timber boat with an inboard Chapman Motor ( 2HP I think ??) . Well , this thing weighed a ton , and apart from being verry roomy , was incredibly hard to kellick. We had two anchors to Hold the big girl on a spot , One a normal anchor , the other a huge Mud pick that most times did the job , but we had to let out almost 200 feet of rope to get her to grab. Anyway , my dad fished with two large CORK hand casters both holding 250 yards of 25LB mono. The line on the casters were never tied on , but had a ring tied to one end of the line and then wound the line on over the top of the ring. He always said " one day I`ll show you why that ring is on there, and that day came in Mid January on a high tide . A whopping great Jew grabbed his live tailor bait , and took off downstream with the Current . It wasnt long before he was calling to me to up anchor , and I began frantically retrieving the main anchor , while he was trying to slow the fish down , but was quickly running out of line . I finally had the main anchor on board , but that Bitch of a Mud Pick , had snagged something on the bottom , and was stuck fast . Dad told me to get the back up Cork caster , and as quick as a wink he had attached the line from the 2nd caster to the ring , and with probably less than 10 yards to spare , the the fish just kept going . Almost hypnotized by that line skidding through his hands , I had harly noticed that dad had removed his singlet and was using it as a brake on the line . Dad then instructed me to grab the Fillet knife and get ready to cut the anchor line if he could not turn the fish , and with less than 20 yards left on the caster , I cut the anchor , and the old barge gathered speed and began cartwheeling downstream , with my dad clawing back line. The bottom of the boat seemed to be covered in fishing line , as my dad deftly tried to lay it out on the floor in the desired figure 8 pattern. Finally after I dont know how long , possibly 1 hour or more , we were directly over the fish , which had finally given up. My Dad looked me squarely in the Eye and said "Grab the Gaff , and don`t miss" , which was huge vote of confidence , seeing as I has missed a 25 pounder on our last trip , knocking it squarely off the hook. I grabbed the gaff , and the minute this monster broke the surface , I gaffed him clean as whiste , and dragged him into the boat up near the bow , well away from the huge pile of mono laying all over the bottom half of the boat. Cheers and much back slapping proceeded for quite some time , but then the Old fella fed the line back over the side , yard by yard , and rewound it back onto the Cork Hand Casters to reduce line twist . The fish was about 6 foot long give or take an inch , but we were unable to weigh it unfortunately , because wouldn`t you know it , the only scales capable of weiging that fish at that time had collapsed and were broken . All through this chase , I was trying to steady the Launch with an Oar , but that Barge always had a mind of its own , and that day seemed somehow possessed , I just couldn`t get it side on . One minute I was ducking under the line held high in the air by my Dad , next I was crabbing the Oar to try and straighten her up , it was quite a battle . I learnt a lot about fishing that day let me tell ya. Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Hey Inked , check out my Post On Poddy Mullett and give it a Try. Trust me nothing beats this method of bait gathering. Mick http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...c=7725&hl=poddy
  15. G`day Fellas , Bluecod , I think the Red Weed or a big lump of Kelp led to the demise of that big Jew the Youngfella had on the other Night. Hookie , Sun was the Ist time I had the Pleasure of driving from Old Bar To Harrington along the Beach , but what disappointed me greatly , was that Harrington too , Just Like Old Bar was so heavily silted up . Also , there weren`t all that many fishable spots the whole length of the Journey , but there were a couple of possibilitys that looked as though they were beginning to form OK. Boy is the shit gunna hit the fan , if we get a BIG WET the way it is now mate . Kroks , Harrington like all Fishing Villages , fishes best for the Locals . Best trick I ever Learnt for gaining Local knowlege , was to walk into the public bar , look for someone hanging over the bar in Bare feet , and shout him a beer. My friend , after 5 schooners , you will know who is catching what when and where , who is sleeping with who and when , and the best bait to use for both of the above. Mick
  16. G`day Fellas , Some of you lot , are Missing the Point here . The post clealy states that the Two Hour Battle was the Result of the Fish and The Line being Snagged by a huge Clump of Weed , and not retrieving the fish back from New Zealand. The "Battle" and "The Goal" if you like , was to guide the whole bloody Package to a point where the Fish ( Obviously having died long before the Trace broke) to finally wash up onto the beach on a wave "weed and All " . Fellas after an hour , I would have just locked up the spool and line , rolled the rod onto my shoulder , and headed for the carpark till the line broke The fact that the fish was actually sighted just 10 feet from the shore made the experience that much more painful I guess. We can all picture that grand oldfella just rolling over and over on the bottom untill the Sharks found it , which was a waste , but that I suppose is Fishing . Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , Biggest fish I have seen was 108 LB Taken at Spencer 1957 . Largest I`ve heard of , was 143 lb , but I think someone said on another site some years ago , that they grow to 200 LB . Mick
  18. G`day Fellas , Heh ,heh,heheheh... Bugger , I should have shovelled some sand over the Middle Bit . But Gee from a distance It looked incredibly like a Big Croc don`t you think ? . Some remarkable stuff get washed up at times , and I recall an old Artistic type from down dapto way , who used to gather up all types of stuff he found on the beach , made some big money from some of it too . Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Also took this snap of the water rushing from the gateway on the Breakwall at Harrington . Looks a good spot for Breaming. Mick
  20. G`day fellas , lawrie picked me up for a run along the beach to Manning Point so we might locate some likely Jew spots. Lozza won`t fish during the Terrorist Season at Night , because of Too Many Dills , Driving Too Far, Too fast . Arriving at the Headland I discovered this rather strange object , washed up on the beach during the large seas . I have just realised I had not adjusted my camera , which was still set to semi close close up , and therefore the pic is out of focus , and slightly distorted . any Ideas????. Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , WG , I lived in Lugarno for a few years , near where the ferry crossed . I regularly caught some massive bream all along the foreshore of the Old Ferry Rd, and the odd school jew as well. From where the old ferry used to Cross , just a 100 yards north , was an absolute bream Heaven on light gear and especially after a sudden downpour . Its pretty rocky there and so I don`t think SP`s are an option. If you cast out well into the Channel with a slab of Mullet or Squid , you can quite often catch Jew and Of course the Odd shark. Mick
  22. G`day Fellas, My Boy and his FB`s decided to Give Saltwater Beach a Try last night . At 11 Pm , Mick locked onto a Massive Jew , and after a 2 hour battle the weed snagging the huge fish caused the 50Lb mono trace to pack it in. A unexperienced bystander who ran down to the edge of the dropoff and flashed his torch on the Monster just 10 feet from the shore , described it as a large white mermaid . To say the young fella was shattered , would be the understatement of the year . He knew it was huge Jew the minute it took off , and he also knew he had collected a large weed clump , after the fish changed tack and the weight ratio changed . Desperately trying to Nurse the fish to shore , he was lax to put too much pressure on it , and just tried to tire the fish out , and pray he could set the Gaff in the Shallows , but it was not to be unfortunately . Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , Matt..... Catch em by all means , but don`t eat them mate!. All fish from syd harbour have been classified a s Toxic until notified different by the GOV. Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , Thought I would at last canvass some likely spots for a night fish sometime this week , so i jumped on the pushie , and headed for the Sand. There were 6 People fishing at Badgers , and Immediately one could see the Joint was like a washing machine , and with the current running so fast , it was impossible to hold bottom. I was going to ride up to the lagoon and check out the changes since I last fished it , but thought better of it because the wind was gusting to about 15 knotts , and the Ozzies were about to chase 218 odd in the One Dayer , so I gave up and headed home. Today is Just as bad wind wise , so I have put the Gear back in the Garage and will await a change in the conditions. It never Fails to Amaze me , that when you wheck the Bom or Weatherzone Site , according to them , Taree Airport has a 4 knott N/easter blowing , but here on the Beach proper , its more like 20 knotts . I have learnt to just walk accross the road and look towards the Old Bar Airport and check the WINDSOCK there . If its horizontal , watch a movie , if it reasonably limp and fluttering , then Grab the gear and go for it , this is what works for me. My old mate from Wingham got fed up with driving all the way out here to fing it blowing a gale , when Weatherzone called it 5Knotts , so he would ring me before he planned his night. But , having said that , one of the oddities of fishing here is , the wind normaly drops quite sharply once the sun goes down , wierd eh . Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Kazi , ya gotta be careful playing around with Boats Mate . Just Remember this ........ Professionals Built the TITANIC , But Amatuers built the ARK. And when you think about it , who do you think Named the ARK ?????. Mick
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