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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , Looks like we all got the same letter ( Those of us who Bothered ) . Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , The Jewels should be polished by a Professional Lapidist , but my son has not found one willing to do so as yet. The pics below is of one of the Jewels , but I cant seem to find the other pics.. Mick
  3. OWZAT

    Fishing Kayaks

    G`day Fellas , Try this site Cameron . http://www.fishingnoosa.com.au/swing.htm Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , More repoprts Just In that The Jews are still on Here. Youngfella caught 3 Fish around 10/12LB last night , with another fisho catching three as well last friday Night . No pics this time Fellas , he made cutlets out of them before the Batteries in my camera recharged. Play Of the Day though , goes to Local legun Steve Peters , who I`m told , fought a very Large JEW for about 40 Minutes , only to have it spit the Hook at the drop off. Bystanders said it was close to a 6 footer . Also , some fella was reported buying up multiple Bags of Ice this morning , to pack his Jewfish Fillets in for the long ride home to Victoria , seems he donged a few at Manning Point last night , somewhere up the beach . Not bad for a Ist Timer Public Servant , recently retired. Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , Hey Bennos , I was told yesterday At the Bowlo , that it had closed again by one of the regulars who was up there one day this week. According to The Local Member ( Tina Turner ) he is trying to get funds to have a permanent dredge on hand to solve the closure problem , but no sign of A breakwall . Another hot story going around is , at a local Council meeting last week , Developers tabled a multi million dollar resort scheme , that would develop the entire area of Scotts Creek . Thats the area show in yellow in this Pic. Its said that Bob Lauder ( Local Kerry Packer ) is willing to sell at the right price , he owns all the land shown in RED Big Dollars involved here , and according to the gossip , they want to deepen the creek to accommodate large cruisers , which they believe will be able to head directly out to sea through the Old Bar Entrance once opened and kept open . But then they want to build Multi storey appartments along Scotts Creek ( In Yellow ) along with the Marinas to park them. Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , To match my smallest fish , istly take your mothers sewing Kit , peel off a about 6 feet of white cotton , bend a paper pin into a hook , tie one end of the cotton to the PIN , the other end to a length of bamboo then , dig around in the vegie patch , till you find a few nice juicy worms . Sift through the garbage tin till you find the cork from an old plonk bottle , and cut off a piece of the cork the size of a fingernail plonk bottle cork , attach it 2 feet above the hook . Add the worms to a used jam tin , and head for the nearest dam , water hole , or creek. Thread one small piece of worm onto the bent pin , and flop your baited hook into the creek close to the weed beds. Sooner or later you will see the unmistakable bobbing of the cork , and after a gentle strike with your fishing pole , you will have caught your Ist Guppie. However , one must be very carefull catching Guppies , because it can become extrememly addictive , affecting your life forever . This is a true story ,so do not try this at home. How big was my ist Guppie you ask ?, well , we didn`t really worry about measuring our catch in those days , thats a new fashioned idea. But I did have a photo of me posing with my outfit and catch , taken on an old Box brownie , but it has since faded into oblivion , but my memory has not. Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , Rob , I wish I could mate , but good luck anyway. Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , News Just In, On wednesday Arvo here , just about everybody fishing from Manning Poit To Wallaby Point caught A School Jew , with the average size around the 12LB Mark. I`m told that in excess of 20 were caught here in Old Bar , with a few gooduns also taken from Saltwater , Manning and Wallabi. The youngfella is crooked on His FB for not turning up as arranged , and as I was still feeling a bit off , I didn`t bother either . Its always the way Eh Fellas ?. I have to admit though , talking to a few of the local Guns , none can remember this ever happening before . And I certainly cant ever recall anythink like this ever ! . Mick
  9. OWZAT

    Boat Name

    G`day Fellas , Istly What does user name dunga , mean or stand for ?. Mick I would call your boat Dunga Din , it would drive people mad trying to figure out what it meant. And when someone asks what it means , you can always say , The signwriter was Dyslexic and had a Lithp.
  10. G`day Fellas , The local shopkeeper here , just got through telling my youngfella , that He saw a pair of fishos At Bohnock bridge yesterday , cleaning about 30 odd keeper bream , with a couple in the stonker class. He didn`t ask where , but obviously on the Manning , and not all that far away from where they were cleaning the catch. I have fished that boat ramp at Bohnock on a few occaisions , and although I caught enough for a feed , they were all mostly just a bit over legal , but no monsters . Its always the way though , the boy fished Badgers Yesterday arvo and got a nice bream himself although targeting JEW , but then someone else further down caught a good size bream , plus a Small Jew approx 50 cms. But then the rain came so , that was it for the day. Another rather curious coincidence about the hot and cold Manning is , One of the locals here fished the Pontoon at Oxley Island last friday , catching 4/5 good size bream , but he told me that you could clearly see some monsters lurking under the Pontoon , but they just could not be tempted out for love or money . So yes fellas , the Manning is a tough river to fish , and I congatulate anyone who can master it. Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Yeah Fasty , the pic is actually the South West arm of the Manning River . The manning has 2 mouths , Harrington is the Other . And that huge sand plug , is what has most of the locals worried should we get another major flood. I posted this some time back , its a good read. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...owtopic=723&hl= Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , With a mild 2 knott NE easter , and 23* deg I fired up the Malven Star , and hit the lagoon. Arriving , I was disheartened to see something that looked like a lunar landscape . The tell tale divots of bait gatherers , left the Goon , looking like the pock marked face of the moon , because the siltation is so bad now , all that is fishable , is a few very narrow channels . On the pic below taken some months ago , I have outlined the journey I took in the pursuit of Some winter whiting . But If I wanted to , I could have walked from the end of that skinny island , all the way accross to where the entrance was . With hardly a ripple on the water , I flogged evey hole , channel , and reed bed in the place for 3 hours , and the tally was 2 X 30 cm Whiting , which I have to say I was extremely dissapointed with. So , when the wind sprung up at around 2.30 I headed off home , and I can tell you that after a 4 Kilm Ride , a 3 kilm flick session , every part of my body is creaking like the BOUNTY , not to mention aching. But , if I wake up OK in the morning , I might just head up to the about where the Entrance was , because I`m told Some good Bream and flatties are being had on live poddies. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , It stands to reason , that Bigger tides , creates a bigger dump on the shore , and I can honestly say , that the only 2 fish I ever lost , was due to a savage dump at the drop off. Though , I dont count the Loch Ness Monster that lay flapping on the beach when the hook pulled , and my Son would not throw his body on top of , when he was less than 3 feet away. Its different now of course , but he was very aprehensive back then . Now he will run down and gill them , drag em up the beach before you can spit. He`s a six footer , and he claimed it was biiger than him , but as I was 30/40 feet away , and in waders , I could not see it , so I always think about that night , and what could have been. mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Why for the one that got away of course !!!!!!!!. Mick
  15. G`day Fellas , Personally , the Moon has never been a factor for me , it just never mattered , I got em in Brilliant Moonlight , or pitch black dark...50-50. One thing about fishing in the moonlight is , you can bait your hook without using your headlamp , and can also actually see where your bait lands , and most times , the actual hookup is less than 20 feet from the shore , even in brilliant moonlight . But an Oldfella told me just after I arrived , to catch Jewies here , just turn up an hour before dark or dawn , regardless of the tide , use fresh bait, and you will succeed . He was so right !. But over the last five years , my records show that a High Tide of 1.5 metres one hour peaking just after dark , produced the best results . This may not apply to other Beaches , because this area here , is extremely sensitive to heavy seas . After a storm , the beach will almost every time , be littered with large lumps of kelp , still attached to Cunju , torn from the outer reef , and washed ashore. Immagine a bath ring , one metre high X 2 metres wide , and 3-4 kilms long , and you get the idea . It stays at the high water mark till it goes rotten , and when the next set of high tides come , it sucks all the debris back in , and most times just rolls around near the drop off for a few days till it breaks down. So its tough fishing for Jews here , and even after the kelp is gone , it still stinks. Mick
  16. OWZAT

    Whats This Fish?

    G`day Fellas , A fella I knew who lived at clovelly , used to catch them in bucket loads , and I have to tell you that they tasted quite good. But he was a chef at one of the big city hotels. Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , Yeah , I met a fella up here last year with a Sea Martin reel , also not a wooden one , and it worked magnificently . From memory , I think he said it was somewhere about 20 odd years old , and luckily , he managed to find another reel at a garage sale a few years back at Bowral ,so he now has a spare for a back up . Though I gotta say , when I used it for a cast ot two , It was rock solid , and almost no play anywhere . A bit heavy , felt unbreakable , and also felt like top gear. Mick
  18. G`day Fellas , I`m with Joe !. My skin is that thick , I don`t need Nuffin!. Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Rattling along over Ryde bridge one day on the BackHoe , I casualy glanced over the side to see a fella trying to steer a large fish into a net held by his FB. This look only took a few seconds , but when I looked back I almost ran up the Arse of a Government Bus . Now a 5 ton Backhoe at Full speed ( Top Gear 25/30Klms Max ) is not the ideal veichle to brake with suddenly , especially in a confined space like a bridge in Peak Hour Traffic. Luckilly , I managed to stop , cms short , but I never chanced a look again . Mick
  20. OWZAT

    John Dory

    G`day Fellas , Livie , Take a trip out to Watsons Bay , and after catching some live Yakkas , set a few rods at the far end of the Wharf where Doyles was/Is ?. A mate kidnapped me for whole week once , and we fished for them the whole time . And I`m happy to say , we averaged about 8/10 per Night between us . Now I never caught anything out of the box let me say , but it was sure an experience . We used no lead , and just allowed the Yakkas to swim free , but you might have to get there a bit early though . Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , A little known fact about hairtail is , they are plentiful at Spencer early May through to mid september . Thing is , nobody targets them , and when one is caught , its generally labled a fluke and dismissed. Now my dad and I , when he was up to it , used to fish Gentleman Halt for good catches of Hairtail , but its a tricky spot to anchor. With our big Launch , it was necessary to drop anchor a long way upstream before it would grab , and i`m talking about a 4 foot long brute , especially designed and made at work by the old fella to hold our heavy Tub. So , If you check out the marine charts for this area , you will se the channel clearly marked , and the only spot we ever caught Hairtail consistently was on the bend At Gentlemans Halt. But be warned , its very deep , and the tide runs pretty fast , so ya gotta get em quick . They would come on the chew about 1 hour before high , and about 30 mins or so after, then just vanish , which was weird. http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/docs/mhawkesr_back.pdf Now almost exactly where that Red Star is ( lit port beacon ) , was the hot spot . At the tip of that star , just on the drop off is where we fished . Keep in mind , the old fella had to line this spot up , by sighting trees , telegraph posts and wharves , etc , etc , so you had to be on the ground before it got dark. Our baits were varied , but mostly large local prawns did the job , and at times , you could motor over to the local trawler , and buy them live. Note , prior to departure , you should draw straws to see who cops the boat cleaning duties , because if you should drop a six footer in the boat , and you leave it till morning , the glitter is pretty stubourn stuff to shift. Also note , if you drop a 6 footer in the boat , make sure your footwear is suitable , one big mother left me limping around for days after its teeth pierced my Volleys. Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , I`ve been searching for Info on Sea Kayaks , and found this interesting lot of pics at this site. http://www.myfishingpictures.com/showgallery.php?cat=524 Mick I am busting to give this sort of fishing a shot , and wouldnt ya just kill for a bridge like that just up the road?.
  23. G`day Fellas , Aye Macca , aye , Its one of the London Mints 30,000,000 odd , with a die variation on the base of the 2 . In mint condition , probably worth about $10.00 . Mick
  24. g`day Fellas , Hey Jethro , How long you had that 20C piece mate?. Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Thumper , my daughter and family are spending a few days there , and will be wetting a line for sure . I hope they can catch a feed , because the 9 year old GD is as keen as mustard , and will fish all day , and all night if allowed to. She was taught at a very young age , and is an excellent pupil just like her Mum. She can catch her own bait , has managed 5 worms to date , ties her own hooks , knots , leaders etc, etc , and insists on cleaning her own catch . She can also cast a bait , or lure with an accuracy that defies her age , but the filleting of the catch has been denied her so far , though she watches with an eagle eye as this task is performed by one of us. You can just tell she is cracking to have a go at it , and I think this weekend might just be it. Mick
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