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Brad Duffell

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Posts posted by Brad Duffell

  1. I think the pro active approach the fisheries department is excelent and can only improve the quality and quantity of the fish we catch. Like was said by the other, those 60 cm kings will become 80 cm and in turn will produce more and more fish. I think we need to step back and look at the big picture cause i sure want to take my kids out fishing oneday and ill be damned if there will be no more left out there. I think we should all respect the new rules and abide by them accordingly.



  2. hahah yea mate you can eat all of those fish save the wirrahs, i have since found out that your more likely to enjoy an old boot that to eat one of those lol but that pj shark was a whopper aye we were cheering wen it came aboard as you canb tell bu the smiles on our faces

  3. Gday raiders,

    Well with reports of good weather and clam seas, myself mitch (fisho5) and andrew (smole82) decided to hit the reefs off sydney. Got to the boat ramp by about 5.30 and bloddy hell was it cold. 30 mins later and completely frozen we raced out of the heads with then seas looking slighly off-putting. After arriving at the first reef, the lines went down and no sooner than we hit the bottom did i pull up this wrasse :thumbup:post-1955-1185706186_thumb.jpg

    As i lifted the unexpected catch from the water, Mitch gets smashed and his overhead starts screaming, the line peeling off at a phenominal rate. There was nothing at all he could do and the suspected king busts him off :1badmood: With the wind really starting to pick up and blowing us offshore, we decided it was best to head closer inshore. We anchored up on a reef off manly beach and in go the baits. First fish up was andrew with a wirrah cod not realising at the time they are disregarded as eating fish :wacko: Another one followed then mitchs dad pulls yet another one up this one quite large indeed post-1955-1185706207_thumb.jpg

    Mitch and i pulled in a red rock cod each and andrew gets reefed by another suspected king :mad3: More bait goes in and mitch yells im on im on its a kingy for sure, and after a few solid runs what should come up but this rather large speices of port jackson shark :biggrin2:post-1955-1185706197_thumb.jpg

    Shortly after this my reel screams and again suspected kings skull dragging my line straight to the bottom, there was nothing i could do to stop the run then pppiinnnggg :mad3:

    Then andrews reel goes off again and we suspect more cod, but what should he pull up but the single weirdest catch of the day, a ling?!?!? :tease:post-1955-1185706115_thumb.jpg

    We decided to have a quick drift between the heads throught the flattie ground and we got attacked again and again by small greedy flatties, with a keeper squire thrown in.

    All in all a bloddy brilliant day with a very strange bag of fish great fun despite several busts great time had by all :thumbup:post-1955-1185706234_thumb.jpg



  4. Yea i had that same problem for the hairy social tho i didnt risk it i parked @ mt kuringai and walked down the track :wacko: what a hike with all the gear.

  5. Beautiful fish congrats to your daughter mate :thumbup:

    Thats always the case aye plan and get fresh bait and fish the top spots for ziltch...

    try the most unlikely spot with frozen bait and come up with the goods :1prop:

    Thats fishing for ya :tease:

  6. I hope you will all see the funny side of this one, did it for abit of fun as all my mates were boared (i have a girlfreind all is ok), yes guys these are very uncomfortable pants so they wernt pulled up the full way.


    If i were gay id tap that :1prop::074::074::074:

  7. G'day raiders,

    Now i know its only a day after the hairy social.... but WHENS THE NEXT ONE? :1prop: im pumped for whatever the hell it is. One a serious note, to the admin, is it too early to put in ideas and get it goin?

  8. could have been a kingie or a jew?

    Well thats the thing see we assumed shark or ray or something because it wasnt jumping all over the place as a salmon or taylor would do, so it could have been a jew but i mean it just refused to come in :wacko:

  9. Rzep you looked stoked mate congrats on the hairy :) it was a fun time had by all id like to hear from the other lb'ers who participated i already have my post up and it would be interesting to see how the others went :biggrin2:



  10. Gday raiders,

    Well Saturday started fresh in the morning where Fisho5 and smole82 and myself went for a beach bash on plam beach. Fisho5 with his third cast with his metal slug got hammered and his rod bent over double (see pic) post-1955-1183873918_thumb.jpg

    Whatever it was (we suspect shark of some kind due to head constant head shakes) took mitch for a run for 20 mins taking him all over the beach and diving all over the shot. mitch was buggered by this point and it gave one finall pull and stole off with the lure :1badmood::ranting2: After that run i got hit like a train but was short lived. No more luck after that prompted us to change tactics and head towards the rocks. After a few flicks in with some metal and pilles with no luck and the waves picking up we decided to head to atb. We were planning to park in the carpark and leave sometime during the night as we had to be home for sunday but forgot about the fact that they leave the gates closed so we had to park at mt kuringai and walk all the bloddy was down to the water. Fishing through the arvo and into the night brought some bream, squire whiting flounder and jackets with a squid towards the end of the night. post-1955-1183874569_thumb.jpg post-1955-1183874740_thumb.jpg

    As it was getting very dark a Group of women from the south coast for a bushwalking adventure found themselves lost and could not find the track back up the mountain (understandable given lack of light/recent rains) We felt it was necessary to walk them to the top of the mountain just to make sure they made it back safely arent we nice :1prop: and they very kindly gave us a reward and told us to buy some drinks on them. It was very uplifting to konw that there are very grateful people out there if you are willing to lend a hand :biggrin2: We got back down and fished till about 11 and called it quits as it was very very cold and we were both tired from the evenings walking.

    The walk back up was a bloddy killer with all the gear with us but we mamaged and had coke and scones waiting fro us in the car. We had a ball and would do it again anyday.



  11. Time to pick some raiders brains :1prop: . Myself and a coupkle of mates will be lb for the hairy socail and id love to know a few spots to try our luck at, if possible google earth locations as it would make it alot easier to find the spots. thanks alot in advance guys :biggrin2::biggrin2:



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