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Posts posted by Kirst1583

  1. Can anyone tell me what this fish is please? post-20112-058577100 1333378441_thumb.jpg

    Sorry, I know it's probably something really common... but I haven't been fishing long and don't believe I've caught one of these before.

    Thanks in advance :)

  2. Thanks for that .. Especially your 'top dog' advice on choice of spot ;) hopefully I'll be able to give it a go sometime in the near future!

    Oh and I only stumbled across the spot at Greenwich the other day. I don't live near the water and have only been fishing the last year so still seeking good locations. It definitely seems to be a popular choice though

  3. Great report Dwan :) just curious.. Are there lights there? Or do you just take your own? I hate fishing in crowded places, so thinking nights/early mornings might just be the go! Oh and is the parking paid there 24/7 or only certain hours? I've tried Greenwich lately but gets too busy :(

  4. I was at narrabeen also.. Got nothing other than tiny bream :(

    Just curious tho - do whiting feel different to other fish when they bite? It kept feeling like there was a vibration on the line or like strumming a guitar and I'm wondering if that's what it was

  5. Hi. I've read it's good to use inox on spin reels (I was previously using salt away). I'm unsure which inox to buy though???? I thought it was supposed to be food grade however the 1 they recommend for reels in their brochure isn't! Can someone please tell me which one.. E.g mx3. Thanks :)

  6. Hi everyone.

    Heading to huskisson for the first time tomorrow.

    Can anyone suggest some good land based spots? Need to be easily accessible (can't be a really long walk and can't climb over rocks).

    Doesn't have to be just at huskisson.. Anywhere in the area is fine :)

  7. Nah maybe not then.. It was 3 guys when we were there.

    Hopefully I'll c u there some time tho - I really enjoy learning from ppl who actually know wot they're doing.

    Have only been fishing since about the start of the year ... So still kinda wingin it at this stage lol

  8. Ok sweet.. Thought it was just me! But yeah even small bream r still good. I've not been fishing long at all and don't keep them anyway so am stoked at catching anything.

    Oh and think my partner n I spoke to u n ur mates at lugarno not that long ago. I showed him ur pic n he reckons he remembers seein u. I've got a terrible memory tho so wasn't sure.

  9. Hey Goos.

    Awesome catch.. I was so excited when I caught a 37cm bream there, so can only imagine what it was like to catch the Salmon!!!

    Just wondering though - was this on the boardwalk/wharf? Just confused cos the pic is taken on grass so not sure if I fish from the same spot..

    Thanks :)

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