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Posts posted by SargeRX8

  1. Depending on how loose you've got your drag set its probably not a jew taking your bait. Theres alot of other fish there. Ive had this happen when fishing for jew, run run run, pull nothing. Run run run pull, hooked a bream in the side of its face. Run run run nothing and so on. There are lots of bream more than capable of pulling your drag when fishing for jew. Its not always a jew and what you're doing is right.

    The first fish you caught hooked it self.

  2. Awesome stuff man nice fish. Fished of juno last sunday also for a bombardment of shark. The run in tide therr in that king tide was insane. 3/8 jig head couldnt get the lure to sink and the shark wouldn't leave the baits alone. To next time lol.

  3. Ive seen a ton of different rigs for these fish. My most success is effectively a squid spike but a treble hook on the end slipped into half a pilchard. Ive got a few more rigs which have worked but take some effort to make.

  4. A month ago we were unloading at drummoyne. A small tinny about 3m long maybe a little less got dropped off. 6 people, yes 6 people got in. They motored about 30m before maritime told em to turn around.

  5. I do the ear muffs flushing first for a good ten to fifteen minutes then I flush through that hole after 5 mins. Afyer the first main flush the engine runs hot so I let it sit and let the heat of the motor heat the water and flush that out with the top hole until the water exiting runs cool. Its probably ocd lol but knowing the effects of salt water on anything metal gets me paranoid. How long do you flush and do you use any additives?

  6. Hey all just a quick question, does anyone know if there are after market adapters or DIY methods to make an adapter to fit into the flush hole in the BF90 motor? Its a pain to hold the hose in when it randomly busts out and Honda think its a good idea to charge $60 for a piece of metal with thread on one end and garden hose adapter on the other :ranting2: Anyone know the threading on the thing?

  7. A smallest number as possible, a person only really needs a couple of fish for a feed per day imo.

    As for YFT, i'm sure they could use common sense and use minimum sizes and for some species such as YFT have a limit but I think a general so many fish per person regardless of species may work with special conditions. I don't see why someone has to get a bag limit per species and have buckets of fish per day, to me that's just like a trawler would do, but that's just my thoughts.

    The same people who don't follow rules now, won't follow them later. This is only going to affect those who follow rules and most who follow the rules already only take what they need. Rule will change, no one will enforce.

  8. We were out in the hawkesbury and I was pretty shocked seeing a trawler going back and forward with his net from that red marker near flint and steel down as far as where ever, then doing a u-turn and going back at it again. I really didn't think they were allowed to do that.

    Whats the go with total bag limits and possession limits. There are people who find say kingfish at a spot one day, go there, harvest 5, go home, stash them in fridge, go back tomorrow and rape the same spot until it no longer produces fish. Who is going to enforce the possession limits? Why do we have possession limits? I really don't think alot of people care about these. They pay for their gear, their boat so they think they have to rape the sea because they can.

  9. The amount of flavour you need to add to a salmon to make it taste good is over the moon. Trevally also taste like shit. I can eat flathead, leather jacket, jewfish with nothing more than salt. Thats the difference between fish and awesome table fish. Anything taste good with lemon salt pepper oil chilli on it lol but what taste best undressed....

  10. So you can keep a flathead that hasn't bred but cant keep the jew that hasn't bred. I think the system is fine as is and rather than stopping people from keeping a big flatty or a legal jew, how about they better enforce the rules they have now. You're sick of seeing people taking home big flathead? Well im sick of people taking home undersized fish, no licenses, abusing the amount of fish they take (people who haunt a spot day in day out and then complain theres no fish). Some people need to learn the rules of bag limits, size limits and possession limits. If you got 3 kings at home and go out and catch 5 the next day, well you broke the possession limit. Who's gonna enforce that one?

  11. Yeah Ive witnessed some big tailor coming out. When there are big school of tailor like that coming in, its not uncommon to see the bigger predators coming in. Unless a huge tailor ate your big tailor. Jews won't bite hooks off. When you say you spun them up, did you cast and quick retrieve or did you sink your lure and jig it up fast.

    Good stuff with that snapper.

  12. 4lb is scary. I use nanofil, my favourite stuff but I wont put much strain on the 6lb spool. Carry a net dude get a fold up extendable net. Or do what fresh water stream fishers do. Broken tennis racket with a net and magnetic handle attached to a clip on your belt. Gladesville is an awesome spot to do some cnr lure fishing. Im going down tomorrow. If anybody wants to join in pm me.

  13. Likewise. Big salmon and even big flathead have done this. The salmon swim hard and fast and often put on a show, jumping out of the water and spitting hooks. Few times flatties have been lost due to their weird swimming patterns. They cant pull that hard but when shoot towards you and headshake they often spit hooks. I havent seen or experienced a beach jew but usually you will feel their weight the whole way.

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