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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. Wheres the leak? I'll assume its coming from the carb, if so thats pretty normal if the motor is left tilted. Better to store carb motors in the running posi to stop the fuel and oil running out. Itys just the contents of the float bowl, the fuel evaporates and the oil is left behind. No biggie.

  2. What a hot topic. The good news is were all on the same side. Its this type of passion that will ultimately get a result.

    Dont know a great deal about TFP except what ive read here, but I do know that its great to have a group who is prepared to do something and the efforts of Bob and our own Jocool need to be recognised even if huge results cant be seen yet. :thumbup:

    I agree with Iain about the survey though, it was pretty loaded and lost a bit of credibilty to me. It was a good read with a lot of info but not what I expected in a survey. More like an information pack.

    I only need to be asked one question. Do you want your licence funds to be used to buy out pro fishing licences as the main and first priority ? The answer is yes.

    When our main NSW coastal waterways are protected from the slaughter i'll be happy.

    I know im over simplifying the whole thing but this seems to be the biggest problem.

    Bob, how can TFP help solve this issue. How do the funds get properly allocated so the pro's get bought out ? Whats the game plan ?

    Iain remind me never to get in an arguement with you. :1prop:

  3. Gday Inked,

    You may want to play with the trim of the motor first. I have been in many boats that pull right and it has been caused from the motor being lowered all the way down until it stops. This is not always the best postion, in fact it rarely is the best position.

    The effect is worse the faster you go and is noticeable from about half throttle, and based on the direction of the prop and the tilt of the motor will cause it to pull right and also load the motor up quiet badly.

    I suggest that when it is pulling you raise the motor bit by bit and see if it straightens up. The revs should also raise if this is the problem as the motor will be under less load. You will find the nose of the boat will ride slighlty higher and smoother too.

    Maybe do this before playing with the tab. It should be sitting pretty straight too.

    Good luck :thumbup:

  4. When I'm fishing I want to swill beer, burp, fart, scratch my balls, urinate over the side, talk with my mates about ugly chicks and generally be a disgusting pig.


    Ha Ha we need to go fishing one day. You've got to have days like that to destress and just do blokey things. Its a caveman thing I think. If only you could build a fire and sit around it as well that would be the ultimate. Jocool came the closest with his gas heater . :biggrin2:

  5. Remember rec fishos had their chance to get the river & Pittwater closed to commercial fishing but at the meeting about it bugger all rec fishos turned up & were outnumbered 3 to 1 by commercial guys. No one gave a damn until it was too late.


    Before I was flushed with information from this forum i was just another average rec fisho. I had no idea all this was going on, and that I would need to attend public meetings etc to save a waterway.

    My understanding was the licence money was used to buy out pro's. No one told me I had to fight this battle myself, I thought that was done by the elected officials.

    I dont think im alone either in thinking this. The majority of rec fisho's just assume things are being done for the benifit of rec fishing based on their licence fees being paid.

  6. Good point Bluecod, its the licence that needs to go moreso than the bloke. Still better than nothing I suppose.

    Its a pity that these stories dont read more along the lines of benefiting the actual waterway rather than feeling sorry for some bloke who has taken 400 boxes of fish per day for 40 years. Only fishing 5 days a week he still took over 4 million boxes of fish ! Who can feel sorry for that. Its a shame that wasnt pointed out.

  7. Good article Bob,

    Like ive mentioned before I have no problems using ethanol blend in my cars. There are claims that it can damage plastic etc so not to use in outboards, but cars have probably more plastic than outboards. My fuel tank is made from plastic as is most cars these days, and ive never seen damage from ethanol.

    On the last page of that article it mentions a very improtant point and that ethanol will draw any moisture to it, which is my main concern with outboards and not that big a deal with cars. Most boats will get moisture and water in the tank at some point and thats where the ethanol hurts. Pockets of water will rust and cause damage and not so much the ethanol itself.

    I would say that if rust or similar is found in your fuel system you wont get much help with warranty. Most manufacturers are pretty quick to blame the fuel.

    Just for the record our standard unleaded is 91 octane.

    Caltex vortex is 95 and Shell and Mobil premiums are 98. Our standard fuel here is like the US premium fuel. We have very good fuel in this country, even the blended fuel is good. Using premium in outboards does very little because they are only designed to use 87 to 90 octane.

    I am still concerned about using a blend in the boat.

  8. If I can make a suggestion or three it would be to get all of the engine wiring thoroughly checked as these motors can suffer from corrosion quiet badly in the harnesess. They can be running great one minute and stop the next with this problem.

    If that checks out a water pump should be done regardless. These motors can also suffer a bit from corrosion in the water jackets around the head and thermostat. Check the water outlet and unblock it too.

    Older Blue bands just need a bit of extra care and attention and seldom give a warning of an impending fault. They just stop. Dont go outside without an auxilery.

    Looks like a nice boat to play with, enjoy :thumbup:

  9. I would have thought that you would have had some answers for us Grant. :wacko:

    :1prop: Yeah you'd think so :074: Im just as confused as everyone else with where this will go. Pity I couldnt go to the round table summit. :1prop:

    Whats even funnier ( or not ) is that I recently sold - lets just say quite a few - shares in an ethanol producing company. I can tell you im regretting that now at their current price :ranting2:

  10. With the fuel price going throught the roof there is talk of having all fuel blended with ethanol, better known as E10 to help reduce the cost of fuel at the bowser. E10 is simply a 10 % mix of ethanol into fuel.

    I have regularly used blended fuel in my car for years and have never had a drama. It is however not recommended in boats because if a certain amount of water gets in the tank, the ethanol will draw that water to it and seperate the fuels, which in a 10 % blend can be a problem causing layers if enough water gets in. Very small amounts of ethanol around say quater of a cup strangly enough can be quite usefull in a tank actually removing water from fuel slowly enough to not cause a problem and eventually removing all water. :wacko: BTW this is only my understanding but this has been the case in my experience anyway.

    The thing is this : What will happen to our boats if this is the only fuel available ? Will we be stuck using fuel not recommended for boats ?

    No 2. The blended fuel I currently buy is just as, if not more, expensive at times as regular fuel anyway. Why is current stock of blended fuel with a 10 % mix not cheaper now ?

    I know ethanol is a big resourse in our country and readily available as it comes from sugercane.

    Whats going on ? anyone know

  11. A perfect example is the dam at Kariong. Nice big fat Silver Perch wont touch a lure at all.

    These fish are fed on cat pellets pretty much exclusivelly, and you can be hard pressed to catch one on anything else.

    Throw any lure you like and they wont touch them even when they are busting up right in front of you taking pellets.

    Float a small piece of cork out that looks like a pellet and whammo. My lure -a piece of cork. :biggrin2:

    It would seem from this that having line and hook makes no difference, and is moreso the fact that while these fish are feeding on a particular type of food that sits motionless on the surface, and are feeding well, they are not likely to touch anything different.

    Maybe goon fish are a bit the same having a semi stable and controlled environment. Maybe there is less fish as well meaning a less terrortorial and aggressive feeding pattern as well. Could be just overfished ?

    Perhaps fish on the move dont have this characteristic and readily hit lures out of aggression instead of feeding.

    Obviously bait fishing prawns triggers a feeding response only which is why it might be more successfull in a goon.

    My theory is that with fish that dont move like dam fish or Bass and Perch which hold in a spot for a while could easily recognise food or prey not known to them and perhaps ( only perhaps ) refuse it. Where river fish and fish on the move are more likely to take a lure either out of agression or for a feed.

    Just another theory anyway.

  12. Never NRMA but only because they are wrecking the auto industry. :ranting2:

    GIO is the cheapest but I didnt get it because they do not insure your boat unless it is stored inside your property.

    Mine lives out the front on the street and Club Marine were the only ones who would cover it, otherwise it would have been GIO.


  13. Thanks guys.

    To Grantm, Why do you consider the Trailcraft a low end hull, they look like they are built like a brick shithouse, and they are priced accordingly. I got a quote on the trailcraft 475 crossports to day, about $33500 in round figures

    Which brings me to another question , what are your thoughts on plate alloy boats verses pressed hulls?


    Sorry Rabbit I missed your post,

    Mate looks arent everything with hulls.

    Only my opinion on the hull pecking order, but ive seen two boats sink and both were Trailcrafts. Poorly sealed hulls around the bungs so it left a bad taste in my mouth with them. Also the hull design has a lot to do with it, things like EVO hulls on Stacer and Millenium hulls on Quinnies are a good feature, also you can have u pressed verses v pressed hulls, u pressed being the better etc etc. I also like boats with stainless fittings on the accessories and on screens as well. Storage capacity, seating positions, fully welded verses spot welded it goes on and on.

    I remember a while ago a Trailcraft of about 5 meters capsising offshore for no apparent reason. Water came through the transom door and the self draining hull did not work and the boat filled up and turn over. There is probably more to this story but it is still a worry that this can happen unless the bung falls out or something obvious like that. The hull design has to be questioned in these cases. There is always more to a hull than how they look. Design is an important characteristic.

    Dont get me wrong, im sure there are many happy Trailcraft owners and these are just isolated events, but it just makes me feel they are at the lower end based on these issues and the basic hull design which doesnt offer much IMO.

    Plate boats are great but also expensive. Blue Fin make a good plate boat and also make the hulls for Savage. These hulls are up to 5 mm thick and are more suited for offshore. A pressed hull is all you need for the river and bays.

    Like I said its only my opinion and im sure every one else has a different one ( especially Trailcraft owners :1prop: ) but I just think there are better value for money options out there.

    The bottom line is whatever you go for, if you look after it and dont push the boat beyond its capabitlies you will love it and have a great time on the water. Im sure a Trailcraft will still do the job nicely if you like them, its hard to go to far wrong with a tin boat anyway. I will say they do look good in the water and plenty of people buy them so maybe im being a bit harsh who knows. :wacko:

    It is a common opinion that some of the features I have mentioned earlier are barely noticeable to most boat users anyway, and only noticed by people who spend a lot of time on the water in different boats.

    Good luck and let us know what you get :thumbup:

  14. Gday Drifter,

    Think you may have missinterperated my last post perhaps. Im not saying ban it, im saying its not banned cause there is no need, therefore perhaps no need for this $200 000.00 study.

    My point is if there is a real concern about the future of the Blue Groper to the extent they are prepared to spend 200 grand on a study, rec risho's would have been banned prior to this. Like Bashir said there is heaps of them around and you dont need a study to know that. It seems strange to spend money on a conservation study when there are other species dissapearing at a frightening rate from commercial pressure. Its just another political sidestep of the main issues, and Ronald Macdonald not wanting to upset his pro mates but still looked on to be spending money. These studies get a standing ovation from the Greens and do-gooders and keeps him in the hot seat.

    Id just rather see the dollars put into more pressing issues like pro buyouts and have the most important issues dealt with first.

    Like I said my comments are only from the perspective of improving the overall fishery and targeted fish stocks as a rec fisho, and it bugs me when I see our dollars put into "studies" of fish that are not really targeted by anyone and are more often a by-catch than anything, and are also not under threat from commercial pressure.

    Id much rather be sitting in my boat knowing there are fish below me and in numbers than knowing there is 50 million Blue Groper off the rocks which no one fishes for anyway.

    Good to get your perspective though mate. :biggrin2:

    Iain help

    Cheers :biggrin2:

  15. While its good to see projects regarding conservation of a species I will go out on a limb here and say id rather see the money spend on more important issues.

    You dont need a $200 000.00 study to work out how to best conserve and protect the species, you've just got to stop taking them out of the water and they will be fine on their own. :wacko:

    Seems a bit strange that the Blue Groper study is such a big thing and yet they are not protected from rec angling. If they were really concerned wouldnt they ban that first ?

    All seems a bit sus to me as I cant really see much benefit from this study. Theres a squillion fisho's out there ready to put money back into the economy on gear to catch fish but you can spend an entire day on the Hawkesbury and not get a bite. Fix that instead !

    Maybe im being a bit narrow minded but I just think there are more pressing issues to deal with.

    Just my two bobs woths -- Cheers :biggrin2:

  16. Sounds like a fun time.

    If its like any other manufacturer they need a signature up front on the repair order to validate the dealers claim. Without it the claim can be denied and the dealer can be left with the bill.

    Sounds like they tried to get it after the fact and didnt want to look incompetent by not getting it up front.

    Insted they chose to just look dodgy and suspicious by not telling you this.Poor from. There is no other reason they need a signature from you for a warranty repair that I can see.

    Good on you for not naming names, I hate that sort of thing when there is only one side of the story. Not having businesses bagged is a great thing on this site, even if they are crap.

    Glad you got it fixed :biggrin2:

  17. Just put a Capricorn 2000 on a Raider Finnesse and its a nice combo. The Capricorn seems to be a very strong reel for its size and the Raider is light enough for small plastics and also strong enough for bigger stuff as well so im getting a very good multi use combo with this rod.

    I agree with Lee put a nicer lighter rod other than an ugly stick on it if you can otherwise you wont fully benefit from this reel.

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