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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. Gday Bob,

    Thanks for you reply as always and the info.

    Here is a curly one for you.

    Could you please state your position in regards to any affiliation the commercial fishing industry or groups ?

    Are any commercial fishing groups or individuals members of The Fishing Party, or do any have an interest in The Fishing Party ?

    I am not trying to stir, they are genuine questions as I am still having trouble seeing a clear line in the sand.

    Thanks :biggrin2:

  2. I can have that drama with livies at West Head too. Bloody little shits !

    I discovered a while back that when its tough there to try Juno. I always get Yakkas their about mid water and they usually quiet big too. Rarely need burley usually cause they is enough boats there all with burly anyhow. Even when there is no boats there still there.

    Just been using my flick stick with a 3/8 jig and a bit of tuna. Drop it down and wham. Go too deep and you may miss them. Never not caught yakka there. Pretty consistant. Always bigger, although sometimes Tailor can get their first but thatl do too.

    Just another option


  3. The more I ask the more I learn. Hope you dont mind my questions. There is so much thats goes on that most people dont know ( or get told ) that it boggles the mind.

    You've got a tough road ahead and I wish you all the best in your efforts to make a difference and rectifying the poor state things are in. You've got my support. :thumbup:

  4. · The general public does not contribute financially to the resource management >WHY

    We are told that by paying a licence fee this is what we are doing. Obviously, with your hatred of the fishing licence scheme you believe this money is just frittered away in a non effective manner. That truely sux and needs to be fixed.

    Grant, this has only just started but it seems anglers are wary of exposing their ideas either for or against.

    Definately agree. Most people seem very 'stand offish' when it comes to offering an opinion perhaps not wanting to look silly. There is so much political talk it does intimidate some people. This is why I ask for plain english answers and comments which the average person can relate to and understand. We may get more input that way. Most people wont comment on the 17 page document simply because its too confusing.

    Come on Fishraiders what are your thoughts - what do you guys want ?

    TFP is clearly looking for some input from the people they are trying to stand up for by coming to a fishing website and there is very little unput or comment from most people.

    There has to be more than the usual few people who have an opinion on our sports future and the future of out waterways. If there isnt, dont complain when the pro's wipe it out !

    The main thing is that the 1 mil NSW fishers unite and innundate them.

    Thats the hardest battle Bob.

    Great to here your comments

  5. Yep, was a dropping tide (after 9 at least) :ranting2:

    Still, it beat going to work :1fishing1::beersmile:

    Damn right it beats going to work !

    Probably add that for me its really the last of the run out. The flatties turned on for me the day before at about midday when the tide was really low. Before that i thought they had dissapeared.

  6. yup another one bites the dust. Did he jump or was he pushed?

    For all intents and purposes this site is well moderated for most users. Some people just dont agree.

    Your right though, Dave's input will be missed, but its his choice !

    Thats just my take.

  7. Thanks for the reply Bob,

    I agree that it is probably unreasonable to expect all pro fishing to stop. I mean people will always want a feed of fresh local seafood without having to catch it themselves and it unfair to think that eating local seafood is the sole domain of the rec fisho. People also shouldnt have to eat imorted crap.We live on the best piece of coastline in the world and seafood should be available to everyone not just rec fisho's. Ive said this in the past that the "all pros gone" approach is doomed.

    My beef is that the main Sydney waterways that support a rec industry worth a hundred times the pro industry is being destroyed by unsustainable pro fishing activity.

    I would simply love to see the pro fishing activity in these areas pulled right back. There is a squillion miles of coastine to work with that all hold fish and dont have to support a mega rec industry such as ours in Sydney and surrounds, why not work in these areas instead. Forget exporting this seafood and take only as much as the Australian community needs. Dont give our fish to Asia for christs sake, GEEZ.

    Like I said before i am just interested to know who will keep the balance between rec and pro if they are run seperately. Will you not end up with two portfolios battling over the same territory. Who will decide on what is sustainable or not. I think it is great to have a voice for rec fishing and having more say in how to spend rec fishing funds, but i dont see how they can be seperated seeing as they sharing a resorce. We could end up with a great rec fishing system, but with no fish left in the ocean its all for nothing. Of course i could be missreading this too. :1prop: If I am Bob please correct me.

    Without a doubt the biggest problem is the current minister who is so heavily biased towards pro fishing its a joke. He was on the news the other night practically defending Indonesion fisherman staeling fish from our water and playing the whole thing down ! How stupid is this bloke ! :ranting2:

    A different minister with a more balanced view would probably be a great start.

    Imagine what would happen to our waterway if Macdonald didnt have rec fishing to worry about. The place would be lined with trawlers including bloody overseas super trawlers overnight.

    Who is going to police the pro's to ensure a sustainable waterway? Will we loose control all together ? Is having a seperate voice going to create more RFH's and slow pro activity ? At least with someone having to control both even token guestures like RFH's have come along ( to improve political standing in an attempt to show balance ), but it still helps having them.

    Im not saying its a bad idea i just dont fully understand it and im hoping you can clear this up for me, like i said i could have this all wrong.

    Thanks :thumbup:

  8. I figure the :wife: won't notice as much if I shop in small batch (stealth) mode. :ninja: There's always Shane


    Ahh the old stealth mode. You know you at the top of your game when you reach this level.

    Be warned though, when a woman gets married they do develop a stealth mode detector so be very cautious of trying too fly too low beneath the radar. Ive been trapped at a very very low altitude before. My wife's is finely tuned.

    Also realise that the married female ( buyumous anythingamous ) also will now have a keen stealth mode herself which is usually undectable to the common or unsuspecting husband ( knowingous nothingous ).

    My tip is keep an eye out for this female stealth and document the occurance, only engage in battle when you need to make a large purchase of your own. Dont waste it. :1prop:

  9. Weired day Harold. Bloody turtle :1yikes:

    I was out their too on Saturday. Got to Juno at about 6.30 thinking it would be packed for the runout tide but there was no one really there, few of boats only anchored down near the yellow marker. Everyone was at the F&S car park.

    Anchored up right off the point and picked up yakkas in no time, place was loaded with them. Put a few straight back down and sat it out - nothin.

    Went on a flathead hunt instead and struggled with the high tide, got 3 or 4 maybe up the river. When the tide dropped right down we hit some of our favourite haunts and knocked off about 10 or 12 more in quick succession :yahoo:

    Never dropped so many in my life either. Must have dropped 6 or 7 at the boat and a couple of goodens which didnt sutface.

    Hopefully some bigguns will come through summer.


  10. Hi Guys....

    Have finally put down the deposit on the new boat but cant for the life of me decide on the motor..though the topic has come up...the debate still continues... 60hp 4-stroke Yammy or E-tec???

    I desperatly need to take a ride on an E-tec....I live in Sydney near Botany bay, and am hoping somone can help me out.???? Am more than willing to pay for their time.

    The sooner I can decide, the sooner I can get some sleep back.


    Both damn good motors in their own rights. Both very different. What sort of expextations do you have for the ETEC i may be able to answer some questions.

    Ive only got a 50 on mine so it wont really compare on the water but like i said i can answer some questions.

    Tell you the things i like though.

    Great acceleration typical of a two stroke made better though by fuel injection and computor control timing.

    Uses bugger all fuel and oil.

    Very quiet for a two stroke and no smoke

    very good to troll with being fuel injected.

    No service for 3 years

    Stainless prop

    great back up systems in place for mechanical or electrical faults - limp home mode etc

    Can hook my laptop up to it and look at everything its done or doing.

    Saying this, whatever you get you cant go wrong- 4 stroke Yamaha's an awsome motor.

  11. My brother inlaw calls it chitterway creek, just looked on the map and its really called Ourimbah Creek which comes out at Chittaway Point. That is the buildings at the Entrance in the background

    Spot on Rabbit - tried to get you on a technicality at first but your on the money now. :thumbup:

    Shot taken from chittaway Bay Point right on the point at Ourimbah Creek. Looking forward to working this area a little bit too. Should hold a few flatties.

  12. To view TFP (NSW) New Direction news item try> http://www.thefishingparty.info/uploads/NE...0Nov%202005.doc 17 pages

    or go to www.thefishingparty.info > under New Direction

    Bob Smith :1fishing1:

    Wow there is a lot of waffle there to read through ! Too much for my little brain to cope with.

    I guess the basic concept is that TFP would like rec fishing and any funds raised to be controlled by people who are looking out for the best interest of the sport, and not controlled by people who dont give a toss.

    What happens when further buyouts are wanted by the rec fishing community and the minister in charge but the minister in charge of the pro fishing community totaly opposes this. Who controls these two portfolios when they come head to head ? Sorry if this is a dumb question but i dont understand politics all that well, and im still keen to see the pro's subdued some what.

    Cheers :thumbup:

  13. Ohh ohh .... I know ..... I know :1prop:

    I will leave it and see if anyone else can get it

    I knew you would know it. Actually thought this would go off a bit quicker. Popular spot, bit of a walk to get there maybe a km or so.

  14. G'day Grant

    It can be a real frustrating place to fish, especially shore based.

    Your right, things were very tough (at least for me) over winter and we have struggled to find fish over the last few months, noit just in the creek. So much so that I think I have lost my Mojo. We have started to see a few more fish over the last month or so but they have been tight up in the shallows and very spooky.

    Your technique, tackle, etc all sounds like it should be working but being shore based can make things very difficult.

    I know I have said it before but I will have to get you out on the boat one arvo and see if we can get a few. I will send you a PM.

    Sounds like a good idea, maybe ill break the curse and you will rekindle your mojo :1prop:

  15. Id have to say they feed prodominantly on baitfish, prawns, and whatever grubs fall out of the trees. No oyster racks or that type of thing in this river. Live prawns are apparently a killer in this river ive heard, especially on EP's.

    Not really sand flats im talking, more the edge of the river which has steep, tree lined banks, with just a small sandy area close in. Schools come in to within a couple of feet of ther bank in some spots.

    Yep i think i might try even lighter leader too. I know Jethro has mentioned in the past to go super light, although the water is so damn dark youd think it wouldnt matter.


  16. Wyong River - My arch rival and nemesis.

    I just wanted to post my thoughts and experiences on this river and hope someone can help shed some light.

    I have only land based fished this river from the most accessible spots in search of Bream and EP. I know the fish are there but cant crack the right method.

    What I know about the river ( or think I know )

    The winter months have been really quiet, cant see any fish in the shallows at all. Whether the fish are there but deeper remains to be seen.

    The summer months even now, Bream can be seen schooling up in the shallows and along the rivers edges along with dozens of other assorted baitfish, the river seems alive.

    The river is a dark stain typical of a tree lined river with many fallen trees leaving the bottom heavily snagged in parts. Bugger all tidal flow but enough to keep the water moving for most of the river albeit very slowly. Not sure of the average depth being land based but about two to three meters max in the parts i fish.

    Fishing it.

    Very tough for me indeed which is why it is my arch rival. Made more frustrating by the fact I can see the fish and know they are there, but seldom hook up.

    Ive tried everying I know to do well. Currently the lightest gear possible seems better, for me that is a 4 pound, two meter long trace with a jighead size of 1/20 to unweighted. Heavier jigheads are destined to get snagged in this river, also if worked along the bottom dont expect it to come back without a branch attached to it or at all.

    As I said I have never done well here but the most hits and follows have come from a faster retreive worked close to the surface, using Hawgs and Watermelon BM's. Ive tried gulps, all kind of grubs in different colours, BM's, Squidgees, worm types etc etc etc. Ive tried prawn immitations including Prawnstars ( although they are destined to snag ) havent yet tried a DOA Shrimp cause I cant found any, tried them all to no avail. or with any consistancy. BTW only ever used lures here never tried bait and probably wont.

    Hardbodys. Tried a few but not a lot as the ones I try have seen no action at all as yet. SX40,48, Surface poppers and various other baitfish immitations. Nothing. Scents - tried em all. Also tried various resin heads and spinner blades too.

    I have learnt to keep moving though. After a few casts in the one spot the fish definately move if they are not interested. Walk ten meters and there they are again, in the the shallows up against the bank. Nearly all of the hits I have had have only come on the first or second cast in the one spot.

    Time of day.

    Only fished this river in the daytime mostly between 8.00am and 4.00 pm which could also be an issue as ive never tried a sunrise or sunset session.

    One theory is that these fish are educated to extent. Like when you go to any coastal town there is always a population of large Bream living under the local public wharves and no one can seem to catch them. They seem to become very particular in the hard fished areas which is why they are still there I suppose. Same goes with this river I think. The places you can get too are few and far between from land and are hard fished by many people. Id would be interesting too see if more secluded or unfished spots get a better result.

    Final words.

    Love to fish it by boat but will continue until I succed from the bank and find out how to nail these wiley Bream. This place does hold EP's but this could be harder than the Bream at this stage. Will try some earlier amd later starts as well as deeper retrevies using worm hooks.

    Any ideas as to why these fish are relctant to play ball would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you fro reading my waffle. :biggrin2:

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