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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. That is good news.

    Not trying to sound cynical but I hope its not part of a bigger plan.

    Dont forget the marine park debarkle, where proposals are in place to have them all up the coast. Areas from Port Stevens to Forster and further again, are on the agenda.

    Lets hope and prey this is for the benefit of rec fishing.

    Thanks Bombie

  2. If one good thing has come out of all these flathead posts it has to be an 'increased awareness'

    Its good to have open discussion about their future and see everyones views, and also to educate some people who dont know much about them.

    Although there has been some contoversy about differing views on release, all in all it has been a very worthwile couple of threads as far as education and awareness goes. Onya Raiders. :thumbup:

  3. What it really comes down to is research... there isnt enough of it, so we do not really know that much at all :(


    Your right there mate,

    There is a real lack of knowledge about this stuff it would seem, which makes forming an accurate opinion difficult which is why I too C&R most fish and only take the odd flattie. Two other reasons are reasons that, first I dont eat that much fish, and second, cause I just like to let em go. If a friend or relo asks me to bring them home a few ill do that too.

    Like you say we just dont know that much, so for me its each to thier own within the law until we know a clear direction. A clearer set of directions would certainly help get everyone on the same page.

  4. It always gets me that it only happens with Flathead ?

    Big Jews have never got that reaction to my knowledge here or on any other sites to my knowledge or big Snapper for that matter.

    Anyhow such is life :biggrin2:

    Yeah good point Ken,

    I reckon it is simply because Jew and Snapper are historically a 'keep only' fish due to the fact that are mainly targetted by 'keep only' fisherman.

    Jewies require big gear generally and are seldom targetted by the C&R angler. Snapper is an offshore target and few Bream boats get out there.

    Jew is starting to become a more targetted species on plastic which makes me think that not to far in the future it will have the same 'release' pressure applied.

  5. Its not suprising that fisho's in general can't get together as a single voice to help stand up and protect our pastime when opinions about how fishing should be done is so different.

    Makes it hard to unite as one when people are at opposite extremes with their fishing and choose to voice their differences bagging out another person's right to do what they want.

    Its depressing when a picture of a fish can cause so much contaversy.

    What chance do we really have :thumbdown:

    Its a pity that we can not just respect one anothers choice to fish how we like provided it is within the law. There is clearly a big divide between C&R fisho's and catch and eat fisho's, and also there are a lot somewhere in between doing a bit of both. We all know this so why cant we just leave it alone. Let it go, eat it, who cares. Just bugger off the pro's and it wont matter what we do will it.

    It just gets frustrating whenever a dead fish pic is shown as it ALWAYS turns into an arguement about whether it should have been released or not. Surely we can get past this ridicluos arguement. Who cares if you would have released it, its bloody dead now ! I can see Iains frustration on this as it always happens when the fish of a lifetime is shown dead, always.

    Just my two bobs worth :biggrin2:

  6. From what i understand pro's are basically banned on the weekends and public holidays and allowed to hit these waters during the week during the hours stated.

    Seems the Basin area is pro free based on these regulations at all times though

  7. Theres no denying licence fees are just a revenue raiser and a scam.

    I dont however begrudge the fishereis blokes to have good gear and look professional wherever the money has come from.

    I like the way the profile of the Fisheries has grown, and we must get out of the dark ages and grow with it.

    Dont forget the blokes in boats are usually keen fisho's who use the waterway the most and account for the most fish taken as far as rec fisho's go. Fisheries know if they target these blokes they are targeting the main uses and takers, makes sense.

    Targeting the gumbies at the local wharves is probably a waste of recorces as they account for very few fish and although I dont condone the taking of undersize fish it would not be the main focus of Fisheries. Education programs through schools etc would be better.

    Target a bloke at sea and he will look over his shoulder for the 20 sessions. Target the warfe rat and he may not return for a year at least.

    Dont get the squirts with these blokes just understand that unfortunately there are so many irresponsible fishos still out their doing the wrong thing and doing it every week. These people are hurting us.

    Look at some local fishing clubs. Still having monthy comps where 'catch and kill' is the game, and with many experienced anglers account for huge amounts of fish taken. OLD SCHOOL.

    All im saying is to expect this type of thing if we are serious about improving our waterways.


  8. :1welcomeani: Zoso,

    Should be a piece of cake.

    Insert a large square shafted flatblade screwdriver between the flywheel and the cylinder block and gently lever up to lock the flywheel. Undo the nut and unscrew to the top of the thread, and while still pulling up give the top of the crank a gentle smack with a hammer, which will 'jar' the flywheel loose off the tapered crank. Take the nut right off and lift off the flywheel.

    Leaving the nut on stops you from mushrooming the crank thread, and also from the flywheel flying off when it jars loose.

    The edges of a square shafted screwdriver should be enough to bite in on the flywheel to lock it.

    Clean and reset point gaps as a starting point.

    Hope this helps

  9. I think the jury will always be out on this one as both have a long list of pro's and con's and it comes down to personal preference.

    As you know i have a ETEC and love it. That does not mean I wont get a nice Yamaha or Suzuki 4 stroke next time around.

    What I wont get ever again is a carburetted old technology ( but new engine ) 2 stroke, which as Bashir says, are bloody awfull on the troll.

  10. Well said lads.

    If this annoys you take 10 minutes of your time and write a quick letter to Ian MacDonald, Minister for Primary Industries.

    He's an arsehole and does not care but if everyone wrote a letter maybe something will change.

    Although writing the main man is always a good ploy dont forget AFMA themselves.

    This organisation has the power to make all the decisions about our fisheries and is made from a board of people which doesnt include the man himself. In fact they quite openly quote the Macdonald has no real say in the day to day operations but of course are accountable to him.

    My guess is letters to him may get tossed.

    Perhaps a different angle to is direct any letters to the chariman of this committee Tony Rundle as well as Macdonald. This committee does after all "Establish and allocate fishing rights"

    afma powers

    Just a thought

  11. Ill second that - very well said eastcoastin.

    Some very disturbing facts which highlight your points.

    If the idea is to "buy out" these pro's it is ridiculous that they can buy different licences and go again.

    They should be investigated and banned. It should also have been made that this could not be done by way of a contractual agreement.

    What a joke. :ranting2:

  12. Big W sell a "Tropical Box" style esky/fishbox, very solid 60L insulated box- $98.00. Force 10 or someone make them. Just a suggestion if you go that way cause you will need a well insulted box. ( bit like a girl I once new )... :1prop:

  13. GDay Idol,

    I think it is good that they go that far out. Sends a message that they are prepared to go anywhere to seek out wrong-doers.

    Im sure they will find more people in-shore taking under size fish but it keeps the offshore boaties honest too.

    Good on em I say.

  14. Good effort considering a couple of pro haulers in long punts wiped out the local Kingy popluation in the blink of an eye last week in Pittwater. The report is that only a few rats following bait schools remain, we can only hope another migration move in. :ranting2:

  15. Seems you've had to deal with a lot of crap and jump many hurdles.

    I think its important to ask these questions because not many people know what you've had to go through or fully understand The Fishing Party.

    Im very glad to hear that the Commercial industry have no ties.

    In my mind there is no doubting your integrity, whether The Fishing Party can make a difference remains to be seen but I hope it can.

    Unfortunately I doubt many National DPI ministers will support your new direction and getting it moved may not happen based on their collective view, but im sure your give it you best shot.

    I still believe getting Macdonald out would be a great start and trying to change the view of the cuurrent government towards rec fishing is more likely, but like you say we need a loud collective voice. If this cant happen ina different portfolio it still needs to happen.


    Sorry to hear to cant fish as much as you would like.

    Cheers :1fishing1:

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