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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. Hey Mondo,

    Start with this maybe

    fill out public submissions on the parks in question

    Write to local members portraying your views on the park zoning

    Write to anyone else who your think is relavent local papers etc

    Keep having your say on threads like these - its ALWAYS the same people

    face the reality of the situation so your not 'spinning your wheels' ie : the reality is one of two parties will be elected next year, LABOUR or LIBERAL. Who ever you vote for check the preferences and understand that although there is no guarantee the LIBS will do any better, we know for sure Labour loves marines parks.

    Maybe support groups like $%^&* who are the most active in the SZ opposal.

    Also here is the link to the Frost proposal

    Frost Proposal

    Im sure some of the others will have some proactive ideas too !

    Good going :thumbup:

  2. So shouldn't we, as recreational fishermen, simply be lobbying for a reduction in the size of sanctuary zones in favor of Habitat Protection zones? This would keep the more damaging activities of the pros out of these areas but allow us back in.

    Well i think that is the whole issue. It is the proccess used to crerate these zones that had infuriated everyone. Ib be happy with with HPZ all over the place as it is, cause it doesnt cut out rec fisho's. Im certainly not going to fight for the removal of those or fight to protect the pro's.


    Im also not going to do nothing just because the pro's are fighting the same sort of issues or spark up anymore about the affect they have. I just want to see the removal of SZ's, and if certain groups are fighting that battle, ie $%^&* then i'll support them regardless whether they are working with the commercial blokes or not. They are certainly not trying to rid the parks of HPZ's for the pro's sake.

    The Frost proposal which is a rec fisho's alternative to the park zoning is full of HPZ which allows for rec fishing only. Nothing wrong with that !

    Support the groups that oppose SZ's and that also support sustainable use fishing be it commercial or recreational.

  3. Ahh the beast rears its ugly head once again.. ( pro fishing i mean ) This has to be a very hot topic cause most of these threads have it in thier somewhere. Hopefully it will continue regardless of which way the thread goes.

    The situation as i see it is :

    The greens are pushing for strict park zoning claiming fish stocks are dwindling, biodivirersity is under threat etc, lock em all out !

    Of course this will mean a huge loss of fishing ground for us rec fisho's. No good

    So rec fishing groups are saying fish stocks are fine and the park zoning is a joke and is illconceived.

    Pro groups are asking where the hell are we going to fish - these parks will kill us too !

    The kicker is that a lot of re fishos are saying, yes there is less fish - but its the pro's fault and if we get them out there is no need for parks !

    Oh what a tangled web we weave....

    You have to weigh it all up all face the REALITY of what will happen and take the most appropriate course of action.

    The reality is we have to live with commercial fishing so fighting this is a waste of time for now, we are better served to have the licencing modified to reduce the impacts rather than an all out NO PRO'S attack. The government controls this.

    The reality is marine parks is some form or another are coming and we are better served to fight the ZONING rather than the parks themselves. The government controls this too.

    My opinion is that the ZONING is by far and way the most significant problem and worrying about the pros at this time is a total and utter waste not to mention totally counterproductive. The zoning is still the most important and realistic thing that can be changed and must be dealt with first.

    I am now unphased by the pro's and will focus my energy on the park issue until it is solved. When that is done I will push for a reduction in pro licencing to better improve rec fishing.

    I have 'benched' my concerns about the pro's for now and think everyone should do the same until we can secure our fishing grounds. Staying out of the fight because of an association with the pro's is something i had considered but have since looked at the big picture and decided that it is better to focus on the main problem and get involved.

    I dont doubt many are standing back because they believe the pros have caused the problem in the first place, but please accept the situation as it stands, and support the fight to block this ZONING.

    Groups like $%^&* who i openly questioned about their association with the pro's have proven to me beyond a shadow of doubt that they too dissapprove of many pro practices and licencing issues and would love to see a reduction to a more sustainable level, but have also accepted for now they are fighting a common problem. Theres nothing wrong with pro fishing as long as its sustainable and low impact.

    Remember that the current government are pro sanctuary zone, they are also the ones who control how many pro licences are out there and have the power ( but wont ) to fix it. - They MUST GO !

  4. real photo - fake photo, it doesn't matter cause that pic it truely indicitave of what really happens at Narooma bar and why people die their.

    Im suprised someone would fake a shot like that when it happens so often for real ! Its a wicked bar crossing. :wacko:

  5. Its very commendable of you to have that attitude Daniel. I, like you have my own agenda when it comes to conserving fish stocks by setting my own limits. I rarely buy bait and like catching my own. Bait still needs to be available to those who enjoy bait fishing and to support the tackle shops who sell it though.

    Its good to see other fisho's understanding that there is some need to take things into their own hands. I love nothing more than releasing a large Flattie and with the digital age upon us, capturing the fish on camera is just as satisfying if not moreso because you have a chance to catch it again one day.

    I dont begrudge anyone fishing to the limit of the law, but i would like to see the law changed to make some reductions and alterations. Doing so will show the non fishing community that we are happy to change with the times and be conservation minded. :thumbup:

  6. hey grantm

    hmmm you make a interesting point.

    im no mechanic myself but i guess that mechanics do work for them selves and the more they do the more they make. and i guess since that it was going ok before this happened. just simply reboreing and oversized pistons may hopefully get me a couple of years out of it. im aware that its an old motor and not in perfect condition but im not expecting another 10 yearss out of it. and if its just in ok condition then il simple rebore and oversize pistons in it. which has to be done anyway. if i had the money to spend on making everything in it perfect i would of got a new motor but i dont and i just want it to be ok not perfect.

    Being a mechanic (not hands on anymore though) I can tell you that does happen. Not specifically to make more money but because your reputation is on the line and you have to warranty any work.

    A lot of people dont need to have their motor rebuilt to 'perfection' and can simply have a lesser rebuild done and like you say get a few more years out of it.

    It is possible (not probable) that your motor just needs 1 new piston and a hone ( depending on the actual damage ) What does it need a crank for ?

    I know this is not the best way to build an outboard obviously, but im just trying to offer some suggestions that will cost stuff all and get the motor running albeilt for a limited time. Not all motors have to be built to perfection to run again. If you pulled apart an engine that was running fine but with 2000hrs on it you would never think it would run based on how it looks inside - but they do.

    Problem is mate your unlikey to find a retail repairer willing to take any chances due to liabilty.

  7. Geez !

    Question is does all this work need to be done because the repairer has to give a warranty, or because it REALLY needs to be done ? You probably find that half that stuff would be ok - just not perfect.

    Unless there was something drastically wrong with the parts mentioned I personally would rebuild it with new rings and see how it went ! There tough old motors and if your budget is tight it may be an option.

    Can you post some pics or give a detailed description as to why these pistons and crankshaft need replacing ?

    I understand that repairers need to build it to a warrantable level and most wont do anything half hearted, but thats not nessesarily what it needs to go around again.

    If you cant spend the dollars it maybe able to be rebuilt without the need of even a rebore. Why does it need a rebore ?

    Lets have a look at exactly WHY all this stuff needs doing. Could be some shortcuts perhaps.


  8. Good to see you back here posting Sweep, I think there needs to be some alternate views to this debate for it to be worthwile. Not too many park advocates are prepared to share thier views on a rec fishing site.

    Sweep and i have had a few 'to & fro's' at ffc and we dont see eye to eye on this debate, but I value his opinion as an alternate view we need to have.


  9. I think there is a huge misconception from pro park groups that rec fishos in general oppose the entire concept of marine parks thinking we just want to have the whole place to ourselves with no thought of the future.

    I and most rec fisho's I know dont oppose parks as such, its just the unjustified implementation of sanctuary zones with no scientific evidence.

    Les i think your on the money. I too dont know any rec fisho's who dont give a toss about the future of the marine environment.

  10. Hey Coastie,

    Tuggerah lakes can be tough in Winter so dont get too discouraged. Ourimbah Creek even moreso. Flattieman is on the money and i will add to perhaps target the edges of weed banks if your in a boat. If your not its a bit harder.

    Wait till the warmer weather and youll do ok if you follow Flattiemans suggestions and stick to the weeds. Flathead and Bream will be on the hit list its just a matter of using the right lure on the day.

    Give us a bit more info and maybe we can get you on the right track ! :thumbup:

  11. Guys and girls,

    A request has come through from the $%^&* group which i am posting on their behalf. :biggrin2:

    As follows :

    ""We need an intertested group of local supporters to invite $%^&* to bring their roadshow to a local area. We just can't set up in someone elses back yard because, when we leave, the locals have to run the race. They know local needs and the local area.

    We have invitations from locals in Nowra, Wollongong, western Sydney (Penrith) and the Sutherland area and we will be active in these areas during the next two months.

    We need a group of inner city locals who support "conservation through sustainable use" to invite us in and help us organise a public meeting in the inner city. This is an opportunity that can't be missed.""

    In a nutshell it seems the inner city Green movement is building momentum through a total lack of education within the local communtiy. Being green in the city just seems to be cool. They need an education and im sure $%^&* can give them this.

    If anyone lives in the inner city and can help these guys get in there please step forward and help. Contact $%^&* via their website$%^&* or reply here or send me a pm.

    As you know i have openly questioned these guys here and elswhere in regards to some issues, but they are doing the best job in representing us so i have no issues promoting things like this.

    CHEERS :thumbup:

  12. Intersting how in Qld its the exact same story when it comes to the Libs position on the parks. Id like to know whether its the position that the 'opposition' holds or whether its the Liberals postion overall regardless.

    I think you in a slightly better posi Les in a sense that Beattie doesnt seem to need the Greens as much as our Premier does.

    That last sentance in the libs quote is a bit of a worry though.

    Goes to show that things are not always decided on facts and figures and whether we like it or not 'emotive rhetoric' has a huge impact and what the Greens use to absolute perfection. We are fighting the Greens with facts and figures, they are using fairy tails. They seem to be winning though - go figure.

    Thanks for the info Les

  13. :unsure: Now I am going to have nightmares about crusted salt in the water jackets !!!! Is there some kind of additive that will prevent corrosion internally ?


    Yeah been there ! :074:

    Dont panic too much Ross, if you had any blockages youd have known about it by now. When they get blocked really badly the thermostat does too, and the engine overheats. There is no additive for protection as far as i know, but once again refering to older outboards there used to be a service requirement at certain intervals where the head was removed, cleaned, perhaps thermostat replaced if needs and the head gasket replaced. Very simple and inexpensive ( back then ).I really dont know what the later models require. From my experience it was mainly engines that were not looked after at all that suffered.

    I would just continue flushing as much as you can and it will be ok. Remember that there a vast amounts of people who dont flush at all or very little and its these motors that seem to have problems.

    Im pretty sure the more modern ourboards have far greater protection agianst these build ups that the old stuff and youd have to neglect it pretty badly to have a major drama.

    Hopefully Fisherman can confirm but even short flushes will still be more than ample to do the job its just a point of discussion in regards to the thermostat which may give the 'royal flush' so to speak.

    Great thread aint it ? :thumbup:

  14. Yeah id say waiting for the thermostat to open will give you a much more thorough flush as the cylinder head would now get water. All the shitters ive pulled apart have had the heaviest salt build up in the head cavities. Perhaps and most likely that is due to them only being flushed cold when water doesnt pass through the head. New motors may be different in thier flow im only refering to older stuff.

    Still you think getting it hot is the best idea. How long does that take ? I suppose it depends on the motor. 4 to 5 minutes would at least start the thermostat on its way. The longer the better i reckon.

    Makes you wonder how usefull the silent flusher is then when the motor is not even running.

  15. Its not suprising that so many people have died on this bar. I used to go to the headland and watch the idiots do this stuff when i lived down that way its crazy to watch.

    You can see in the photo he has hit the wave in what has to be the worst part possible. Just to his right is a much flatter section. He crossed it where the wave is breaking and going way to fast. :thumbdown:

    Great photo though !

  16. Double uni for me too. Some dont like them but ive never had a drama since i tied them right.

    The key is to either double the braid and over as Flattieman says or wrap it 8 or more times.

    The reason you do this is to stop the braid cutting through the leader. Too few turns on the braid and when you pull it tight is slices through fine leaders. Doubling stops this too.

    If you allow for this and tie it right it wont let you down.

    edit - i only wrap the leader 5 times as it wont slice the braid. :biggrin2:

  17. Hey mate,

    Dont know if you have seen these but they are a pretty tough looking boat. I checked one out last year and they seem to be a no nonsense tinnie, could be just what your after.

    They are called a Max Truck by Mako Craft which is actually a Stessl. They come in the size your after.

    cheers :thumbup:

    Max Truck

  18. Given the fact that there isn't water stored in the Impeller pipe, there is always a period where the impeller runs dry. Although it may be only one or two seconds, it is still dry. Sure running it out of the water is NOT GOOD, but categorically saying no running out of water may not be fact.

    Also, aren't the new impellers made from silicon rubber to help aid lubrication?


    Hey Lightweight,

    Just to clarify that, once the leg is in the water the entire waterpump and pipe leading to the motor is completely full up to the waterline. Water will pass right through the inlet and water pump housing as the impeller does not act as a restriction. So technically once the engine is in the water the pump is full of water. Same goes for running ears, once the water is turned on it fills the pump cavity around the impeller staight away and partially fills the pipe.

    Yes I believe the impellers are made from a combimation rubber compound but withour water the rubber overheats very quickly.


  19. The pump impellor is driven from the gear box. If the engine is not in gear (prop not rotating) the impellor wil not move and will not be damaged.

    If you crank it and let if fire then stop it before the engine had time to heat up you will cause any damage.

    Totally incorrect !!

    The impeller is driven by the DRIVE SHAFT coming from the motor that leads to the gearbox. Havent you noticed when you are in neutral that water is coming out the telltale ? It has nothing to do with being in gear.

    The water pump impeller is spinning the whole time the engine is running or even turning over.

  20. The issue is not whether the engine will overheat or not because in that time it most certainly wont.

    The issue is as George stated being the potential to damage the waterpump impeller as there is no water in the pump. The impeller is made of rubber and spins inside a stainless steel housing and the water keeps the impeller from running dry on the housing. If it runs dry for more than a couple of moments it rapidly overheats and melts a bit. Do this all the time and you drastically reduce the life of the impeller. It may not instantly stuff it but you have unknowingly damaged it.

    I will admit though to cranking my motor before leaving home just to ensure there is enough battery to crank. Sometimes it fires but just for a split second. Thats enough for me.

    I would not recommend running it for 5 seconds, thats really damaging and reducing the life of your impeller and housing. Dry running rubber in a steel housing for 5 secongs is a loooong time in reality.

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