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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. How much is taken ?

    Where do you get the info as I would be very interested.

    Dont have the exact numbers Haraka i am just suggesting numbers have dropped based on the reports from around the traps. I have heard stories that suggest local pro's used to take up to 40 boxes of fish per day when Pittwater was firing years ago, and that is perhaps part of the problem.

    The local pro's have been crying for ages about the lack of fish they now take, and this has been reported in local newspapers and even on TV. Some local pro's have pulled the pin their after generations of fishing due to low stocks making their operation simply non profitable. These blokes reporting only a few boxes taken if that.

    Add to this the Harbour pro's who have now moved in, you dont have to have a degree in marine biology to realise they cant be taking too many fish.

    Reports from blokes like Pete Deblang who runs charters their also will testify to the slowing up. Not to mention every fishing report you read tells of the poor result from this waterway. Add to all that a weed infestation more than likely spread by the countless amount of dragg and haul netting by pro's over the years and you have got yourself a major problem. A marine park is not the answer either. All that is needed is a more efficient and proactive govenment, and proper management from the fisheries in this area to sort it all out. An RFH for starters !

    Anyone who thinks Pittwater offers good fishing now needs to speak to some of the fishos who fished it 20 years ago. I would say Ken could tell some stories of this place !

  2. Whats happening in Pittwater is a crime. It is and has been ravaged by pro's and what used to be a great place is now a marine disaster. All the while adding fodder to the Marine park debate where marine park opponents are claiming fish stocks are not under threat. This may be so overall but Pittwater is stuffed and needs immediate rectification. The useless pros have dug their own grave in my opinion and with the amount of fish taken lately will surley see the numbers drop. The Calerpa Weed is also a big problem.

    Pittwater would be a great location for a recreational fishing haven. From West Head to Barrenjoey all the way in. How good would that be ! It would also bring back the fish and support the claims fish stocks are not under any threat.

    I just dont bother fishing it these days, its a waste of time.

  3. Heres my prediction for you. Youll get a hundred dollar reel and think geez hope i havent gone overboard. Then after a while the reel is still ok but getting a bit rough and you think well maybe a hundred was too much but im happy with it. Then it gets a bit rougher. hmmm maybe an upgrade is in order............................................................................................................................ cut a long story short youll eventually post a question as to whether you go a Stella or Certate !! :1prop: Dont worry we have all done it ! You too will become a tackle junky and suddenly 2 weeks wages is not too much too spend on fishing..

    Good luck ....

    Oh thats a thought, i still have an Okuma Avenga i got for free with a mag subscription. Worth about 75 bucks and has a fantastic drag. Good smooth little reel. worth a look.

    Cheers :biggrin2:

  4. $%^&* have a kingie for thier emblem. Flatties are a great fish but are just not a good looking one.

    Dollies look great but a lot of people will simply never chase one and tend to stich to the river.

    I reckon the Jewfish. It would have to be the gold medal for rec fisho's.

  5. You certainly put the hard yards in Wayneo, great to see it pays off. I dont think id have the patience to do it. In fact i know i dont, and it is probably why you can catch em and i cant ! :1prop: I admire fishos who can put in the hours to pull fish like that.

    Well done

  6. Luckily enough, it has taken me so long to find the right boat, I have now saved enought to get the TABS.

    It's a bugger when you get blindsided by an outdoor deck eh? :mad3:

    Yeah its funny, you wait so long to do anything you have enough cash to go crazy and buy the ducks guts !

    And yes the deck was a blindside. I did try fishing of it but its just not the same without any water around ! :1prop:

    Actually the Ally has turned out ok now ive optioned it up and should be a good boat to fish from.

  7. So what did you get instead?

    I went an Ally Craft. But not because it is my first choice - far from it in fact thereare a number of boats i prefered but this will do for now. I got this boat based on price and opportunity as it was old 'new' stock and i practically stole it. My boating budget was slashed to the bone when we decided to get a new outdoor deck !! :wacko: went the budget option instead.

    Given the choice and budget I would love a TABS built boat based on their qualtiy. Probably get one one day if i can afford it !

  8. Well, I was there and it was an interesting night. Ken Thurlow gave a very informative and entertaining talk on marine parks and their effects. All in all its not looking great but for the efforts of people like Ken and Bob Smith who continue to fight this battle in a determined and passionate way.

    AN $%^&* committee was formed and hopefully will bring some more attention to this problem. $%^&* are growing strong and have the support of the coaliton party to stop the parks.

    It is becoming very clear that at the next election a vote for labour is a vote for a marine park dominated waterway where back room deals with the greens are common place.

    The libs at the meeting have pledged to protect the rights of rec fishos and stop the implementation of further parks.

    Dont care who you vote for just dont vote labour if you like fishing !

    Great work Bob !

    Coalition statement

  9. The TABS are a GREAT boat. Very well built and from my understanding built for the more serious tinnie owner looking for something more custom than the generic brands.

    They are more expensive which is why you dont see heaps around i suppose. I very nearly got the same boat actually, but i didnt have the budget. I would definatley look at one next time round.

  10. Cant help with the beach but i fish Forster a bit only from land and have found hitting the various and plentiful mud and sand flat areas with plastics very succesfull for flatties.

    Have you tried the lakes up near Sandbar ? If not its well worth a crack. Beach fishing those areas can be very hit and miss from what ive heard and local knowledge is essential. Thats why i stick to the flattie chasing cause they are easier to find as a land based option.

    Just come back from there actually and was picking them up on sp while the bait soakers got nothin. Pissed em orf too ! :1prop:

  11. Jethro,

    The new tub is going well. Im still optioning it up and its taking a while. Had my first fish out of it only last week believe it or not, up till then i was getting some motor trim and trailer dramas sorted out . Dropped two monster flatties and couldnt find a Bream. Typical Lake Mac.

    Just finishing the live well ATM and will plumb and install it over the next few weeks. Overall its looking good and goes well. I'll post some pics when she's all done. Well have to have a fish later on too. I am keen to consistanly find Bream on Lake Mac, its so hit and miss for me - more misses than hits too. Im going to try some deep water action at the new reefs in there too. Could be interesting.

    See ya soon

  12. You would have to say that unfortunately just having 40 protesters wont even raise an eyebrow as far as opposing the park goes.

    Its not hard to see why the local council says its a balance view. From previous reports literally thousands of locals opposed the park and signed petitions etc. Where were they ?

    You would think that if there was serious opposition to this marine park a hell of a lot more people needed to be their.

    Perhaps this lack of opposition just makes putting these parks in place all that much easier.

    Its a scary sign of things to come and a warning that we as anglers need to get more involved in opposing these parks if we are serious about rec fishing and its future.

    My opinion is that Macdonald probably left there thinking he got off easy. Good on Ken for sticking it too him though !

  13. I dont mind fish every now and again but to be honest there are times where i just couldnt be bothered scaling gutting etc. Its all too hard :1prop: So because im lazy nearly everying goes back.

    I only ever take one maybe two small flatties and thats it. Fish tastes to fishy for me ! :1prop:

  14. I would say trial and error. Dont try and make it plane horizontal cause it will load your motor up too much. If its too high at the front it may tend to 'porpoise'

    Dont worry about the angle of the leg being vertical because at speed it will always sit roughly the same. Its the boat that will change.

    A correctly trimmed boat should, as a rule of thumb, sit just a little nose high but not too much. You owners manual would have some good pic if youve got one if not let me know and we can post some pics.

  15. Some good question there.

    Personally quality is out of the dealers hands a bit. They only sell the product not build it.

    Price can always be negotiated and if you get want you want then you soon forget what you paid.

    Without a doubt its service thats makes or breaks a customer / dealer relationship.

    If you get crap service would you go back their ? I doubt it.

    If you payed a bit much either on sales or service but it was faultless service would you go back ? Absolutley. In fact the latest survey suggests that 85 % of people will return to a repairer even if they think they are too exy IF they get great service.

    The important thing is to build up a great relationship with your chosen dealer. You will get knowhere by ranting and raving and making demands all the time. Give the dealer some slack and work with them and not against them and your service experience will be much better.

    Most dealers will NOT stuff you around on purpose in service. If they see your are a reasonable person and not out for blood you WILL get good advice and service most of the time. If not go elswhere. Dont try to flog a bad dealer to death its not worth it

    Like I said, build a friendship up with your dealer and you'll be fine most of the time.

    Of course there are always dealers who will be contrary to my statements but they are few and far between. If you dont like the person you are dealing with go to someone you feel more comfortable with. Trust is a big thing.

    Its only a starting point to good service but without it you wont get it.

    There are people who think the only way is to be very aggressive and make threats. Ok they get some kind of result but its never the best one :1prop:

    Beleive me people.

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