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Posts posted by Grantm

  1. Agree with the above comments. Dont think you neccessarily need two batteries though. One good size 500cca plus marine battery will do the trick. FORGET deep cycle batteries for a starting battery. They hate being charged by an alternator and are not designed for it. Your alt probably punches out around 35amps which will reduce the life of a deep cycle. Good quality marine battery will be fine.

  2. Geez thats some bad luck BB.

    Its actually a bit odd that its cracked at all. If fitted correctly they shouldnt crack the cav plate. May have been a bit off when fitted.

    Welding the cav plate shouldnt be a major drama but i would reconsider the use of the foil if you can get away with it.

    Dont think you will have much luck with warranty

  3. Tricky in the sense that is can be very shallow in parts around the mouth with many sand bars. There are lots of nav markers indicating the channel at the mouth so it should be fine but just keep an eye out.

    Large parts of the system are nothing but flats and just covered by water making it appear more open than it really is. Seen a few boats stuck who have not taken notice of the channel markers.

    The plus side is all these flats and channels hold fish and you should have a great time !

    Here is a pic from Chitaway Point.


  4. Hey mate,

    Dont think you can be too picky for 1500 biscuits. If you like it and have been out in it and its gone well, then go for it. Like CFD said its only 1500 you cant go too wrong. I wouldnt stretch the freindship asking for a service either.

    Take some pics give us a look.

  5. I think if you look after it the colour will be fine. I had a blue hull from new for over a year and only got one scratch. Touched it up and youd never know. They do look heaps better.

    As for resale, well i reckon a scratched boat is a scratched boat and it doesnt matter if its white or blue. A potential buyer is not going to base their decision from standing 20 meters away, they will be up close looking so they will see any scratches regardless of what the colour is.

    Youll find you wont get scratches on the painted section anyway unless you have a shocker at a wharf. I suggest getting two big buffers and it will be ok. Nothing really touches the side so it shouldnt get scratched.

    Id go the colour but thats just my opinion.

    Dont leave us hanging, what did you get !

  6. Gday Warpig,

    Yep id say that is a perfectly logical comment. It all comes down to personall preference and what your comfortable with. I agree that if i were out in the bush id have a much better chance of fixing a carb motor and something with basic electronics. I suppose the thing is when buying new and investing several thousand dollars on an engine you look for upgraded technology simply to reduce the chance of actually having a breakdown at all and having a much better performance.

    Its just a personel thing. I couldnt wait to get my hands on an ETEC when they came out while many people were still saying "its all too new". Its just me i suppose.

  7. Mate there is nothing better than EFI for a slow troll. The precise amount of fuel being injected which is totally computer controlled, beats the hell out of an overfuelled, poorly metered carby engine at low speed.

    Carby engines are a thing of the past, as is ignition points and premix fuel.

    How many carby engine cars do you see these days ? Would you buy a carby fueled Commodore or Falcon ? Food for thought.

  8. As per usual ill stick my 2 cents in :1prop:

    Having just aquired a 60hp 4st efi Johno I can say they are a very nice motor. Smooth and very quiet.

    The Johno will be heavier maybe weighing about 110kg so make sure your transom can take it if you go that way.

    Id go an efi any day over a carb engine.

  9. Mate seriously forget Tohatsu Japan i really cant see that going anywhere.

    What you need to realise is that we have very specific consumer laws in this country and regardless of who the dealer or distributer is, or for that matter what the product is, you have certain rights under the various fair trade laws.

    It does not matter what the Japanese say, if a product that you purchased has failed through no fault of yours you have the right to have the situation rectified. Doesnt matter what it is or even what the importer says the warranty states. Australian consumer rights superseed any warranty policy, believe me ive been on both sides and seen very clear policy overturned by the CTTT.

    There are laws which protect consumers againt poorly worded warranty policies and dodgy retailers and if something is not right and you are correct with your info they are quickly corrected to protect the consumer.

    Do what AG said. Lodge a claim with Fair trading, you can do it online, and go about it that way. If the fair trading cant resolve the issue take you can then take them to the CTTT who will make the decision for them.

    Document everything, if needs be get in writing from the importer the denial of your claim. DO NOT rely on word of mouth.

  10. Buying Stacer on the coast only means one place. Just as an example i bought my current boat from there a while ago and got SEVERAL thousand dollars off cause i screwed em on old stock and they were happy to clear it. ( not a stacer though )

    You could be in a good posi if the boat you are buying is the old model. Bare in mind that Stacer are going through a model change and depending on stock levels you can pick one up cheap. They are busting their balls to get the new range in which may give you a shot if the boat is the old model. If you are buying the new model you wont get a lot off but give it a go.


    Check the built date ! If its an old model and even older stock there is a bargain to be had. Its still new but dealers HATE old stock and will shift it cheap. Some of these old stockers are over a year old but just make sure you happy to have that.

    Price can always be negotiated harder the older the stock is and when there is a model change. che- ching !

    Go the 40 on that boat. The 30 is the recommended size and 40 max size so go the big one, you can always run it at 3/4 throttle. I prefer the Johno over the Mariner all day long.

    go get em.

    edit - Ill add one more thing, go see Craig Huett and give him a go too, you will be assured of getting a professionally set up boat with the right advice.

  11. Based on the info you have given it looks like a good thing for the money. Obviously the carpet needs a tidy up but it looks fine.

    Totally agree with Bluecod check the area where the console is as its not standard and im pretty sure the thwart seats area also supports.

    I used to own a fishabout mark 2 and removed all but the front thwart seat and never had a drama but its worth checking out to make sure its ok. Motor looks ok in the photo and it should scoot along ok but carry two 25 litre tanks as they can be a bit thirsty.

    let us know how you go ! :thumbup:

  12. Looks can be very decieving with motors. Just cause it looks good doesnt mean it is, although it is a good place to start.

    Like Brownie said you cant beat a water test to really know what its like, but you need to at least get it to run on ears or in a drum.

    Look for obvious signs of damage and also signs that the motors has been stripped down by checking the bolt heads for signs of removal. Look for bubbling paint around the head which may indicate overheating etc. Look for signs of excessive corrision around gaskets etc. Pull the plugs out maybe and see what they are like. Just use commen sense and if it doesnt look right then leave it.

    Buying second hand motors is a gamble so there is no guarentee your getting a goodin but when you do get one i suggest a good service including a new water pump to be on the safe side.

  13. If what your saying is correct about how you handled the blockage then there is no way this is your problem. The manufacturer has designed the motor and built in an overheating buzzer to go off BEFORE any engine damage can be done. If you listenend to the buzzer and followed the correct procedure, then took it to a dealer for a check who gave it the all clear, you cant do anymore than that.

    The ball has to bounce back to the manufacturer who has designed this feature, OR the Dealer has some liability because he gave it the all clear. There was obviously a problem and if the dealer had of picked it up the motor may have been easily fixed before it had a chance to seize.

    As a consumer all you can do is follow the manufacturers instructions on how to operate their piece of equipment and IF you have done the right thing then it shouldnt be your fault. The backup system of a buzzer should have prevented any major damage from occuring. Fair enough if you had of kept driving it ignoring the buzzer but you say you didnt and need to stick to that.

    If they try to tell you your basically lying and must have done something wrong go then lodge it with Fair Trading and stick to the fact that you followed the manufacturers warning buzzer procedure.

    Do not accept this, and take it further as needs. A motor should not seize up like that if treated correctly.

    Good luck

  14. Half the problem with cruise is that many people believe it will slow you down if your going too fast when going down hill and the slope takes your speed higher than the preset speed. Cruise is NOT connected to the brakes or traction control ( if you have it ) It simply connects to the throttle. When you hit a patch of water and plane the wheels slow down and the car keeps going at the same speed.

    The cruise module senses the wheel speed has slowed and increases the throttle and off you go !

    Thing is is suppose is that onse you start ot aquaplane its hard to correct anyway regardless of cruise.

    Some current model cars have traction control which senses when one wheel is turning faster than another and applies the brakes to correct it through the ABS.

    Some even have ESP which automatially corrects a car through the traction control when it senses side slip etc. Its actually very hard to loose control with it on.

    Bloody cruise control is a pian in the arse sometimes !

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