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Everything posted by GreyNurse

  1. I'm trying to get down to the Lake myself, but work and the weather keep getting in the way. Anywho, I was told that the big seas recently had opened the lake up. Can anyone confirm that? If true, then fishing may be a bit better than expected for this time of the year. Nursie
  2. Hi John, I know I've missed your current offer, but if you plan any future sessions for hairtail or any other fish you can think of IN CLOSED WATERS (I get seasick last time I looked) you can email me. Any night is good. I work 10am-6pm, Mon-Fri. Oh, and I am a smoker, in case that makes a difference, I understand. mjaudet@tpg.com.au Marty
  3. Thanks Yowie, I've fished Gunnamatta heaps. Picked up bream from the baths, but so far, I think I've only pulled 1 flattie from the flats. Snagged and retrieved an imitation Swiss Army knife from the flats once!. Still got it. And I hauled up a very weed encrusted power drill from the baths. That was back when the moorings were a lot closer to the baths than they are today. I think I've got to save up and buy meself a yak. Cheers, Nursie
  4. Hey Dragonfish, I was down on Lady Robinson Beach (That's what the beach is called)on Easter Sunday morning. Got there about 8am and parked in the car park opposite Scarborough St. Walked over the the rock wall there and started throwing an imitation bloodworm in orange. At the time, there was next to no breeze. I only clambered along the wall until I got about 5 metres behind the shore break. The south side of the rock wall was not producing, so I turned around and started casting over thowards the baths. The first two flatties were about 25 and 30 cm. The third and last one came in at 45cm. All in 20 minutes, so not too tacky. After that a nor'easter picked up and the bite shut down. That was my first time down there, as well. But it won't be my last.
  5. Hi guys, and ladies, Became a member a few days ago, and wondered what took me so long! What a great forum. All my favourite topics, locations and styles are here and the posts have an almost family vibe. Thnk you for allowing me to become a member. I'll do my best to contribute without pontificating (only Popes allowed to pontificate, anyway) and I'm looking forward to many years of continued learning in this ever changing pastime. Cheers, Nursie
  6. Top notch fishing, Mattyg. That 36cm bass would have been worth 4 bream of the same size, fightwise, I'd reckon. What line were you using? I've only been in the upper Hawkesbury once and picked up two bass under 25cm before it rained for the next two days. But once you get the taste for those little bruisers, you just want to go back for more. At least, I do. If you get an opportunity try Cattai Creek. There's bass and EP's in there for the taking and releasing, and the scenery's pretty darn good, too. Cheers, Nursie
  7. Great result Yowie. I envy anyone with a boat. Being land based, I have fished the Port from places like Wally's and Lilli Pilli (more often the channel down from the baths as the crowd has usually arrived by the time I get there). I'm mainly kiss and release thanks to the arrival of digital cameras, so target species tend to be bream and flathead. As a matter of fact, I scored my first bream on a lure from Wally's about 2 months ago. Can you recommend other land based possies for a lure chucker? They seem to be so few and far between in the Port. Cheers, Nursie
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