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Everything posted by nbh00d

  1. Hahaha the "hardwork" is part of the fun
  2. Nice report Paul. In regards to the nude beaches can anyone explain why they are also good squiddng spots??? (E.g. Lady jane beach, Obelik beach) I always laucn at Camp cove and spend a lot of time squidding at Lady jane. I think now I can easily ignore whatever happens there and concentrate on catching squids. But then looking at the reactions of A.dawg is priceless when he found out he landed at a nudist becah LOL.
  3. Just imagine if you have a popper ready to be cast right into the face of that kingie..... BANG...your're on!!! Unfortunately times like this can be frustating especially you were just after a quick fish and then the big fishes decides to turn up. Well...i'm sure you will take your full tackle gear next time.
  4. Nice report mate!!! The harbour is firing up now with all these pelagics busting up!!!
  5. Yeah pretty hard to resist casting a lure into the bust up, unless you are getting constant action from the kings underneath.
  6. Wow!!! That is some pretty light gear sto land those metres kings!!! Well Done and not bad to land 3/8 hook-ups. May I ask what reels & rods were you guys using?
  7. Thanks guy for the response. Just wondering what size of Salina 3 did you put onto your 15kg rod? 16000?
  8. As per title I am looking to get into mechanical jigging for Kingies and wondering which rod would be suitable for my purpose? I would be jigging around areas such as Long reef, the colours, the artificial reef, etc where I suppose light jigs around 80g - 200g would be suitable? Can I use my Stradic FJ 8000 spooled with 30lb Powerpro braid? I would like to keep it as affordable as possible so that if I do enjoy the sport I will definitely upgrade to something better and heavier for those brutal Kings. But for now I'm just thinking to get a decent jigging rod and a few knife jigs to test it out. I saw the Okuma Salin jig rod in the 15kg model and wondering is it any good? What other rods in similar price range would you recommend for a beginner? http://www.chsmith.com.au/Products/Okuma-Salina-II-Jig-Rod.html
  9. Nice king and the sashimi looks yummy!!! Well done!!!
  10. Did you prepare the sashimi yourself? Looks yummy!!!
  11. Finally with the early season arrival of kingfish in Sydney, I was able to catch a few of these brutal, tough and highly sought-after sportfish plus one sambo. I lost nearly half of the hook-ups as most of them busted me off before I can land them. The summer season has truly started and I will be concentrating on catching larger kings so stay tuned folks!!! A lot of bait balls like these!!! A few of the kings we saw on the sounder. Catching live squids can sometimes be as hard as finding where the kings are. Went for a swim for relaxation after all the arms stretching battles with the kings!!!
  12. Me and a few mates will be staying in Jervis Bay from tomorrow till Wednesday and wondering where should we go? My first choice will be some pelagic action but if condition doesn't permit then the good old bream and flathead would be okay as well. I'm also a big fan of squidding so where can I possibly catch a few? I will also take my missus there and told/sold her this is not just a fishing trip so I need to spend some time with her doing non-fishing activity. ;-) I don't know what to do and where should I take her? She likes yummy food and enjoys activities that don't involve too much physical input so basically she's lazy and just wouldn't stop eating LOL I wanted to carry her on the back of my PA and do a bit of exploring... maybe the Basin? I was busy lately so only just started doing a bit of research. Hopefully you guys can help me out especially the locals... thanks!!!! P.S. We will be staying in Callala Bay and there are four of us (3 Hobies PA & 1 Malibu).
  13. Let us know more about your view as I also went on Tues at the Harbour and got nothing apart from a small bream, a big leather jacket and a sergent baker.
  14. I'm sure everyone is as curious as me wanting to find out how is Cockatoo Island doing with Kingie. Therefore, I have decided to go for a spin and abandon my original plan at Camp Cove. Jeffen from AKFF has provided tons of insights into his local waterway and much of my appreciation goes to him. Anyhow... here's my side of the story.... I launched today at more than one hour later than as schedule after having some issues with sounders and batteries. Mine has the connection plug corroded and my mate's battery has no juice. So no sounders for both of us and we have to rely on birds. This makes it difficult for both of us as we have never been in this waterway before so have no clues on structures and the water depth. Once we get to front of Cockatoo Island, we scan around the water and can see a few group of birds sorta working on something. After casting soft plastics there and having tails bitten off I can confidently say those bloody chopper tailors are here!!! (I seriously need to get some z-mans) There are small swirl actions happening from time to time but sadly we didn't come at the right time to witness those massive surface action. I made the switch to cast out a few different rapala x-raps in a range of depths in an attempt to search for their holding positions (Damn it's sux to be without sounder :-x). Finally I hooked on to something powerful and it leaps out of water, literally right next to my yak. It is definitely not my pb but it is so FAT and thick across the shoulder. For some reason I lost my cool and was doing those early celebration thingy. I was yelling across to my mate telling him to come over quickly. I took my eyes off the line for around 5 secs and next thing I know the line went slack. I couldn't believe I made a rookie error and yes... the fish is gone. I have caught tons of sambo before but this one was thick as!!! It was also the first fish we were able to hook up so I definitely wasn't too happy . The next hour or so we spent around looking for schools and any signs of life. We can see school of birds there and here but it was hard to work out whether there are actually anythings underneath. We decided to go back to the original spot and change tactics to use fresh squid strips. Finally my mate hook onto something powerful. He screamed across to me and I turned my head and saw his rod buckle like crazy. His reel just kept peeling lines so fast that there is nothing he can do. It dives straight down and reefed him without any mercy. KING!!! we both agreed there are kingies around it's just hard to entice them for a bite. The next 30mins we spent focus on using fresh squids but all we got was some pan sized snappers... no kings . In my view, If we have got there before sunrise then should able to see those classic birds diving and massive surface feeding actions. The water went quiet as usual when the sun starting to be right on top of us. If anyone is going there I will suggest bringing as much different lures & baits as possible to have a wide range of options at your hands. The kingies are there, it's just maybe due to the overstock in food supply they are bloody fussy eaters. Anyhow, it is a great experience seeing these pelagics exist in this part of the system and I'm sure I will have better luck next time. Next time, I will definitely get my sounder ready, be there during the sunrise/sunset period and arm myself with more lures & squids. Speaking of squids, it is time for me to do some bait collection as running out of supply .
  15. Where about the rocks are we talking about? North head?
  16. Thanks guys for the replies. I will definitely try the z-man next time.
  17. I have always use the Gulp and found them to outfish Squidgy in most of time. However, I agreed that the juice leaking is a hassle and also they don't last long. I haven't try the Z-man plastic and wondering are they as durable as they advertise? Where do you guys usually buy the z-man from?
  18. Yea... I also want to know where about in the harbour? I remember last year around the same time I caught heaps of them right in front of middle head.
  19. Great report and Nice kingy you got there!!!
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