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Posts posted by 1975

  1. hi

    A mates mate has a one piece rod he wants to get rid of and having no idea about rods, thought you guys could help me out.

    Its a Shakespeare Uglystik 2000plus in very good condition.

    lenght 1.95m/6'6"

    line wt 1-4kg

    lure wt 2-32gm

    Is this a good rod, what type of fishing is it used for ( i assume for lure fishing ) What would be good price for it, any comment would be appeciated.



  2. i do bait fish occasionally but like to use lures alot more cause it is active fishing and when you learn how to use them right it is just as productive

    how did you learn? you just get out there and do it, read books, dvds or learnt from a sensei :biggrin2:

  3. Hi

    The last thing i want to do is cause any fish to disappear, and as many people know i am a very new fisherman and targeting one particular species is still out of my league!. I just wanted to catch something!

    I thought i had done the right thing and talked to the local expert about fishing the Macquarie. The tackle shop guy just mentioned that the cod is not to be taken as the season had not started and if i had known the damage i may do by pulling them out of the water to take a photo i certainly would not have done that. This is the first time i have read that this can happen.

    anyway sorry if i did the wrong thing, now i and other fishraiders know this, it won't happen again :(


  4. try again....... sorry keep getting error message about file or attachment size but its only a 400kb photo, will keep trying!! anyone got any ideas?

    heckendorfmortgage, aren't you clsoer to Trangie :biggrin2: ????

  5. got the photos uploaded( Hope they attach)

    Used plain chicken breast fillet, When do you use chicken with smelly stuff like parmesan on it- what fish do you target?

    My gear is nothing fancy just @^(() specials- one rod 7-8ft had 20lb main with 30lb leader the other was a shimano telescopic 6ft with 10lbs main and 20lbs leader. Caught the two biggies on the bigger rod and the small one on the telescopic.

  6. hi

    I was staying at my inlaws on a property near the Macquarie River ( Narromine ) and tried my hand at inland river fishing. Talked to the guy at the Tackle shop in Dubbo and got the low down on what to use and the species i may catch. He suggested spinner lures or 4/O hookes on a paternoster rig with live yabbies or shrimps.

    Tried the spinner for a while but got nothing ( i was land based and i think i just didn't get close enough to the structures on the other side of the river ) Caught only two yabbies, tried those and still nothing. Anyway just before sunset finally resorted to my emergency bait- chicken fillet and on the first cast landed a Murray cod about 60cm :thumbup: my first murray cod. Two casts later bingo, one slightly larger. Caught my third smaller one just on dark :biggrin2: all on chicken breast.

    Its still closed season till December on Murray cod so all where released.

    Going to the inlaws is not so bad now that i can go fishing when we go there.



    I hope i didn't make it sound like the guy at the tackle shop had no idea because he was very helpful and took a lot of time ( even when other customers walked into his shop ) to walk me thru the whole process and i'm sure would not have caught anything without his help.

  7. hi all

    next week i will be spending a week in Narromine near Dubbo. Just wondering if anyone has fished out there. I have never fished an inland river system, is it any different to fishing around here. Any tips?



  8. Went out friday morning for a fish around Juno, lion Is. and the bridges.

    We caught a family of red rock cod, a tailor,baby snaps and flatie on pillies, prawns and squid.

    all where undersized :mad3: and thrown back.

    the only fish to make the ice box was a very nice flounder ( in the excitement forgot to take a photo)

    Although we did not all take dinner home, it was still a very enjoyable morning.

    I would like to thank Flightmanager for letting me ride shotgun on his boat and quinfish for organising the morning. If these two are the type of people that make up the membership of Fishraider then I'm glad to be in the club. They are friendly, welcoming and knowledgeable even to a new novice member and complete stranger :biggrin2:

    Thanks again mates


  9. Hi all

    I'm chucking a sickie on friday and need to go fishing. I am hoping to fish from dark til late morning. If anyone else is interested in wetting a line let me know and we can meet up. I live in Baulkham hills and can drive to most spots, sorry no boat. Also i am not that experienced and would love any suggestions on where to fish ( Narrabeen sounds interesting but have never been)

    anyway, if interested i am sure there is a way for us to communicate?



  10. hi all

    i am very new to fishing and to Fishraider. i was wondering if there is a a place on this site, on where to fish in sydney. I live in the Hills and mainly fish from the shore ( once or twice on boat but with little luck as my mate with the speedboat and i are both umm whats the word for worst than novices?) I have fished at Booklyn and Dolls Pt at Brighton le sands. it would be great to have a list of the hot spots- beaches, warfs, etc that can be accessed easily.

    I love reading the fishing reports and i hope to one day contribute



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