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Posts posted by 1975

  1. Well Marto is out ;) pup is a lucky boy !!! Andrew symonds experiement is getting a bit rediculous though, seems he has been given another chance..... makes for an interesting 3rd test !!!


    Gotta give him another chance, knows how to belt a ball and he don't mind fishing either


  2. what a game !!! glad i took the day off to witness the best test match I have witnessed. Hussey what a legend, it's a shame his only just been given his chance. Marto has had his day, all this talk about langer under pressure marto should go for jacques !!!! good to see Pup get a few runs but I'm still not convinced he has what it takes.... I want to see Hayden get some runs next match.

    What a game !!!! :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:


    my thoughts exacty


  3. hi

    didn't think i would ever file a report in this section! any way Quinfish was kind enough to take me out on sunday for a session at berowra and at the start Robert was determined to throw plastics around while i persevered with prawns and squid. Not much happened for a long while so we moved around a bit. Still not much happening so i had a go at using a squigie that i bought during a moment of fantasy, while robert half heartedly baited up. I actually hooked a small flatie that came off before i could get it on the boat :1badmood: Anyway we had been fishing for a few hours with nothing to show for it so we tried one more spot.

    Robert started again with the sps and quickly landed a small flatie :thumbup: i looked on with envy but i congratulated him anyway. he quick followed it up with another one and i thought i would give my squigie another go. Three or four casts later and BAM something takes my squigie!!!!!, it felt heavy and i couldn't get the grin off my face as i fought to get it to the surface. I was forgeting all the basics but luckily Robert was there giving me helpful instructions- nice and steady - keep the head in the water! Finally the flatie gets on the boat :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:60cm!! my first fish on sps and pb flatie. I was over the moon and i didn't mind letting everyone know either. after a few photos from Robert and a self pic we released the monster( sorry if thats a brag but i'm still hyped) to hopefully make someone else trip on the river a memorable one.

    Sorry it was such a long report and thanks again quinfish for the experience.



  4. Hi

    This might be a dumb question but do you berley when lure fishing SPs and HBs? I haven't fished lures yet but its just a matter of time ( bought some grubs and lures - which i think is the most fun part )



    PS- is there etiquite involved? is it frowned upon?

  5. Commonly called WHIZZZZZZZZZZ BANGS :1yikes:


    Cheers Stewy

    Shite! how often does that happen? It must be exciting up until the BANG (if its a fish of course)


  6. I don't normally fish from a boat and have never tried to tackle a kingie but after reading yours and the other king fishers reports over the last few weeks it almost feels like i've been out there, catching the squid ( which i have never done) , driving around finding the kings on the sounder, setting up the downrigger and waiting for the eventual hookup then fighting the fish. after boating it and taking a photo deciding on whether to release or keep it for dinner, man thats the life.

    thankyou for sharing the experience, hope to read more


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