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Posts posted by 1975

  1. I'll be at Narromine for the next week hopefully catching some freshwater fish so won't be able to get on the computer.......Hope everyone has a nice break, with plenty of time fishing.

    If you are around the Dubbo area in the next week and you've already been to the zoo and jail and want to wet a line call me

    Stay safe everyone



  2. hi all,

    I've never been squiding so my point of view is from someone lookin in........

    If you had to rely on squid as your gun bait you would have the spray anyway wouldn't you?.... just in case, same with the expensive lure.....just in case it does make a difference. Would you risk going out for the day on a kingie hunt and not be able to say you tried everything to get squid.... all the sake of $25?...

    any way that my 2cents worth, when i do finally go squiding and chasing kings this may change but for now....


  3. Well done on your PB's Billy ! :thumbup:

    We also had a pretty good day out on the Harbour , 3 legal flatties and a 60CM grinner !! Not to mention numerous pinkies !


    Thanks Ross

    thought we might have seen you on saturday, did you use those squid caught the other night? Also whats a grinner?


  4. Chef was kind enough to let me tag along for a spin in the harbour for what he called a 'mix bag'.

    "this boat here always produces for us" says the chef, 5 seconds later i look up and he has a huge grin on his face and his bream rod loaded with 4lbs and 6lb leader is bent over. Damm his first cast- i'm still trying to decide between the Zoom and gulp. His reel starts to scream and i'm following his line as it headed for a mooring line. A short but exiting fight that ends like many fights with a kingie- busted off. Chef is all cool, shrugs his shoulders " happens sometimes when using light line" like he just lost another pinkie. I land a nice taylor ( 47cm) which i hoped may be a small king but a pb for me none the less, then a hard fighting trevally (37cm) pb number 2.

    Pinkies become a pain so we move. " small bait fish like to shelter in this little reef so a kingie or two may be around" says the chef, a couple of casts later same huge grin same bent over rod. The fight was long and hard, a couple of times we thought we had lost him at a rudder then at the anchor rope but great rod work including dunking all but the reel in the water kept the kingie from busting off. lucky the boat had a kota and we could follow him around for a good 8-10 minutes before we saw colour. He had 3-4 more screaming run left in him before finally being boated using 4lb line. I couldn't possibly convey the excitment and adreniline rush of that capture but i'm sure you can imagine it. chef can verify the measurement but it would have been easily over 70cm.

    We had consitent hits all morning and i picked up my pb number 3 with a 35 cm bream while chef picked up a leagal snapper and a 60cm flattie.

    By 11 the wind had picked up and the hits had stopped. tried a few other bays, met up with a couple of mates and picked up an over priced meat pie at rushcutters bay and went back to the ramp.

    a great morning session :yahoo:




  5. [ What a bloody expensive sport!

    One packet of gulp minnows.......$9.98

    4lb PE braid and 6lb leader.........$50

    One rod and reel combo.............$350

    A 67cm flatie and a couple of bream..........PRICELESS! :thumbup:

    another top effort mate!


  6. Congrats on your pb bream, 1975! :thumbup: That vampire sx looks the goods too!



    thanks mate,

    i'm yet to reach your level of breamin skill, but working on it. your posts and success are a great read.

    the lure i was using was an et imatation sx40, still don't want to use the real thing as yet til i get the whole hb thing sussed out.


  7. Well done 1975! :thumbup:

    That spot looks very familiar :1prop: . Looking at those pics brings back alot of memories. :biggrin2:

    The next couple of months should see some cracking Bream come out of the bay.

    Did you try the pearl w/melon bass minnows?



    hi grant,

    thanks again for all the pointers, did try the pearl watermelon but the flaties love them and started to become a nuisance( god didn't think i would ever say that about catching a fish) some good sized ones around the 40cm mark, so reverted to the worms :biggrin2:

    also tried that other spot you talked about but no luck, although only gave it an hour, i'll try again next time


  8. Well done billy on your PB bream mate

    you will have to show me the way to do it next time real soon

    cheers robert :thumbup::thumbup:

    Mate if you hadn't taken me out in your boat that day and showed me the basics i never would have got hooked.

    catch up soon


  9. Nice Bream 1975 :thumbup:

    Nice pics too, very clear, do you use a flash or just natural light.

    what did you catch him on?

    I find when you first pull your HB under that when the chopper's attack it,

    however a pause after that will see them lose interest.


    caught all the bream on 3/4 camo worm with one of those hooks with the elongated sinker that goes into the worm on a very slow lift and drop retrieve. I'm no expert tho just learning. the 32 cm model fought well and i had to tighten the drag a couple of times to get him in.

    as for the photo they where taken on my camera phone motorola v3x in natural light. model dressed by nike and puma.

  10. Finally cracked the 30cm mark for bream on sp's ( ended up being 32cm):yahoo: This is one of the better days of fishing at h&c. Picked up a couple of good bream on camo worms and also flaties with just about everything else- hbs, flickbaits, pumkin grubs. Also a first, a couple of small tailor grabed the the hb i was using.


    a couple more photo cause i know you've never seen a flatie or tailor! :1prop:





  11. I will be trying to snag a couple of fish ( hopefully bream ) at h and c at 3pm till dark today if anyone is around. I'll be the one with the determined but frustrated look on my face, near the canal side of the bay.


  12. still love reading your reports Kelvin, and this one is another beauty but the evil part of my brain is waiting for the report titled FISHED ALL DAY FOR NOT A BITE :1prop: Make us mere mortals not feel so bad about our lack of fish catching ability.


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