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Posts posted by squidboy

  1. Hello fellow raiders,

    I just bought a new computer this week and worked out that Navionics have stopped their PC based application called Navionics PC App. Just wondering if anyone out there has a copy of the download off their website. They only pulled it off about a fortnight ago but it is a great application to upload your sounder marks and plot them against contours that you fish.

    If you have a copy of the software (which was a free product from Navionics) can you please PM me.

    Thanks a million for your help.


  2. Great catch there. There have been plenty in the harbour taking soft plastics when chasing jews. When they first hit you think wow, onto another silver, then you start to realise your onto something else. It appears over the years they are getting bigger and bigger within the harbour. Hopefully they get big enough some day that they start pulling like kings or GTs lol.

    Well done once again.


  3. That does appear to be a little expensive. The motor service should cost up to $400 to $500. An optima battery can be up to $400. The switch can be up to $150 depending on what you want. The lights could also be $300-$500 depending what you are getting. I am sure the site sponsor who deals with Etec can better advise. Could be the labour charge and hours which is costing you a lot. My suggestion is to get a few quotes

  4. Sad but true, I have fished the Dam for years and almost every trip there has been someone on the wall. If only they could get their fishing licenses revoked and next time they are caught they would lose their gear and get a fine. It is a shane that at times the minority can ruin it for the people who follow the rules. Worst of all, I hardly see anyone catch much from the wall

  5. The rules look good. If more fish can get to breeding states, then that means more fish can grow up to the sizes (and breed too). I am more concerned with the ability of our department to police the matter. I have been fishing for 26 years and only been checked twice. I know that night time fishing inspections can be dangerous but at the end of the day crimes are performed in the dark too after 5pm. It is a sad fact that people illegally fish at night time and not a whole lot is being done to stop it. I alone could fine thirty people by driving round the habour and issuing tickets by my self if I had the power. There are far too many people unlicenced or catching and mincing anything that has a tail on it. Imagine if it was a full time job how many people could get fined and how many more people would understand the law is the law. It would be far effective if these rules can be enforced, sending the right message to the people doing the wrong thing or reminind ghte people who are doing the right thing, not to consider doing the wrong thing.

    In all, my view is the rules are good, but there is absolutly no point in having rules in place that are not policed effectivelly. This is a recipee for disaster where the population will soon catch on that because we are not being watched and fined for not following the rules, then it is not only ok to not follow the rules, but not even buy a fishing licence.

    Lets make it more visible that it is an offence to catch unders size, too many and fish without a licence. The rules will be more important then and make it better for all to enjoy.

    Just a view, not pointing the finger, I think the rules are a great way to save our fish and make sure we hook up in the future.

  6. These proposals seem to make sense. I wouldn't mind a reduced species take rule. For example, when a fisho takes five kingfish that is more than a weeks worth of kingfish for a family of five (honestly you can't eat them every day). Honestly we can't expect to take up to 20 of a species of fish (like bream) home without any impact on the environment. Think about it this way, if we can reduce our impact and increase our size limits we can possibly experience the regular thrill of more 1 meter plus kings or Jews just as an example. If we want to continue catching and having fish for our kids to catch we probably should do it in limited moderation. I don't mind catching for a feed but I don't need to fill the freezer or my neighbors, I would prefer to just fish once a week or two.

  7. I would say the reel is more important than the rod. If you are already catching good Jew on your existing outfit, then it might be worthwhile keeping it as a Jew outfit. For kings up to a meter (even over a meter) a 4000 reel with 50lb braid and 80lb leader is enough to stop most bad kings. Any reel with 10 + kilo drag. I used a shimano 4000 twin power if you can find one cheap. The rod match it to your drags capacity, something 10 to 15kg should be enough for what you are fishing for.

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