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Posts posted by injay

  1. I hate seeing the families there bagging snapper or etc which doesnt even seem to have sufficient meat usualy 15cm (gosh i get pissed on this topic), sometimes i just wish the fisheries ppl will show up and teach em a lesson.

    welcome to fishraider zip..

    yeah cg's been going pretty well recently..like Jin said, the kingies are picky..i went for a fish this morning before work and had a live squid casted n they didnt touch it. A guy had a chicken fillet casted out and guess what?! yes, the kingy took it, he got it to the surface after 5 minutes or so, then it hit the pylon as he was pullin it out.

    might see you this weekend Jin! :biggrin2:

    Hey aloosh!

    did we meet there a coupla fridays ago? u rocked up with some asian mates?

    ur the one who kept lending my friend tackle rite?

    ur a goodbloke man unlike some other fishos there, hope i can catchup wit ya there sometime soon and have a session wit ya.

    cant make it this weekend i got work, might drop by to see how it is this arvo tho!

    go the 'local kings' :mfr_lol:

  2. Hey mate i was there today also (thursday fr 9.45-12.30) i was the azn guy in the singlet. I saw the guy busted what ever it was it just ran. I saw a good sized kingy come up and had a look at my squid jig, also saw another guy get done around the pylon. Saw result as me 25cm snapper.

    BTW im new to the forum :) , gota say its the best place to some find some good info.


    welcome to fishraider mate! :1welcomeani:

    i fish there very often, also asian i'm 23, come in the arvos and mainly fish wit bait at the tip of the wharf.

    whats your name, i'll say hi next time.

    I've met a coupla raiders there recently, u know who u guys are!

    its awesome when the kings there show themselves, but their picky!

    My name is Jin!

  3. Hope you get one soon mate, sounds like you have been putting the hard yards in!

    As you stated burly is a must!

    The lighter you go the more bites you will get but the more bust offs occur. (who cares though , its still bloody fun! :1prop: )

    I use 6lb fire line with 10lb leader mostly, althoughh if the fish arnt being picky ill use 15lb braid & 15~20lb trace.

    I have found unweighted pillie pieces / fresh squid strips floated down a burly trail to be the most effctive method for almost all species around the area.

    Hope this helps a bit

    Rob :1fishing1:

    Yeh everything 'kingsrule' said, his a true local and gave me plenty of tips too

    fresh squid from there landbased isnt my preferred option, sorry robbie.

    all i can add on is, if you want a local king from the wharves then use the bait thats in the area, eg: baitfish (greenbacks, yakkas and the schooling whitebait is also awesome, if u can catch em)

    frozen whitebait works a treat for me there also.

    you will never catch anything decent there unless you burley, cubing i think is the term.

    just remember if what your trying isnt working then, use a different method!

    I'm usually there on friday afternoons, maybe i'll catch ya there sometime.

    Cheers Jin

  4. ill keep this 1 short and sweet:)

    Got down about 3pm today , quite alot of baitfish there, the frigates started busting up not to much later.

    Managed to land 7 :yahoo::yahoo: , keeping 4 for bait.

    biggest went 43cm :biggrin2:


    Well done, robbie isnt it?

    Yeh, i was the other 'Asian' raider today.

    Hell of an effort mate, gotta get u to gimme a lure lesson sometime eh.

    Wow u got seven, so all the ones in the keeper net were yours then?

    well done for showing everyone up mate, must be an awesome feeling!

    and to think i thought i was a young raider!

    Cheers Jin :bump0ee:

  5. hey were you the guy i was fishin next to this morning? I'm the guy who is hopeless at netting :( Late in the day (11:30 or so) a couple of kings turned up hitting the baitfish but they wouldn't touch any baits or lures :(

    was the guy next to you an 20yo Asian male?

    If so then yeh its me, my name is Jin.

  6. threw some metals around the place from about 3.30~5.30 this arvo, didnt see any surface action what so ever :1badmood:

    Although, i had a few follow ups from bonnito and i also saw a few frigates swimming around before i could get a cast in..

    At least there in the harbour now, just gotta hook 1 of the little buggers :1prop:

    Landed a bonnie there on a pillie the other day and my mate landed one on a live yakka which he caught there earlier.

    plus i saw a huge school swim threw pylons of the wharf right on high tide.

    I also did try to throw some metals and berkeley flick baits, however i was unsucessful.

    But your rite their back in the harbour alrite and there is plenty of kingy action there too.

  7. Hey

    was there myself yesterday, i was busted off by 2 kingies and landed a bonnie.

    I was using 8 pound line and it as awesome, the other bonnie followed it in also therefore i decided it was slack separating the pair, especially on valentines day.

    i kept seeing the bonnies move around in the waters, in LARGE numbers.

    seems its happening there atm , so i'm heading there again tomorrow for a quick bash.

    Cheers Jin

  8. Headed down to Clifton to see what all the fuss was about, arrived at 5:30am to be greeted by 3 other fisho's and about 2000 mossies.... i was armed with some fresh squid purchased from the markets and some salted pilly's , the squid didnt get a look in by the fish and i ended up giving over half a kilo to the gent who was fishin wit me , the pilly's fared only slightly better with 2 undersize snapper. decided to hang to see if the turning tide would help but alas it didnt.... even tried livebaiting with some yakka's i caught which was a first!

    It was one of the quietest days i have ever had ( i saw 2 decent bream caught and a few smallies), the wind was quite strong and made life hard...

    but as we always say as fisherman

    " a bad days fishing is still better than a good days work".

    Till next time!

    Yeh i was there yesterday and there didnt seem t be much action except for the picky local kingies under the wharf, which i reckon feed on scrap bait pieces and burley but will rarely be interested in a baited hook.

    One bloke there caught a live squid and it was used to no result, the king wasnt interested.

    we scored 2 legal bream but were really after something else, perhaps the colder water is keeping them outside the heads jus a lil longer

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