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Posts posted by Keflapod

  1. Hey Tight lines,

    That there is a hell of a blurter.

    They go like the clappers and caught on silly string amongst moorings, kelp and oysters makes it a very meritorious capture.

    Congratulations on a top effort.

    Also, to be caught from your own backyard - lucky bugger - what a nice backyard.

    And I'm glad your dad has his priorities right - he interrupted a business lunch with Richard Branson to net your fish for you !

    So I only have one question:

    What did the rod taste like?

    Just kidding....

    Now go and get a bigger fish....

    You know you want to.... :thumbup:


  2. Hey Snap,

    The price I've found for that lure is a staggering $21.50 each !

    How much do you pay for them and where ?

    It's time I chucked a lure around while waiting for the baits to get hit..

    By the way, you can't receive any personal messages for some strange reason....


  3. Hey Snap !

    What a top result that is !

    I'm very impressed.

    What depth were you fishing in ?

    Does the lure sink or float?

    What sort of a retrieve do you use?

    Well done on a top result......hmmmmmm...whiting fillets.....droooooool......


  4. The species is Epinephelus undulatostriatus. One noted Sydney charter operator wrote about it some time ago. It is normally found on the barrier reef but they are a common enough catch where I fish. Often more reliable than the jewies.

    I don't sleep walk and don't fish the bay. I would have racked up a lot more hours if I didn't fish in other people's boats from time to time.

    Thanks for that info Kelvin.

    It's refreshing to know that there is still so much out there to learn.

    Someone always knows something that others have no clue about.

    If we all knew everything, fishing wouold be boring - there would be no thrill as everything that happens would be expected - no surprises.

    Fishing's like a box of chocolates....

    You never know whatcha gonna get get... (assuming someone's nicked the chocolate chart, else you WOULD know)..


  5. That brown fish is a maori rock cod. It is one of the most delicious fish in the ocean. Pretty common around Sydney in the warmer months.

    The snapper were all caught inside the harbour. I am not giving away any secrets when I say there are some thumper snapper in the harbour if you know where and how but I am only a bunny when it comes to snapper fishing. Due to the strong winds in recent days I have mainly fished the sheltered waters inside the harbour. Not fun fishing offshore in 20+ knots of wind.

    I am a bit of a boat tragic. I constantly have at least a couple of boats around. Once I buy a boat I am already looking at the next but my contender is the all time favourite. This one is a keeper! Can fish in less than a meter of water one minute then zoom off for the continental shelf the next. Spin for bream and troll for marlin all in one day. Mostly I fish alone but it can accommodate 3-5 anglers with ease. By the way I got it with zero hours on it.

    Currently looking for something 35-40ft again. Miss big boat fishing especially in summer. Kelvin

    Hey Kelvin,

    A maori rock cod?

    I just googled it and it looks like a jewie with black dots all over it. Never seen anything like it anywhere in sydney, posted on a website, in real life, at the martkets or anywhere. Is it really a sydney species? Even when I spent some time trapping with pro fishos near-shore we never saw one. We saw spangled emperors and all sorts of unseen things but this one is unusual.I would love to hear more about these fish!

    A boat tragic eh? Well your house (mansion?)probably looks like a boatyard.

    I'll certainly won't hound you for reddie secrets in the harbour (I fish Botany Bay exclusively) - have you caught any cod in the bay ?

    Also, I fish alone and my 5.7m platey can do similar things to yours but I haven't been to sea in a couple of years - I would go green in half a metre of swell now.

    And you started with that motor being new? Whoa that's a lot of hours for 2.5 years - your sleep walking has turned into sleep fishing !


  6. Hi Kelvin,

    That's an extraordinary catch. Well done. It certainly seems like you know where and how to twitch them soft plastics.

    So which waterway is that you're in ? Offshore for the kingies / reds and inshore for the jews / flatties - probably.

    Also, what is that brown fish of which we can only see the gills and belly ? It ain't no flattie...

    You've had the boat for 2.5 years and put 900 hours on the motor ?

    You must live on that boat (or you bought it with 500 hours on it already).

    Once again, congrats on a top catch.


  7. Hey funny,

    All on bread?

    I bet YOU could catch fish on banana pieces....

    So how do you put the bread on the hook?

    Do you knead the bread (crust removed) to form a ball or do you just hook it up as it is?

    Fished in a burley trail or cast here and there?

    So who caught more - the missus or you?

    OK you don't have to answer that one...

    At least you can get your missus to come with you - mine merely tolerates me going each weekend - which is not a bad thing really....


  8. Hi Guys,

    Just a bit more info on that spot.

    The area is called "the suction" as I believe it was once used to draw sea water for some industry (?) - I think.

    A word of warning - beware that to the right hand side of the concrete structure (not the wall, but the pipe that protrudes from the beach), there is some rocky shallow ground and at low tide, would be a danger for propellers.

    You may get carried away drifting for squid or anchoring too close for livies and run aground accidentally.

    If there are a few boats around in there and the water is a little discoloured, you may want to pay attention to the sounder...

  9. Hey guys,

    This is the kind of website that people flock to.

    It attracts the right kind of people who are really nice and down-to-earth.

    They are willing to divulge some information and even accompany others on trips to get them to enjoy the thrills of fishing.

    I have unbounded respect and admiration for people like Moe (and a number of other people on this site) who put in the effort.

    They really deserve the Mentor badge. It should be held in the highest regard when people read posts from members who have this badge.

    Well done Moe for doing this for Rafnix and Sara.

    That jew will be very special for them, but not as apecial as the friendship that has just been born.


    PS - Any way we can get a photo of the star sinker, sliding snell / glow bead rig? :1worthy:

  10. Hey Trung,

    You must be knee deep in fish at the moment.

    Well done, you're certainly a mad keen fisho.

    ...but have you forgotten about the crabs?

    I've had a couple of shots with still no luck - but then again, the bream'n'whiting are more important.

    I'll keep looking for a 3.9m tinnie with a blue noodle on the front, so I'll come over and say G'day and then you can point me in the right crab direction !


  11. Hey Brettmann,

    You're using a slow taper rod and an eggbeater reel ?

    For Groper?

    ..and that's what you were shown?

    Wow you're certainly making it a challenge eh....

    You should really get a broomhandle and strap an electric 4wd winch to it and use the cable with.....

    But seriously, an alvey reel on a solid fast taper rod would be easier on you...

    ..but then again, catching bruisers like that on challenging gear makes the capture all the more meritorious.

    Well done - you set yourself a task, you went out and did it....

    Grilled groper fillets in lemon-butter and herbs.....I'm now doing a Homer simpson drool......


  12. Nice Groper!

    Funnily enough, my missus says I turn in to a groper after I empty a few of those VB cans :beersmile:

    Hey Merro,

    LOL - The difference between you and me is that you rely on the VB to turn you into a groper.... :biggrin2:

  13. We.e.e.e.ell, howdy y'all,

    I do beleeve that yur naime is Cletus Kiwi-Waynie.

    Thems some mighty Fiiine hawgs you got there.

    Musta had a baaall ketchin them thangs.

    Y'all come back and ketch sum more now, y'hear....


    PS - is it just the photo or do you have something orange in your mouth?

  14. Well done BillyD,

    Nice to see the kiddies getting into it.

    So was she OK to let it go or did she wanna keep it and eat it?

    Wait until you get a nice snapper of 2kg and she wants to let it go !

    Then the fireworks will begin....

    Get her used to the saying

    "Fish are FOOD, not friends...."

  15. I own KOI CARP as pets for the last 22 years, .... I have put these fish under and removed tumers, bacterial skin sores and some other diseases which i have never seen in saltwater fish... so yeh definately will not eat them if they were the last fish on earth, anyway here are some pictures of koi carp that i saw on google and to my surprise there is one that is a lure. Cheers cg.

    Bluddy hell George,

    That's a big Koi.

    So are you Doctor George as well ?

    Removed tumors?

    A man of many talents...

    My brother keeps Koi as well in a big pond he built into his back verandah.

    He also keeps a MASSIVE fish tank in his house to keep tropical marine fish in.

    It's as big as some of the big display tanks that aquariums keep...

    I have boats, he has fish tanks but he does fish as well....

  16. Jeez Pete, that's a tarwhine-and-a-half mate!

    My PB is 40cm and did that fish take off !

    Congrats on the FR record for it - it's banner time....

    Very interesting recipe too for the chowder - I might have to take a serious look at that.

    Do you have a recipe and the method for it?

    I'm a total seafood nut so if you have more details on that chowder, please let me know.......


  17. Hi Lowrid3r,

    So you use live yakkas on 15lb line looking for jewies and end up with rays?

    Interesting combination....

    You must be a stunt-fisherman, but jeez it would be a lot of fun...

    As for eatinmg rays, I did eat one many many years ago.

    Once they get 10kg or bigger they get very fatty and I didn't like the taste.

    Never eaten once since...


  18. Hey Tony, I'm serious about being able to give it up anytime I want :whistling: My last two trips in the harbour resulted in two and none. I'm not completely stupid or addicted so absolutely no more for me, enough's enough, that's it, put the rod away until next winter, finito (unless of course I can find a few on sunday)


    OK Mate - I believe you....

    Look out ! You got a down !!!

    Strike him NOW !!!!!

    YES..... oooooOOOHHH YEEEEESSSS.... :074:

    I see you're a mentor, but I'm more of a tormentor.bmp

  19. Hey Tony, Gotta totally disagree with you about blackfishing being addictive. I took it up about 40 years ago and could give it up anytime i want. The main reason that I may spend over 2 hours chasing weed is because I love driving and putting petrol in the car. The main reason I might put up to $20 a day in parking meters is because I'd hate to see our city councils go broke. The main reason I can leave home at 5.30am in the middle of winter is that I love freezing westerlies. The main reason that I...................ok, it might be slightly addictive - but I can give it up any time I want.


    Hi Rickster,

    I had a good chuckle - give it up anytime you want eh?

    Isn't that what ALL addicts say between frostbitten lips while feeding the parking meters after long weed-searching drives?

    While I actually HAVE given it up, I would still relish a chance to do it again, but arguing with divers and with people lifting your keeper net to see the fish then leaving it on the exposed rock for the fish to die took its toll on my enjoyment of it...

    Now it's just me in a boat and yelling at the close-buzzing jetskiers...


  20. Well did you get that shark on a lure ?

    Or did you just get that other guy to crap his daks for your amusement?

    Seriously I wouldn't go in after a rod....in fact I eat so many fish that sharks would reckon I TASTED like fish and swallow me whole.....

    Nice bag of bream you got - and the jewie and kingie are icing on the cake.

    I no longer do harbour all-nighters bcos the best spots I know for jewies are in the shipping lanes and on a couple of occasions we had bluddy big ships fly by us at 15 knots at 2:00am with an irate captain shaking his fist at us and yelling something I couldn't quite hear.....and I justa bout did crap my daks.....

    Well done on the catch...


  21. Hey Tight lines,

    Just be careful - blackfish fishing is very addictive and it does weird things to you.

    Watching that float actually causes space to curve around you and creates a time space anomaly.

    You see, when you watch that float intently for five minutes, the space curvature makes your watch go 2 hours into the future !

    After half an hour, mate, your trip is over and you have to go home already !

    From the outside of the space time curvature, you appear to be standing still....

    You could call it a blackie hole.......

    You see what I mean about addiction?

    OK - seriously now, some advice for you that I got from people years ago when fishing blackies in calm water.

    The fish are generally smaller than ocean fish and are a lot more skittish.

    Must have very light fluorocarbon trace - try 4lb if you're keen, but need a net as you can't lift fish.

    They need a long time on the down before striking and require a bit of burley to get them on the bite.

    Start with a shallower trace than normal and work your way deeper.

    Blackies will never dive for a bait but are happy to rise.

    Burley with chopped weed and sand - a little every 5 minutes.

    You can have a couple of rods out with floats if you can manage this - traces at different depths - see what depth the fish are at......

    Hope this helps.

    PS - I hope your principal is not a supporter of the Greens....you may have to take up knitting....

    PPS - In that last photo, is the fish on a fish measure sitting on a nicely folded shirt ?

    If you're not dodging bullets from the principal, mate you'll certainly be dodging them from your mum !

    You're a true fisherman.....Only the fish matter......


  22. Had a few days away at Bermagui last week . We had a boat and fished with SP's and lures with limited success . Did best off the wharf for ludes and thanks to advice from Roberta and coaching from Rick and Roosterman I managed to get my act together and caught quite a few . Some kids staying on a boat were fishing nearby with bait and an anchor sized sinker and then a float suitable for suspending a yakka under it finally got annoyed enough with their relative lack of success to ask us how to catch them . We sent them off to buy a small float then set them up with the rest of the rig and some weed . They managed to catch 3 and were very happy and it was fun for us to see them succeed too.

    Hey Fritz,

    Well done on coaching the youngsters on catching the blackies.

    They will remember you and that day for many years to come.

    It's people like yourself that makes fishing such a joy.

    If only there were more people around like yourself.

    When I was a teenager, trying to befriend the ocean blackfish fishermen for a tip or two was like extracting teeth.

    They would barely look at you, let alone talk to you.

    It took months on frustration before they would give you any feedback, usually it was "Watch out for this wave....", else they would not talk to you.

    You have shown the complete opposite and showed the kids something that will likely become part of their lives.

    When they are in their mid-thirty's and teaching their kids to fish, they will recount the day a man from Sydney showed them how to catch the blackfish...

    The man told them to buy a float and what hook to use. He showed them the right rig and how to bait up.

    Then came the indescribable excitement of hooking, fighting and landing the fish, and how it was at least 10kg and nearly dragged them off the wharf.

    That man showed them the art of blackfishing.

    That man was you....


  23. Hi Leo,

    Very interesting research.

    It would have to be a synthetic product that is quite smooth else the drag it would create on the hull might cause performance problems for the boat.

    Still, it would be a damn site better than trying to drive the boat with a hull full of barnacles !

    So long as the boat, once treated, doesn't try to take a bite out of you..... :biggrin2:

    Thanks for that intersting info...


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