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Posts posted by Keflapod

  1. Hi Tony how are you good to see you got a good catch this time of the year the bream have being hanging around forever it seems with good reports from the Harbor to Port Hacking interesting it will be if the the bream will be late coming this summer i don't usually pay attention to these things but recently im looking at every thing i don't no if its the older i get or i have nothing better to do i cant wait for summer to hit the water at the moment its to cold for me. cheers Jim Bream

    Yiasoo Jimmy.

    The bream that are being caught at the moment must be the resident fish.

    And - they are not being caught in the spots that produce in the summer.

    And - they are being caught on different baits so it's a different ball game.

    Yes it's pretty cold but we can fix that with lots of clothes.

    It helps if the boat has a cabin that can act as a windbreak - else you get brainfreeze just getting to the spot....

    I'm 45'ish but my biggest incentive to go in the cold is that if I stay home, the wife will ask me to do chores - (wash the mattresses, vacuum the ceiling and mop the roof tiles... :thumbdown:

    As for the fish arriving late this summer - it's anybody's guess really but I expect around september the summer spots will start to hold fish again - it depends on how long it take the bay to reach 18 degrees or so....

  2. Sorry Tony , i have been up at south west rocks for a few weeks , i will fish the bay for you soon lol

    Ah Mr Funny,

    Would you please fish the bay for me?

    I'm having so much trouble. :074:

    I know you can catch fish in a bathtub so when you give me your GPS marks for the spot, it better not actually BE your bathtub....

    Seriously though, if you do have some winter ideas based on your many years experience in the bay, I would like to hear them. I really need some fallback options because those relos of mine are getting quite scary....

  3. Hey Rickster and Greg,

    My theory on the full moon affecting blackfish is that the full moon brings bigger high tides, whereby after dark, they will come up on the smaller waves, and feed on the weed as the water surges over the rocks and washes back in. It also puts the blackfish on red-alert as the ocean jews can see them when they look up from below and that makes the blackfish easier targets. So during the day they would be full and relaxing, waiting for the next high tide after dark.

    Now the theory goes out the window if the seas are rough and the waves are bashing the rocks. This would dislodge a lot of weed but the blackfish aren't going to go out into deeper water to get it - too prone to attacks - they go into sheltered waters looking for some spume lines and current lines that may contain some dislodged oceanic or river/bay weed - or perhaps just to wait out the rough conditions. There's a lot to think about eh?

    I spent 10 years regularly fishing blackfish with some veterans and they taught me a real lot.....but since I discovered regular bream catches in the bay with my boat, I never looked back...


  4. A few answers:


    The bream a t the top is early 40's - can't remember exactly.

    Spots for the bay in the winter that are sure-fire producers are rare in my database of knowledge.

    I'm sure there are a fair few spots but I only know one spot and it never lets me down (unless the ski boat races happen next to me).

    So if I was to divulge the details, it would be akin to having the relos hurl abuse at me while they are still alive.

    In fact, it would be EXACTLY THE SAME as having the relos hurl abuse at me while they are still alive....

    So all I can do is give some pointers as to strategy, baits and techniques.

    I rarely fish with lures as I get plenty on baits and I enjoy the laid-back nature of bait fishing.

    By the way, you must have burlied up that seal - it just posed for you didn't it?

    Cungee George,

    That yahoo mob in the georges would have pushed your blood pressure thru the roof, knowing how hard it is to get all the jewie variables right, then have that rabble ruin the night...

    Lets hope guys like that never make it to parliament house !

    G'day Scotty,

    I see you out there a lot - especially from about 5km away - the green-ness of your boat colour-scheme can even penetrate fog.

    But you must have a bright colour scheme to stand out for your next customers.

    If you went outside and you got some reef fish, you did better than the 4 or 5 charter boats to which I was listening.

    One boat that got to the peak first scored doughnuts...I reckon it's the full moon - it's only ever good for ocean jews and pelagics.

    The kingies seem to school up somewhere and you either get a bonanza or you get none.

    The demersal species seem to go off the bite or in hiding...that's my experience...

    Hey Dawg,

    It's so hard to measure the fish while the relos are choosing which ones they will eat....

    They have no fear of spines or gill covers, in their enthusiasm to get to the biggest fish first....

    Smallest fish was around 30, biggest was 42ish I think...

    You know I wish some of the summer veterans would go for a fish in the winter and see if they can find a feed.

    I only have the 1 spot and if it ever failed of got seriously worked out, I would have to go offshore.....or to the markets...

    Where is Jim Bream? What about Sizzleboat? There are a few others as well who know their bream stuff - it would be nice to hear from them in the winter...

    Perhaps find out for sure if there are other spots like this one for bream'n'whiting...

    We are never too old or too good to learn something new, in fact last summer I was shown a top bream spot, different baits and techniques - even better than my old spots....like I keep saying, bring on the summer.

  5. Hey Raiders,

    Long time no post for me so I thought I'd better chip in with a report for a change.

    I haven't been out in a few weeks so I got myself into gear on Sunday morning for a bream or two. The fridge was looking nearly bare and the relos told me they were firing up the barbie on Sunday at lunchtime and all they needed was something to put on it.

    I suggested they put some sausages on it, and us being Greeks, they didn't think that was funny at all ! They gave me the 'look-of-death' - kind of like the look you get when you tell your missus that you want to buy some proper jigging gear....

    Perhaps I should have suggested to the relos that they put eachother on the barbie - they would have at least laughed at that...

    So I got my marching orders to the bay.

    I arrived at the spot at 7:30am - nice and late and ready for an argument or two with other unthinking boaties driving circles around me as usual, but surprise surprise, I had the spot to myself.

    How bizarre - a lovely Sunday morning and no-one there......well not YET !

    I proceeded to catch a few nice bream when I swear I could hear all of Botany Bay come zooming over like it was the ocean speedboat races happening.

    I barely caught another fish when I was inundated with boats - sinkers and lures whistled overhead like there was a war - well maybe I exaggerated a little but it got very busy very quick - like someone was watching with binoculars or something.

    Oh well, by that time I finished up, I got 8 nice bream and a trevor. I was not really in the mood to argue so I let them do that amongst themselves and I actually enjoyed the day.

    I relaxed and listened to the charter operators talking over the radio - they weren't having a good day at all looking for kingies, reds, flatties and even reef fish. So for those of you who got out offshore and scored some decent reefies - you did well.

    The wind began from the west, then turned SW, then south, then southeast.

    Just a little tip for you guys regarding bream fishing. In the winter, the bream like a more substantial bait rather than the usual worm / nipper baits. Try pilchard, peeled prawns and even squid if you dare using it for anything other than food or kingie/jewie bait. These baits are more substantial and fatty for the fish.

    As I headed home, it was nice to see a pod of dolphins around Towra, heading out to sea with the runout tide. It capped off a really nice winter's day. They were just too fast for me and my camera so I couldn't get them. Anyway, a shot of the fish will have to do....before they got decimated by the relos....


  6. My dad is a fisho but not quite as addicted to fishing as me :biggrin2: He was cursing that he didn't come as he used " I need to do some painting" as an excuse not to come. :1prop:

    Well next time you feel the need for a fish, just tell your dad to "Drop you off at the spot" and that "you don't mind if he doesn't come as he must have a lot of painting to do...." Then you tell him "in any case, it gives you luck if he isn't around....."

    ..then you watch him dump those paint brushes and tins and grab the rods instead !

    Just be careful he doesn't try to make YOU do the painting while he wets a line...If he does make you do the painting, just paint his room pink and tell him it looks like a big snapper..... :074:


  7. Hey Benzz,

    Well done on a top solo effort, especially in the winter.

    Did you say your dad dropped you off?

    He's not a fisho ?

    Well I think you should catch some really nice fish next time just to annoy him :biggrin2:

    I also noticed the last two letters of your user name is zz.

    I'm sure it's the sound your drag will be making in future trips !

    ...and post some piczz so we can see the big grinzz !

    Well done and welcome to Fishraider. :1welcomeani:


  8. G'day Penguin,

    Great to see the kids had a ball. Those kingies would have tested their patience at such a young age and on such light tackle.

    The smile on their dials says it all.

    It's certainly a good spot but once you get a boat or two buzzing around, the fish stop biting.

    The water is clean and clear in the cooler months and with a fairly shallow depth, the fish are very skittish.

    Other boats are always driving circles around me there making it impossible to catch a fish.

    These people are nice enough, always saying G'day, but they don'trealize they are spoiling the fishing, and they are equally entitled to fish there....

    Nothing you can do really but to smile, return the greeting and keep that rod tip low when you get a hookup in front of them !

    I'll only fish it when the weather is a bit rough so as to minimise boat traffic, but cold and windy is not a very appealing scenario, even if the rods are bending....

    I can handle the cold but the windchop on top of that is pushing it a bit....jeez I must be getting old or something....

    Bring on summer !

  9. Mate , you can try middle ground in Botany Bay between 630am to 900am for bream and whitting.You must berley and use live nippers and fresh prawns.I've been fishing once a week usually with top catches.Then you can try the drop off in front of the Novetel for the run out tide for stud whiting.

    Hi Angelvic,

    Can I ask when was the last time you fished ? In what temperature are you getting good fish?

    I also use your tactics but not in winter.

    I have to go to other spots in the winter to get the good results.

    I'm just curious to see if you fish your same spots all year - feel free to PM me.

  10. G'day Stippy,

    The fact you wrote an essay is testament to the fact you got a real buzz from the fish. This is what keeps millions of people around the world coming back for more of the same every time. It turns us into eternal optimists, because we just KNOW that a big fish is just about to hit our bait. It drags us across the proverbial road (or across the country) to wet a line, and while we wait for that hit, we are lost in thought as to where that fish is...how hard he'll run with the bait, the dramatic hookup, where he'll drag you along the beach during the fight...and we hardly notice the sun has set and that the temp has dropped below 10 degrees - that's gotta be worth something


  11. Hey Jason,

    I don't often fish the container wall, but I believe the spot referred to is Molineux point.

    When you exit the foreshore drive ramp, turn left and head towards the ocean headlands. You will pass Brotherson dock (where the ships unload their cargo). You then drive past the western end of the container wall. Continue driving towards the headlands until you reach the end of the wall. The wall is about 300m from western corner to eastern corner. This eastern corner is Molineux point. You'll get kingies, trevs, bream, flatties (on the sand), salmon and the odd jew. Just a bit of info regarding winter fishing - the bay is pretty shut down in most places so don't expect a big catch unless you really know your stuff. Only 2 of my 20 spots have any fish on them during winter. The water is also clearer and colder then, so the fish are more skittish if boat traffic starts to become an issue. As stated, burley is a must - fish two rods in the burley trail with light sinkers and a couple rods wider of the trail with heavier sinkers and bigger baits. If surface action hits the burley trail, you can swap one of the lighter sinkered rods for a lured rod and have a chuck...if you can feel the reel through the frozen fingers......

    Good luck Jase...

  12. G'day Anthony,

    your story reminded me of a memory long since buried.

    It gave me goosebumps as I recollected the imagery and feelings of these experiences.

    About 20 years ago, when my brother and I were still single, we would take our tinny after dark in winter to the derelict pylon bases of some of the wharves around waverton, looking for bream and jewies. It was deadly quiet as we tied off to the aging timbers. Nothing moved, except the odd rat scurrying across the rocky shorelines. We could see the heavily oyster-encrusted timbers stretching through the inky depths to the seabed far below. Ghost stories were told as the timbers occasionally creaked when nudged by a gentle wave made by a distant boat. We threw in our baits and waited. Suddenly, rod tips would get slammed down to the water's surface in an instant - the drag would squeal and the tip would spring straight again - the snapped loose line wafting in the light chilly breeze. We would look at eachother in disbelief - and rerig the busted line while staring at the brilliant harbour lights. We would easily get 20 fish between the two of us and bust off as many. The fish were 30cm to 40cm, with the occasional bigger fish landed. By midnight we could no longer feel our fingers or nose so back to the ramp we go, knowing we won some battles but ultimately lost the war. Thanks for the amazing report and for digging up this long-forgotten memory of mine. Stonker bream Anthony, but there are some big blue-nose bream under there with 1/0's as body jewellery - good luck getting them out....


  13. Hi Keflapod,

    The majority of bream were taken on blood worm, but the chicken did alright.I cubed the pilchards and also had a mixture of bread and tuna oil which I threw over periodically. A piece of unweighted pillchard down the burley trail worked wonders on the trevelly. Hope this answers your question,




    Thanks Gabe - I don't usually go for the trevs but I think I'll give them a go for a bit of light line fun...

  14. Jeez twin1 - she's certainly fat around the gut - probably in full roe.

    Well done on letting her go.

    The practice in the old days was to take the fish - eat the body and nail it's head to the timber fence like a trophy.

    I'm sure glad that practice is gone - now we know more about them, we realise what damage was being done..

    I reckon a good fishing deed always brings good karma - watch out - that big jewie is just around the corner....and he's looking for yakka fillets.....hehehehe :1prop:

  15. Hey fishon,

    See that expression on his face?

    That says "watch out dad - I'm just warming up - next fish I hook, you're gonna have to hold me by my ankles !"

    Pure gold.....


  16. Hey Funny,

    Nice bunch of fish. I haven't been out in 5 weeks due to little things like birthdays, mothers days, illness and poor weather. I know I can always rely on you to add jealousy to my already sky-high levels of frustration and fishing-deprivation. Thanks for that lovely report.

    When we get lots of rain, indeed we need to look at alternative baits - that would explain why no whiting were in the catch...Usually you get a few dozen of them as well !

    You said you got the biggest fish, but really, did your son get the biggest fish again ? You know he's got the knack eh ?

    Good on you - a top day out with the family and a nice feed of fresh fish....


  17. Hey Fish53,

    Congratulations on a top haul of bream.

    You got that many in 17.5 degree water ?

    That's a good catch - the bigger fish can handle the cooler water.

    The mangroves you mentioned - these are the ones just upstream from towra, past the moored big boats (heading upstream) and left into the mangroves there ? I think that's called 'the elephant's trunk'. Is that the area you got them in in ?

    If so, I haven't been there for a couple of years....was the seabed there clear of weeds ?

    I'm surprised you didn't see any whiting, if we are thinking the same spot.....

    ...and the blue swimmers - I thought they were out of season....


  18. Hey Custom,

    Yes these are unicorn leatherjackets.

    Excellent eating.

    I have caught them on the peak (62m) and the 12 mile reef (108m).

    My mates have even caught them on the plonk hole (130m) so they certainly get around if you caught them on the stones....


  19. Hey Penguin,

    You were lucky enough to be on the bay on a weekday - the weather on Friday was nice.

    That's a lovely catch you got - a nice kingie as a bonus and those legal reddies are the icing on the cake....and that Occie, well, that's just the best entree you can think of isn't it?

    Well done - now all I have to do is shake this virus and get my recovered butt out there...


  20. Hey Mc Fishn,

    You obviously do a lot of Mc JewFishn and getting some top results.

    I'm a firm believer of targetting jews on the new moon and the last quarter.

    The full moon has never produced for me in enclosed waters, but does well on the oceanfront.

    Can I ask - when looking for spots to fish in the bay, do you look for water depth, structure, holes, baitfish presence or do you have your 3 or 4 long-time spots you work over and over again ?


  21. My kids are at the same school as yours Waynie , he won a life jacket , rod and reel , a soft plastic bag and 4 bags of soft plastics.

    Tony , you have gotta be in it to win it

    That's true funny, but tell that to the 90% of people who catch 10% of the fish...

    You may get some perplexing facial expressions, as well as bit of eye-rolling... :biggrin2:

    By the way, I'm gonna enter the pirtek challenge next year. I have no real interest in winning anything but it has been so long since I was IN anything, I forgotten what it's like to be a part of something... Situations like this, where you guys are getting some limelight reminded me of that which I had left behind long ago and under such bitter circumstances.

    As soon as we defrost from the impending winter, I'm gonna make a few changes for the coming summer. It's time for me to mix in with the rest of the world again....maybe even take someone fishing with me again...the conversations with the rods are getting quite one-sided.

  22. Jeez funny,

    you guys are always in the media.

    So let's see:

    1. You've been on TV

    2. Your dog has been on TV

    3. Your son has been in the papers

    4. I'm sure you good wife has won the odd fishing prize.

    So, what's next, a TV series ?

    Good on you guys.

    It's always great to see kids catching fish you can't.....er, I mean catching better fish that you...well what I really mean is.... :thumbup:

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