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Everything posted by bessell1955

  1. How well do they eat? Do they have many bones in them or can get boneless fillets ? Geoff
  2. I do not think people of this ilk own, operate or are the least bit interested in any form of boating. They are just thieves and are like chooks they pick up anything but knowledge. Geoff
  3. Mine do not get frozen. I eat them, yum, yum. Geoff
  4. Or! maybe it was not your day to catch fish? Who knows, once again that is the mystic fishing. An imperfect science which allows the people like me to have the same chance as the professionals. Anyway great to hear that the fishing gods have smiled upon you today. Geoff .
  5. That is the problem with the metric system. We have reduced the numerical factor of the fish we catch. In other words the numbers are smaller. Geoff
  6. That's what makes fishing so enjoyable. The unknown! Geoff
  7. How can they place a parking limit on a trailer that is registered? Do they intend to place a time limit on registered vehicles? The government can not discriminate between any registered vehicles. It appears that a MP is just once again engaging their speaking apparatus before they put their gray matter into gear. To have a vehicle registered means that one can park them on the roadway.
  8. I think that having a provisional license as in motor vehicles has some merit. Such as limiting the number of passengers and restricting where the driver can go e.g. Only allowed in protected waters, no beach laaunches.
  9. Hello Pete The kids at school (Wisemans Ferry Public) I have informed me that they have been catching good Jews at Dads' Corner, just on dusk. They also informed that there is usually a few Flathead and Bream mixed up in the catch. All have used local prawns for bait. Geoff
  10. As it is now school holidays, I have had a fish at Wisemans. I did not have any success, but that is the life of a fisho. I used the NSW Ski Gardens and their ramp was just fine. In relation to the Police Officer at Wisemans, I have spoken to him a number of times and he stated that he has never issued a parking ticket. Perhaps it was a local council ordinance officer. He is rarely working at Wisemans. I can remember when there were three Police stationed there. A sign of the times as there were also three teachers at Wisemans Ferry school. There are only two at the present time. Geoff
  11. It is sad to see dedicated members of an organisation leave. I am sure he will not be forgotten. Geoff
  12. All the blue swimmers that I have caught in the Hawkesbury system have been in Brisbane waters. They were all caught on a variety of meat baits. You need to check the Fisheries website in relation to their regulations. Geoff
  13. Thank you Jeff Spencer may well be the ramp to use. Is it just before the actual township? Geoff
  14. Hello Baz Thank you for your reply. I have asked a numbers of my students who reside in the area and they have have all confirmed your remarks about the public ramp. They also suggested using NSW Ski Gardens. One student told me that he dread having his teacher stuck in the mud, therefore no lessons. I do think he was having a lend of me! Geoff
  15. Hello I am currently teaching at Wisemans Ferry and have an interest in fishing. I have had a look at the public ramp there. It appears that it is very muddy and perhaps a bit tricky at low tide. I would appreciate some input by those that have have used this ramp.
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