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Flickn Mad

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Posts posted by Flickn Mad

  1. you have to wonder how these fires start, I have no problem with smokers but the number of smokers I know personally who are intelligent educated and seemingly responsible people who still throw buts on the ground astounds me.

    Sure there are other ways these fires start but my first guess is always buts or bugs.

  2. Have you replaced the leads yet?

    The problem with asking mechanical problems on a fishing based site is that while people are going out of there way to offer advice a lot of it will be wrong,people think that every fault is the same as a fault that they had many years ago on a different machine.No disrespect to the people who are trying to help out though.

    Your spot on there mate, but the fun part of this sort of thing is feeding your ego if you can figure it out before anyone else. problem is having been on the other end of wrong but well intentioned advice is it can get quite expensive and frustrating.

    being a curious cat I need to know how things work or why they don't.

    That video is an eye opener it is pretty harsh the way it cuts in and out.

    Hanging out to know what the pro says.

  3. I believe they are also called "through"fittings, Silicon is also ok for sealing up, works fine on my aquarium. No fish kills that I have not caused myself by say accidently unplugging the pump.(woops)

  4. The multi meter is great if you get a good one and know. how to use it. power packs or capacitors pump huge voltage low current and can be hard to measure. leads and plugs often only show issue at certain revs and load, and as such very hard to diagnose by yourself with a cheap meter.

    replace the cheap and easy parts and if no luck wait for the pro to sort it out.

    Nothing worse than an unreliable donk when out on the water.

  5. There are plenty of creatures in the sea and out that are cute as hell but tast yummy.

    The feeling of bottle feeding a young lamb is fantastic.

    Nearly as fantastic as they taste off the spit.

    Humans in my opinion anyway should be a happy balance of conservationist,animal lover and predator.

    An interesting delema most of us contend with.

    A grouper that size is a great meal. I would never take a big blue myself though.

  6. I fished south head to bondi last Tuesday. chasing salmon on light gear with plastics. couple of big schools around also got heaps of trevally and pike. all seem to be schooled up, maybe what you sounded.

    whales were putting on a show then as well. also had a seal chase one of my salmon beside the boat.

    aahhhh, Good times.

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