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Everything posted by savit

  1. I did not catch there in the dam however I saw the suggestions to fish the places where people feed the birds. Should be easy to find. I used to fish near Berrima for carp in the past. I believe they have a Carpathon fishing event each year.
  2. Tried them earlier. They 'melt' in the water like ice. That's why I switched to bait from my own legal 'by-catch'. It costs nothing and stays on a hook for a while. I do understand that I can salt pillies.
  3. Where do you get sardines? I saw them in Woolworth and local fish shop at about $10/kg. They did not look very fresh there. Is that a good price? Are they still good in that condition as a bait?
  4. Thanks Jon, I downloaded the mentioned map. Hopefully compleat angler will be open late in the evening, otherwise I'll try the jetty this time if no other suggestions.
  5. Hi All, I will stay at Batesman Bay one of the nights on long weekend and will have a few hours for night or morning land based fishing. Last time, in summer, I caught and released several flatheads on lures close to the bridge. So, not sure if I should fish again the bridge or try the break wall or may be something else. What is better - bait or lures at the moment for some action there? Also, can I reach snapper somewhere there land-based? I can drive a bit if it is worth. Thanks a lot for any suggestions. savit
  6. Good job, macca02. Thanks for offline app as it is more convenient comparing to usual online apps. - Graphical view would be great with tide position at certain time (e.g.I can usually fish only at some specific time of the week, so I check the tide position on willyweather app for that time to decide whether/where to go and what to target. - Manual tide adjustment (e.g. + or - 20 min) would be great if you are fishing regularly far from the closest tide station or far from the ocean. This function is already implemented in some tide watches.
  7. Ok, caught my first my shark (1m Port Jackson) last weekend land-based on Northern beaches at night on whole squid as a 'by-catch'. Posted here in the fishing reports. 20lb braid, 50lb leader, cheap 7000 reel and 14 foot stiff rod did the job. 4/0 hook was straightened. A lot of first excitement in the beginning due to the weight of the hooked fish. A few short runs and then pulling the 'body'. If I would target them at night - I would use shorter rod and stronger leader/hooks. Though i'd rather target Jewfish.
  8. Was it this one ? : http://www.boatsonline.com.au/boats-for-sale/new/skiffs-dinghies-tinnies-inflatables/sealegs-amphibious-stabicraft-2100-rigid-inflatable/169923
  9. Hi , I am catching quite frequently these pests. Do you know the fish name?
  10. Thanks, would be fish shop sardines better than local mullet as a bait?
  11. Just make sure that the car was not written off in Tasmania as it may be a problem to register it in NSW.
  12. There are a few companies that are specializing in moving cars in the truck for large distances as a number of people buy the cars from Perth.
  13. I had a good time actually as there was an action. It was my first shark and a new experience.
  14. I noticed a lot of car with VIC plates in Tasmania in summer, so I presume ferry is quite possible.
  15. Could we have polls implemented to the forum? It should be interesting. Thanks, savit
  16. After achieving Olympic results (5 donuts) for the month of fishing , I decided to challenge my land-based luck last weekend again. So, I grabbed some bait leftovers (mullet and squid) from freezer and went to one of northern beaches at night. The weather was nice and warm, mid of the rising tide. 1st hour of fishing was very quiet, no bites, nothing. Then something easy pulled the line on 3-4kg drag. Then a few quick runs and time for physical exercises on 14-footer rod. I was a bit excited and do not remember how long it actually lasted. I came to the point where I could not win any inch from fish while fish did not move either. I thought – game is over, the hook is likely somewhere in the snag now. So, I tried to walk with rod to see if I can release the rig. I noticed that rod tip quickly changed direction while walking. So, the snag is somewhere close. I had a look down into the water and noticed something large and dark in the surf close to the sand. That was my catch - 1 meter Port Jackson shark. It looks - I tried to dead lift the shark on 14 footer for 5 minutes or so in the darkness! (I use headlamp at night usually to change rig or bait) I made a few photos and released the fish back to the water. I had to re-rig as 4/0 hook was straightened while 6/0 was ok, and continued to fish for another 2 ½ hours in the rain however nothing changed till the end of the fishing session.
  17. Size?Sent from my couch using Tapatalk
  18. savit

    First fish

    Yes Mike89, it felt like dragging the wet rag bag. Initially I thought I caught a seaweed which was my regular catch at that time. I had a similar feeling when I was pulling octopus, however in that case "the bag" tried to anchor where ever it could and fought every inch. Sent from my couch using Tapatalk
  19. Willyweather app. Sent from my couch using Tapatalk
  20. What depth do you set under float for the mushy stuff? Do you use some small split sinker? Sight fishing can be very entertaining.
  21. I would say that good baitcaster may cast further than spinning reel. However good baitcasters are not cheap. So if you are looking for distance - spinning reel will give you much more value for money particularly for small/light lures or baits. Bait casting reels (particularly small baitcasters) are more about control and precision casting rather than the distance casting. This is important when you cast around snags/branches etc when each wrong cast may cost you $5-$25 lure or you are not in the strike zone. Think of them as manual and auto transmission car. Manuals may not drive faster however they are considered cool and give you more fun and control over the car if you learn how to drive them.
  22. Thanks Jon. You did not mention whether you freeze them. I do usually fish estuaries and the shore where whiting, bream, flatheads, mullet and tailor are usual catch. These prawns are also soft and mushy and even have some smell when defrosted. However I can get more bites even on chicken than on these prawns. I purchased them from Chinese fishmarket , they are smaller comparing to those from Wollies or Coles.
  23. savit

    First fish

    Thanks mate. Not sure if it qualifies for some bait records as I do not have exact measurement of the fish. Perhaps I can go back again to Balmoral for better estimates. Though locals might look at me like an idiot when I try make some measurements on those wharf timber boards. Thanks Big Neil. Honestly, it was my first catch in OZ too when "fishing bug" bit me after long (20 years) fishing break again. My pre-OZ/European experience was Hard-Bodies with Centerpins and bait fishing with fishing poles in the freshwater. I do miss sometimes my bum freezing challenges while ice jigging. I do not remember what was second catch here in Oz , however I do remember that I lost a number of good fish in the beginning due to fully locked drag, impatience and lack of local knowledge. The second hmm.. unusual fish that impressed me, besides earlier mentioned "underwater hedgehog", was a hairtail which I saw top water at the same Balmoral wharf at night - I used floats filled with fish oil which attracted the baitfish and consequently this predator. By the time I unpacked again my already packed rods - the hairtail gone.
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