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Posts posted by quochuy

  1. Jewhunter, there is a video on Youtube from Alvey to show how to mod the reel to switch side, I think my old 630 A1 can me mod'ed

    The thing is that an Alvey reel is made as such that if I put the handles on the left I'm supposed to cast with the left hand as the reel rotation lock is on the right. Casting with right hand with a left retrieve reel would need switching hand after turning the reel sideways. But might be worth the try, at least for me. I'll give it a go and update this post.

  2. I noticed a lot of right handed fishos use their right hand to reel on spinning outfits. I'm also right handed but reel in with my left hand. I actually don't have issue reeling with my right hand, which I sometimes do when using an outfit from a buddy. But when I hook a big fish I prefer fighting it with my right hand as it is stronger. Some people say that for big fish they need their strong hand to crank to bring the fish in, but isn't it better to pump and wind instead of reeling the fish in? So pump to bring the fish in and wind in the line and at the same time that would bring the tip of the rod down ready for another pump.

    I recently got an Alvey outfit and the reel comes with the handles on the right. So I started using it like that and it was fine, until last time I caught a Port Jackson Shark, I did struggle fighting it with my left hand especially with a 13ft rod. So I'm considering modifying the reel to switch handles to the other side. But then I realized their would be a bit more hassle on the casting. After the switch of side I would have to lock the line and rotate the reel with my right hand as the locking release system would be on the right, but I would afterwards need to transfer the line to my left hand thumb in order to cast with my right hand. It might also feel a bit awkward to guide the line with my right hand forefinger.

    Is there any other right handed fisho here who have tried a left retrieve Alvey? Was it worth the time doing the mod?


  3. Hi guys

    I'm looking to start accurately record my catches. The measure tape that comes built-in my lip gripper is rusty so need to buy something else. I'm looking at a Pelagic measuring mat.

    The lip grip is good for medium to small size fish but for biggies like a PJ shark it's a no go. What can be used? I was thinking of a weighing sling but not sure where to get one. Is there anything else available? I don't want to spend too much money though.



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  4. I went to South Curl Curl at 6.30pm today with a local fisho I met few weeks ago.

    We started the evening on the pool, the waves were strong so after casting we had to run back away from the edge. My mate first caught the Jackson Shark and headed to the beach to reel the beast in. We knew it was a shark from the strength of the pull but did not expect a Port Jackson.

    Then an hour later I also got one on my Alvey. It was a good fight but only when he got into shallow waters.

    Took some shots with them and released them as soon as we can.

    I always think it's a great experience to hold a shark. The Port Jackson and the Cat Shark are two of the weirdest looking sharks I've caught.




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  5. @fishingnoobs, I've been told the sand crabs are good eating. With 20 you could have a great snack!

    Wait a couple of weeks or so and I believe all the small whitings I've released few weeks ago will grow up nicely.

    @tef1on, I usually get sharks on the same baits as for Salmons: full pilchards on 3/0 gang hooks. Light drag as fishingnoobs said, adjust it during the fight if needed.

    @howdoweplaythis, one big Salmon is much better than all the donuts of the last few weeks. Summer is not far so that will keep us entertained until then.



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  6. Hi guys

    As discussed previously, it seemed that the gutters have been washed out from the Northern Beaches, and for a while no one has realky caught anything decent there.

    But this weekend I had few bites from what I think are big Tailors. Dee Why's gutters seem to be back and on Saturday it gave me a heavy bite that cut off my 10 lb leader. I usually use a heavier leader but forgot it at home...

    Today I went to Palm Beach and the same thing happened again with a 30 lb leader.

    On both occasions I could probably get the fish if I was using a gang hook, but was running out of them so I used two snelled hooks instead which exposed the line. Oh well...

    Anyway I'm pretty sure they were Tailors.

    Also the guys next to me caught two big fat Aussie Salmon that must be 60+ cm

    I will be back there next week or try The Entrance. And if time allows, I'll be back in Dee Why in the early morning during the week.

    I caught no fish today but the family enjoyed the sunny Sunday. It's now over a year my family moved from London to Sydney and we are loving each minutes of this outdoor life style!

    Wishing you all a nice Sunday evening and an awesome week!




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  7. A good practice is after catching them, roll them in dry cool sand then gently hold them at one end and with your other hand grab the body and slide your fingers down to remove the slime. The dry sand should make it easily to take the slime off their body. After that roll them in dry cool sand again.

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  8. Here is the response from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

    "Hi Huy

    We are unable to comment on the health of fish for consumption and you should adhere to advice from Fisheries. Shellfish from Botany bay are not to be eaten, however this has not applied to fish, but to be exceptionally safe you should avoid any of the outflows from Georges River and Cooks River into the Bay and the airport and industrial side of the Bay.


  9. I sent an email to the Food Authority which said there is no restriction on these areas and told me to contact the NSW Fisheries for more accurate info. So I also emailed the Fisheries:

    "Hello Huy

    We do not have any restrictions in the area around Brighton and Dolls Point with regards to eating fish.

    The only place in that area we have restrictions where it may not be safe to eat some kinds of fish is in Alexandra Canal where no fishing is allowed and the Cooks River where you can only fish using a rod and line.

    If you want some more information, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who look after pollution control."

    I also emailed the EPA but they referred me back to the Fisheries with this link:



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