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Posts posted by quochuy

  1. Awaiting for my Adrenalin spike boots to arrive. The spot I was is of high vantage, not like the Flat Rock next to it. Been watching it for the last couple of months and never seen waves reaching it at low tide. I'll try the Flat Rock once the boots arrive.

    Still looking for a life jacket too.

  2. I'm switching sleep cycle again and this is my first sunrise day. Low tide at around 7.23am, got to Manly at 5.45am but got only undersized Tailors so I drove off to South Curl Curl. On the rocks at 6.30am and I noticed there were lot of fishermen today on the rocks 200 meters on my left. One of the guy was fishing with live baits and caught 3 fish in less than half an hour, seems to much of an easy fight to be king fish, so I think it must have been sambos.

    20 minutes after my first cast, the line straighten and my rod tipped down, fish on! Seeing a jump on top of the water, that is definitely a salmon. He then went straight to the rocks, damn! So I let go of some line to release the pressure and he turn back to the sea, after a nice fight, I finally landed a nice one.

    Then a second hookup, but unfortunately this time my sinker got stuck on some oyster on the rocks, after a moment I managed to have the sinker line to break still keeping the fish on the dropper line, but that was too late, the line above the hook was already damaged and with a little pull it snapped, releasing the fish back to the ocean. Good for him :-)

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  3. Hey man. When I was saying not to buy the combo I was talking about the Saratoga combo not the one you mentionned. Sorry for bot being clear. I believe the combo you mentionned has the same Shimano reel I recommended.

    As for the beaches, my faves are Dee Why, Curl Curl and Narrabeen. They have been quiet this Spring though, hopefully the fish will fireup again soon.

  4. Hi guys

    I'm regularly going to one of the Northern Beaches to fish alone before sunrise I sometimes bring two outfits to have better chance of hooking up. But one question came to mind, what would I do if I get a hookup on both rods? Which can happen if a school is out there. Anyone has experienced this before? How did you handle that?



  5. Until recently I was using a Saratoga Mawler 11ft 3 pieces 6-10kg 21gr surf rod ($89.95) with a Shimano Aerlex 8000 xsa surf reel ($99).

    I read people not trusting Saratoga rods, but when I bought this one I didn't know it, but after using it I was quite nicely surprise of its performance, I caught number of sambos, tailor and sharks with it, so for the price it's quite worth it. Don't buy the combo (Saratoga) as their reel is not nearly as good as this cheap Shimano which is made for distance casting. I had it spooled in the tackle shop in Drummoyne with 10lb orange braid line and use 30lb fluoro leader (tailor's teeth are sharp).

  6. When I can't have anything stay in one place, I use a 2oz or 3oz breakaway (spider?) sinker and if needed add a 1 to 2oz ball sinker above it to help the wires angle down towards the bottom.

    The bigger the bait the more it will pull on the sinker too.

    I find worms to stay better than prawns and they are better bait anyway. There is a great long post about beach worming technique.

  7. I also like fishingphase's rig unless I'm not fishing alone in which case my sinker would be heavier to avoid cross lines. I sometimes use a single twisted dropper loop paternoster rig if I want the bait to be away from the bottom.

  8. Sorry for the mistake on the location, the title was right. For some reason I was thinking of Manly... The spot was Bondi Beach, midway between the center of the beach and the south corner, you cannot miss the gutter.

    I've updated the original post

  9. When I joined FR, another forum fella commented on my Facebook Page, it turned out that he is a relative of one of my good friends in France. The world is small as the say.

    Yesterday we decided to do a session in Bondi Beach targetting Sambos. I got there at around 8.23pm but found that somehow the rig I prepared got tangled with a sabiki rig that slipped out its bag. So I wasted time trying to undo the tangle to end up tying a new one.

    My mate arrived not long after with a sea popper rig and he too managed to get it tangled. There are days like this :-P

    Rig done, I casted a fillet of Yellowtail with my Alvey rod and the 6000BCVRRT reel from my mate. The rig was a paternoster rig with a single twister dropper loop with a two size 3/0 ganged hooks and a 3oz no-roll sinker.

    Right after my cast my friend's bait net and the rod holder used to secure it to the sand got washed by a big shore break. So I dropped my pants and was going to go in the water to fetch it. But then my friend who then was holding my rod yelled fish on and it was bloody heavy. So I ran back and continue the fight. After few pulls and jumps, it was a nice 59.5cm Sambo!

    Second cast, not even a minute after the bait touched water another big Sambo!!

    After that it was my friend's turn to have his reel's fish alert hissssing through the night. Two other Sambos and a Shovelnose Shark.

    The other fishermen who arrived a bit later were not as lucky. The two main reasons being I was the first on the beach and made camp right in front of a nice big gutter, probably the only decent one on the night. And then when they arrived, I think the school was on its was out and my buddy was just placed right on their way to catch the two last one we got.

    What a night!

    That was my first decent session of this Spring.



  10. This one was lazy at first, I thought it was seaweed. It's only when it started to get stuck in the shallows that he started to give a good fight.

    It's the first time I saw or even heard of a PJ, and I did really enjoy the final fight and think it is a great looking shark. Releasing one is always a great feeling.

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