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Posts posted by Ryder

  1. I learn so much from you all.

    I think it's fair to share.

    I live in Ryde and use surf cams to check things out, wind ,swell etc.

    It can be still as here but blowing hard on the coast.

    But no surf cam on north narrabeen . Need real information

    My wife's working alternate weekend shift at RSPCA, So I was free.

    So I took a walk

    Low tide during the day not much hope but its better than not fishing,

    I knew it would be good on the high, and glad it payed off for someone.

    Still waiting for a big one maybe not this weekend but next on the lead up to the full moon


  2. Sorry no lyrics to Moby Dick just a Bonham drum solo.

    Just thought of The Ocean , singing in the sunshine, laughing in the rain.

    That's a fishmans diiti

  3. I've a terrible voice so don't sing. And much as I would love to blast out some Zeppelin. Pogues or flc. Got to be honest that I love the silence. All week listening to customers Wife and kids. It's a break for my ears as well as my soul! ......... SaltWaterDog

    Moby Dick ?
  4. I started fishing with my Grandfather in Forster in the early 70's. I remember him singing Pedro The Fisherman on the way out and we always got fish. It was like a ritual

    Anyone got a song that works?

  5. I'm new to the plastics scene, and like you I went fishless and frustrated for a while.

    I searched the subject here on Fishraider and got my first flathead at Brays Bay in Rhodes,

    I fished along the wall between the restaurant and the mangroves at the north end of the park.

    Gulp plastic jerk shad 4 inch on a 1/8th in pumpkinseed with a 2m 10lb fluro leader. Those nuclear chicken you have should work fine.

    Totally unsophisticated, I just let it sink to the bottom and a slow roll retrieve. Just a few casts an Bang, on.

    It was about 2 hours after high tide.

    I wouldn't keep anything from there, but it produced the goods.

    Maybe see you at the soft plastics social.


  6. I took a walk along the beach this morning, making a few casts for nought. The tide was running out and a lot of water moving around.

    I thought I should report the nice looking gutter forming at the north end below the surf club. Two or more deep channels heading out with the gutter about 80m long. It should fish well this evening on the high.

    There were also a lot bait fish pushed up near the shore.

    Further south near 'the pines' weed is an issue but the north was pretty clear.

    I spoke to a local who said they got good flathead and tailor last night.

    Coming up to the new moon there could be a chance of a Jew.

    Hope you can use the info, I can't make it tonight

  7. Legal Snapper have been increasing in the harbour ever since the commercial licence buy back.

    They have always been there and over fished since year dot

    The buy back has given the pinkies we all know the chance to grow up.

    In the late 19 th century steamer charter boats operated in and out of Sydney. 40+ people

    aboard, they would cover the deck with snapper, a craze called

    Gradually fishing the harbour and coasts until they became unproductive.

    Not to mention more modern commercial fishing and pawning operations.

    Try to get the book "Angling in Australia" by Bob Dunn. Great history of our fisheries.

    A great read for anyone who loves fishing.

    Your catch goes to show our licence fees are paying off now and for the future.post-33162-0-29523200-1396611954_thumb.jpg

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