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Posts posted by Ryder

  1. Army worm have been striking lawns on the lower North Shore.

    I treated 3 neighbouring properties last week.

    If your lawn is looking a bit brown, short and weeds really standing out, you may have them.

    A moth lays the eggs.that grow into caterpillars.

    Look for chewed leaves and small green droppings below in the thatch.

    If you have them you need to spray with Baythroid as directed or you won't have a lawn over winter.

  2. End of Willis Rd Castle Cove.

    I think this is The Steps

    Don't park right down the bottom

    It's a favourite downhill skateboarding spot.

    Follow the track down from the end of the street.

    Sorry it's a late reply .

  3. I thought Buffet might come up as it moved away from songs that catch fish.

    I thought Jimmy Buffet was for sailors.

    What ever floats your boat and brings fish on board

    Keep em coming, What could be left?

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