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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Thanks for the reply. I know a lot of guys have trouble catching mullet , I'm one of them. I see big ones cruising around spots but never had a serious go at them. I have caught them using mullet as bait when going for bream . Is that odd? Mullet on mullet. Dough and cotton wool Saturday Arvo I could break my new rod, these guys are big.. I will post results Thanks again Ryder
  2. Nice catch mate, maybe another future raider on your hands. Dough and cotton? How do you do that?
  3. Happened to a mate of mine on a charter, that made for an expensive day out. Just bad luck mate Sorry I read a story on the weekend about the naval jetty near Cobblers Beach. In the fifties there were rumours of massive fish lurking in the waters there. In the mid seventies the jetty was open to the public. A fellow called Chris Ward went down with game rod and full gimbal harness to try his luck. He hooked something huge and was pulled off the wharf and disappeared. In 1977 a prawn trawler netted a 300+lb Black Cod under Gladesville Bridge. It had thick line running out of its mouth. When they pulled in the line it was attached to his rod and his skeletal remains still in the harness. That's real bad luck.
  4. Went for a cast in Wreck Bay not far from Tunks Park boat ramp and I saw heaps of Luderick hanging off the western corner where the bay meet the main waterway near the 4 knot sign Enjoy
  5. This is my buddy, Max . Loves fresh fish and mental for fresh prawns . We adopted him 3 years ago. If you come home smelling of fish and your partner doesn't like it ; ......your cat will. , A very well known charity animal adoption agency based in Yagoona is at capacity for our feline friends. If you or anyone you know needs a buddy, adult cat adoptions are half price. $50 Vaccinated,wormed,desexed. They get little government funding. I hope I'm not breaking rules, but if you can help please do. No haters Ryder
  6. Ryder

    Text Alert?

    So is it a minimum of 50?
  7. They are a type of Nemertea, they occur throughout the world. Not sure how common they are here, but they are known to be hard to catch. Some species are sold as bait in the US and South Africa. Some species are toxic having a similar poison to pufferfish . Research has shown they are eaten by some fish and avoided by others, sometimes they are eaten then violently rejected. As a bait the head is the firmest part the rest of the body quite soft. The tail often gets bitten off so a 2 hook snell is the go. 1 hook in the head one in the tail. I don't know if this one is toxic, next time get your mate to hold it while you bait it up.
  8. Ryder

    Text Alert?

    Ok bad idea. I just see the action and want to pass it on. Fishchat next time LIVE
  9. Ryder

    Text Alert?

    As a landscape gardener I work several waterfronts and places with a view. I often see massive surface action ,and nobody on it, with no way to communicate to raiders without radio. I'm not up with "techmology" but would it be possible to pass info on via text alert to members, from Fishraider on water at the time? I know text costs but could it be passed member to member for a single personal cost? Only those logged on pay for alert? Like I said I don't know much about this stuff, but I see the fish, I can't be there, and I think someone might like to know. Ryder
  10. I have the white handled Dexter. It sings when slicing sashimi. Got it at Sydney Fish Market
  11. There is a great little beach next to the ramp at orient point for pumping yabbies. The jetty there is worth a try for flathead and bream. Easy land based access to the Crookhaven at Greenwell Pt,
  12. Phew This is the one they are looking for. It's in SA and WA
  13. Great bag. I hope I am wrong but it could be asian paddle crab. They have 6 distinct spikes on each side at the front of the shell. Check it out online DPI are very interested, its an invasive species spreading thru Australia. If it is, you should report it. Ryder
  14. Bassman Sugapen 70 mm the guys in the shop will know, mine has an orange tinge down the back fading to yellow on the belly. Online you will find them 19.99 in store about 25 ask for the match so you don't have to wait.
  15. Mate I asked about Bayview last week and got no replies but it looks fishy, especially the drop off at the end of the sand bar. Have you thought of Narrabeen Lake. Fresh worms at narrabeen bait and tackle. A good place to start is next to the caravan park boat ramp. Then there is the beach, fishing the deeper gutters for bream whiting and flathead. A swim is always an option there.
  16. I haven't got whiting yet just bream but I am told they work for both. Post in salt water show them getting both. Got mine at tackle world Drummoyne , BCF may have them too. Check prices online some stores are happy to match if you can quote price and site.
  17. Sugapen worked first time for me Check out the salt water lure chat especially the pinned articles
  18. Thanks for the warnings, next time I'll leave sooner. I'd rather get smoked by a kingfish than charred by lightning.
  19. Ryder

    Lazy sunday

    Good to see, I like to rebuild and reuse when ever possible. I've had this blowfly trap sitting around for years, you've given me an idea. Thanks. Have to measure it make sure it's legal Ryder
  20. I knew the weather was going to be a bit dodgey and didn't want to get caught far from home so I went to Tarban. Saw heaps of good size bream competing for bread kids were feeding the ducks. I cast the new sugapen off the other side of the bridge into the creek a few times and I was on. First bream off the surface. Not huge about 20 cm but I was happy. I walked along the wall casting as I went and managed another undersize bream a and a couple of choppers. I definitely missed a few takes and had heaps of near misses mostly in the creek between the mouth and the footbridge. As the weather started closing in and thunder in the distance I was casting off the bridge when my graphite rod discharged electricity into my thumb. It lasted about 1/2 second and I could hear the Zzzzzzzzzz Ouch Would this be from the static in the air before the storm or does it just build up in the rod from casting ? Made it out of there before the real lightning started. P.S A local came up and asked me if I was after kingies ,with my 3 kg outfit I laughed and said no, he said they have been in there. Ryder
  21. Very nice fish. I am learning so much from fishraider, thanks for the report.
  22. Weather permitting I am going out tomorrow for a fish. Following your advice I am making the move to more synthetics. I have Zmann grubs and power bait minnows and a sugapen, this time I am looking for a feed. Any suggestions north-side would be much appreciated. I am thinking Bayview or Narrabeen. Thanks
  23. Well done mate. Persistence paying off.
  24. Years ago on holiday We met a guy constantly catching big ones night after night. He told us fresh mullet was the go. Next night my brother got one about 60 cm. Far north end One mile beach Forster. Śhhhhhhhhh
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