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Everything posted by Zacnoel

  1. More than 15 kg I'll bet
  2. Hi Iknow JB middle ground , under point perpendicular light house ( on the bay side) and east Bowen island have all been producing some good Kingies over the last few weeks . If you travel wide to the fad which isn't much more than 10 km we have been hooking some nice Dollies and the Marlin are definitely about . Be careful not to stray into the sanctuary zones at the entrance to JB. Jump on the net and the Marine Parks site has a map of JB and the relevant zones
  3. you have to use pure soap not the nicely scented stuff. I'm not sure what goes into soap now days but it used to be made from boiling cows hooves - that would be the link I think
  4. in this case as in most I suspect , we also need to recognize the efforts of other recreational boaters who are usually first on the scene. They placed themselves and there vessels at risk to help others in distress and probably saved the lives of the fellows in the capsized vessel. The unwritten rule of rendering help to anyone who needs it at sea still lives. Three cheers to all that we're involved.
  5. Yes excellent information Slinky. You are right. I have used US, Japanese , Chinese, Hongcanese you name it. But as you say I do come back to the same 6 or so brands. Usually after being disappointed with my last purchase. There's a message there I guess
  6. Hi - I agree with Witha there are lots of brands out there and they all are different, I fish almost exclusively with braid and at the moment I am using the new Berkely product which has reduced in diameter of late. I fish for half pound whiting and metre plus. flatties and I use 4lb braid for both. It has ample casting distance and is very strong in fact your choice of leader becomes the more important decision . If I can offer one piece of advice it would be if you are just starting with braid don't go too thin too soon. I recently tried some really thin braid and even though I fish this all of the time , in high wind with very light lures it became a nightmare for wind knots ( which is a problem suffered by light braids in windy conditions) in the end I went back to the old faithful 4lb and and haven't looked back . Anyway good luck and good fishing
  7. A friend of mine recently had the exact same problem, he welded an aluminum plate onto his suspect transom which replaced the ply and he has been fishing without any dramas
  8. Nice catch Drew , it must have been the magic reef pick I gave you
  9. That is a champion fish. I have been surface fishing up in St George's basin lately for whiting and doing OK but nothing that big . What was the length of the whiting
  10. Hi - just one thing to consider. If the engine is computer controlled then you should be able to take it to a brand specific service agent and they will be able to connect a diagnostic tool to the motor and tell you exactly how many hours the motor has done and even tell you the service history and any engine faults that have occurred and probably much more . If the seller is genuine they should not have a problem with you doing this
  11. Hi- I have an 6.1 trailcraft and believe me the sun is a real killer if you don't use a quality cover. Every two to three years I'm up for new clears, carpet, seat covers. It also degrades any hard mounted electrics. As for paint again if you don't use a quality cover along with the obvious fading the likely hood of electrolysis increases as the boat tends to stay damp and all you need is a liitle salt,a little water ...........
  12. Hi - I am looking at a set of escapin outriggers has any body used these poles . I know that there are are better quality units out ther but was wondering about these units in particular
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