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Posts posted by sparkles

  1. That is a great report Boban.

    I love it up at the whitsundays. It just 'looks' fishy.

    Are you referrring to those spots in between the islands where the current is steaming through. on the other side of the island to whitahaven beach.

    As I was on a charter there, and we were throwing poppers at whatever was breaking the surface. And got nothing.

    Mind you. All I wanted was a spaniard.

    Top report.


  2. They are great when they are on the bite , the larger ones especially are good fun on light gear. As you say , cooked properly they are delicious !!


    Here Here!!!

    always wanted to say that...

  3. Great catch Azza.

    I have got the biggest itch to get out there. My boat needs it to be a little flatter.

    Unless the YFT's decide to start schooling up in rose bay.

    Do you think if i berlied hard enough from the ramp, it would bring them on.

    BTW this is my 100th post.

    And it is on yellow fin. awsome.

    Top stuff azza. Lets keep them comming.


  4. At the beginning of a night at my aunty and unkles place, a few weeks after my 21st birthday.

    the boys and I (cousins and brother) decided to crank up a fire, to look at while we where having a few beers.

    the wood was too wet, so out came the metho spirits.

    one thing led to another.

    I got out of hospital a very lucky man. no permamnent scarring, but with my cousins who love me, trying to figure out if my new nick name should be "woooof"

    or sparkles.

    unfortunately for me. sparkles stuck.

  5. Mate the best thing to do is clip the tail of the yakka.....not so much that it bleeds though....once cliped it will not be able to move to far and wont tangle your lines....its also increases your hook up rate because the yakka goes crazy when it see's a big fish but it cant move......makes a much more inviting target

    I feel more sorry for the sheep than the poor little Yakka's.

    sort of anyway.

  6. This drought we are experiencing, may warrant some fishraider wet suits.

    I'm definitely keen for something that keeps the sun off my pasty white skin. If it ever comes out again.

    (todays weather excluded)

    Good luck to everyone this weekend.


  7. Poly,

    Just in case this is something you are not aware of.

    And i am not even sure what type of fishing you do, but thought i would throw this in.

    Rock fishing is the most lethal sport in the world I believe. And although it can be very exciting, and a great

    way to get good fish.

    The ocean must be treated with the utmost respect at all times. Safety Safety Safety. being washed of rocks by big waves, is a very dangerous situation to be in.

    I am suggesting, (if this is something you are not sure of) that you take a lot of time to get to know the conditions in the area you are fishing. And always expect the unexpected. it's the FREAK waves that kill people.

    There are some real expert rock fisho's on this site, who maybe able to give you some great advice.

    Good luck with the safe fishing.


    ps seabreeze is a must..

  8. post-2215-1181877597_thumb.gif

    The Cow Dolphin. Common from the Bahamas to the Florida Keys, the cow dolphin feeds on algae and seaweed. The cow dolphin produces a moo-ing sound that many scuba divers have compared to the siren sounds produced by the mythical muses. Traveling in herds, the female features small downward pointed horns and utters for feeding its young. The more aggressive male Bull Dolphin (pictured below her) features larger and upward pointed horns and has been known to charge boats with a red painted hull.


  9. Hydrocloric acid....

    I just rinse my mouth out with it, and spit a little on my hands.

    Can tend to sting a little. But then I scull a can of harden the ##!! up, and I'm ready for anything.


    ps the Author of this post, wishes to indemnify himself, from any pending law suit that may arise from people loseing all their teeth and fingers from listening to an obviously deranged, and seriously bored individual.

  10. :074: Im gonna guess not. I think a fellow fishraider has this particular pic as an avatar...

    there is one way to tell if it is really a dog fish.

    tickle it's belly, and see if it's back legs start shaking.

  11. Maybe the Yacht is a submersable.

    You know those yachties have a lot of cool kit.

    Maybe we could have a tree stump social up the hawksbury, and seaweed social down at stanwell?


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