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Posts posted by THE SWEENEY

  1. They have been contracted by the DPI to gather information from fisherpeople as they come back from their trips to gather information on the Hawkesbury system . To the best of my knowledge , this information is for the DPI only , not for Political parties.


    I am one of those people,it is totally volunteer,non polituical invovles lots of different activites eg fishing with kids,teaching anyone who fishes rules and regulation,going to fiching clubs,educating about our waterways.I am an avid fisherman and anything that helps to educate and promote and preserve this great sport and pastime for future generations is worth supporting.I do have a uniform which consists of blue shirt and hat with dpi and fishcare logos,I also have identification badge.We are not empowered to check licences and fish sizes we come under the guide lines of the dpi and have to do a course and training before we can join fishcare.If you are unsure who you are talking to ask for id.Its all about education.

  2. i had both hands operated on at the same time one hand was in plaster for one week the other was bandaged to the elbow for eight days,wife was very understanding and helpfull. take my advice and have the operation,i wish i had it done years ago so good not to have tingling and numb fingers every night. cheers Laurie.

  3. Tried various spots around the harbour on sunday with live bait ,squid fresh and frozen squid and lots of hope and no kings,headed to bantry bay for a go while haveing some lunch fresh cooked prawns,throwing the heads and shells overboard ,it was like feeding pidgeons in hyde park ,the only difference the pidgeons were bloody kinghies ,they were like a swarm around the boat ,dropped squid ,live yakkas right in front of them they would have a look at the bait then swim away .Cheers Laurie.

  4. Between four boats ,nine people ,squid,prawns,yakkas,dead and alive ,chicken breast,and pillies 42 hours on the Hawkesbury river ,lots of fuel ,different spots,sub total of 1 jewfish (just legal ) 2 small flathead and several very small bream we all had a wonderfull time out. I GUESS THATS WHAT FISHING IS ALL ABOUT Cheers laurie.

  5. Greg, good luck in QLD. Enjoy your work and the fising up there.

    Dan you are welcome in my boat anytime.



    p.s. Kat said good luck to and she looks forward to fishing with Dan.

  6. Hello,

    Went up to the Camp, Comp & Carp weekend at St Albans as a fishcare volunteer.

    There were 65 anglers which attended the 3 day event.

    They caught a total of 193kgs of carp.

    The biggest was 11.3kgs. Wouldn't recommend eating carp, tasted like slushy, tastless rice.

    Great weekend.



  7. hey laurie.have you got any details as to what the target fish is

    i have no idea but would like to have a go


    All species are covered ,but in previous years jewfish and flathead have been more prominent then any other fish caught

  8. Had the maritime do a check on me last saturday night at seven thirty ,they informed me i must travel with white masthead light on at all times not only when at anchor , white light must be visable for 360 degrees. On tuesday received a official warning notice through the post . cheers Laurie.

  9. Any ideas when Laurie? I need to renew mine in Oct...


    Fishers who already have a one or three receipt will automatically receive a renewal letter in the post before their receipt expires. Ttese receipts can be renewed and fishers then have the option of purahasing the new olastic licence at no additional cost to the paper licence.This renewal facility means fishers do not need to re-enter their details when they purchase a new licence. Released on Sunday 31/o8/08 cheers Laurie
  10. New plastic fishing licences will soon be issued to replace the old paper ones,they are waterprof ,and the same size as a credit card,renewal notices notices will be issued for the new licence at no cost to fishers .cheers laurie.

  11. hey raiders anyone herd any news on andy hairies around????.....????...

    cheers flatty hunter

    fished last sat night for absoloutly nothing, but it was very cold ,cheers laurie
  12. hi all fished the hairie night friday night was extreemly cold,but managed to catch 2 hairtail,one at 1170 other at 1120,also caught jewfish at 50,flathead at 55,bream 30,taiylor 30.Had s good night pictures to follow.Fished Lake Macquarie Sat and Sun caught nothing :1prop:

    When Mrs Swordfisherman puts the full report up you will more than likely see me holding these mystical Hairtail and what a great sight they are.

  13. The ramp is undergoing major repairs expected to take two weeks ,the only part of the ramp available is a tempory ramp alongside the old one ,i would recommend four wheel drives and high tides only .Laurie

  14. hey THE SWEENEY... good work mate.. what time would you reckon would be a good time to get to Jerusalam bay before it becomes heticly full with boats .... were you on a moring or just at anchor...

    Cheeers Cox Craft :1fishing1:

    in answer to above questions they usually come on the chew just after dark so it is a good idea to get there before dark to find and secure a spot it can get very busy down there after dark ,there are no moorings in the bay so it is necessary to anchor ,i will be trying again next sat night as the tides are very good .laurie

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