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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Great session again Dave! You have cracked the 3 jewie code! Nice boat too!
  2. Ray, you'll have your own TV show soon....enjoy the saltnpepper entrees!
  3. Ray, that has to be one of your best sessions! What a cracking seafood platter and nice release of the big girl.
  4. Cracker fish and a great reward for braving the drizzle!
  5. Top session....gotta love the midweek outings!
  6. Top fish and you must have snagged her over some clean sand as she is very lightly marked!
  7. That's a very tasty seafood platter Trung! What size did the flatties go?
  8. That's a cracker whiting and some top flatties too....how was the water temp up the Wonny?
  9. I only have 3 lines out if the tide and wind are easy to manage. Even when the drift is good I still come up with some braided nightmares. The key is to have the deepest lure just behind the yak with the others out wide. I also zig zag down current which allows one lure to slow down each turn and some of my biggest fish have been caught on a lure that has been almost stalled.
  10. Just hope you have a good supply of fresh garlic, chilli and Chinese 5 spice for a great serve of salt'n pepper squid!
  11. Great persistence and I'm sure the boys enjoyed the experience of a great Jew capture and some thumping squid lies to add to the platter!
  12. Great session! That white SP could be the answer for night time ventures!
  13. It works both ways...I got a 1.11m Jew (Pb) when targeting big flatties!!! It tells you about the hunting instincts and hunting grounds of these predators!!
  14. Wow! You guys brained the fish! I've never targeted EPs but I think I might do so in the near future!!
  15. Cracker whiting and hopefully. A sign of good things to come!
  16. Get those photos up ASAP!
  17. Yep I troll with a line out either side of the yak and one hand held down the middle. That way I can run 3 different lures. I do get some monumental tangles at times when it's not a straight forward drift!
  18. Great session....2 PBs for 2 blokes in any session is fantastic....you guys were in the zone!
  19. Had a 2 hour window yesterday arvo so I hit a spot up the Georges where I got a couple of nice fish a fortnight ago. The tide was into the last half of the runout and I caught and released plenty of smaller flatties, bream and whiting in the first hour. Noticed a tick one one of my lines and the tip stopped vibrating and bent slightly back. I lifted the rod out of the holder and applied some pressure, at first not much resistance as the line came onto the spool pretty easily but then as the leader peeked out of the water, I realised the was some serious weight below. Got my first glimpse of a very nice flatty and after a few minutes of her ducking and weaving near the surface, I slid her into the big net and of course, she went ballistic and flew back out into the drink. One more attempt and she was netted, I slipped the grips onto her lower jaw and peddaled over to a nearby beach to measure (84cm), photograph and release her. She sulked a bit but after a few minutes of swimming her, she slid back into the muddy depths. Took two 40s back home for dinner and I'll be back out there again next week!
  20. A hat trick to break the duck!!! That is special....it may have something to do with your persistence....there were few of us sleeping when you were out there!
  21. I'll be glad to hear the results .........I process all info from fatty captures and look for patterns. I've read Hodgey's post for years and he certainly does his fieldwork!
  22. Cracking report! Well done on catching the fresh bait and nailing a Jew!
  23. Kel, I reckon the bigger lures attract the bigger fish!
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