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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. That's a great haul solo and you sure have the right tactics to get them away from the shallows....plus it keps you safe when fishing solo! Top vid!!
  2. Well done boys...you have the squid=KINGS equation sorted!Great fish, pics and post!!
  3. That is a sensational fish and what a hump! Enjoy the fillets!!1
  4. Ritchie, home made trap Squidward, I use wide gap hooks on a 80cm 14lb trace and a running dropper sinker above the swivel James, It's good to get out as soon the yak might have to give way to some rockfishing! See you soon! Thanks for the comments people!
  5. Glad to hear you on the mend. I opened up my auto inflatable PFD a while ago to find the oxygen canister not only rusted up but not attached to the activator!!! I called the suppliers and had it all renewed and ready for action. Just thinking someone was watching over me in the last few years of rock and kayak fishing wearing what was really only a manually inflatable PFD!
  6. It did look like a carpark there....I was in a kayak and left about 6pm.
  7. Had a small window of opportunity yesterday arvo and bolted down to catch some poddies. Armed with a dozen, I launched at 4:30pm and pedalled up to deeper water to begin a drift with what was a pretty slow run out tide. Covered a couple of km with no joy except for pesky tailor amputating my livies. Picked up a flatty around 50cm and headed back upstream for a final drift, marvelling at the sunset and the perfect conditions. Grabbed another flatty in the low 40s and arrived in 10m of water to throw out the final two baits of the arvo. There were heaps of boats out around the bridge pylons enjoying the top arvo and waiting for the dead low. I began a leisurely drift back to the launch spot and just as I hit a rise up to 20ft, my bigger rod goes ballistic with a screaming run and violent bends. I pulled the rod out of the holder and set the hooks, immediately feeling head shakes and another short screaming run. Thought jew or maybe BIG flatty. AS it was dark and I had no lights to speak of, barring the glow of the colour sounder, I pedalled into shallower water and gave my self a wide berth around a couple of moored boats, just in case the fish decided on a mooring wrap. Headed into the launch spot at speed and a jewy pops up next to the yak, exhausted. Pretty pleased with a 90 minute outing!
  8. Great fish guys and well done on the PB. I gather you guys are landbased.
  9. That is an amazing Hood! Thanks for sharing the details and the gear!
  10. Well done and drummer are one of the most addictive species in the ocean...you WILL be back for more....and a PB over 50cm!
  11. So that's what ling look like with clothes on! Great feed!
  12. Cracker session Poddy! Good to see you converted some mates onto lures! With your nickname, don't forget the livies!
  13. Great fish and a perfect meal for 2! Enjoy!!
  14. That was a freakish read and well done on an absolute fish of a lifetime! How long was the fight and what gear were you using?
  15. Amazing king....how much flyline or backing do you have on the reel Mark?
  16. Best size are the larger ones 10-15cm and hooked through the lips so they swim naturally with the tide.
  17. Hit the Georges with some poddies this arvo ready for the run out tide. Just after the turn, I picked up a fat 68cm flatty and let the big girl go Picked up a couple of tailor around 40cm then just as the tide picked up some speed, I nailed 4 flatiies from 45-55cm in a 30 minute hot bite. The fish were all taken in 5-8m of water. It was hard fishing the run out as the nor-easter was blowing agianst the tide. Happy days!!
  18. Go Trung! Great catch! I want to see a photo of the meal cooked! Were you land based or on the boat?
  19. Hey Formosaman, I keep the poddies alive in a bucket of freah sea water with an an aerator pumpimping all the time (a must).
  20. Hey Paul, The poddies are drifted with the tide and oinned through the nose with a wide gap hook,
  21. Wow! Ans Coongrats...! That is an amazing bag!!! What was the average size of the pigs Tony?
  22. Rhat is a cracker...must have been the highlight of Easter!!!
  23. Some superb flatties there......you'll be back!
  24. Great way to pop a cherry!
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