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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. THUMPERS is a great description! Well done Stewy... any PB of yours is noteworthy!
  2. Sounds simple!!! My son and I caught a heap of garies one morning last summer but I already had a stack of flatty fillets so I gave them to the owner of my local Japanese restaurant and he took them home for his family....very impressed. Now that I know the lateral bones disappear, I'll try your fish finger recipe! Between fishing and golf....you should have your own show!
  3. What a snapper fix!!! Great pics and you guys are certainly on the money!
  4. Hey Greg what do you do to prepare the gars and how does your mum cook them? BTW how long was that flatty? Looks like a metre!!!!
  5. That's a special catch on 8lb froma pontoon! Congrats!!!
  6. Abslute cracker! Congrats to you on the record and man that thing must have pulled hard!
  7. Hey Frankie, great post! Did you fish the shallow weed bank on the western side of KB?
  8. Unbelievable kings Andrew....did the hobie get up on the plane?
  9. Nice jew Yowie....in the deep ?
  10. Ahh....Hodgey...the relative pleaser! Great work Hodgey and good to see you back wetting a line. I can't wait for the reports on the big crocs!!!!
  11. Beast is an understatement! Unbelievable fish!!!
  12. I think Peter is right, that looks like a couple of different species....any ideas? Great catch btw!
  13. Congrats....that is a fantastic fish!!!
  14. Nice flatties there Nutz, did you get them on the run in or run out and what bait? (If you don't mind me asking!!!)
  15. What a session , That is a great red!!!
  16. All of the advice here is good stuff and all I can add is if you are landbased, try using blades or bigger plastics to get some distance then target weedy drop off areas in 0.5-2m. If you can, get out onto the flats at a really low tide and look for flathead lies in the sand/mud. If you see a large croc imprint, come back and flick something around there at the first of the run out. Good luck!
  17. You're right Ali, a big jewy is always welcome!
  18. Great haul and what away to christen the new boat!
  19. That is a cracking haul of flatties there man! The big ones look in great condition too! What depth were you fishing?
  20. You're spot on George. I like to soak a livie or troll a HB in the last hour of the run out!
  21. They are the best boneless and skin less!
  22. What an adventure!!! Great post and fantastic pics too!
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