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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Congrats again on a good session and thanks for the info!
  2. Beautiful fish and well done on the first PB of 2012.....I'm looking for that metre flatty too!!
  3. Collected some fat poddies yesterday arvo with a plan to hit the Georges on New Years Morning while the punters slept off hangovers. It was eerie driving down to launch the yak as I only saw a few cars on the road and noone out and about at the ramp. Launched at 6:45am, hit one of my deep water flatty spots and put out a large and a small poddy on the last of the run out. Second drift and the heavier rod goes off ...head shakes and a few spirited runs and up comes a 75cm jew! I lip grip her and slide her on board. Into the hatch! Next drift, the rod with a big poddy goes off and this fish went harder and came in at 71cm - almost a pigeon pair and this all before 7:30am! While I fought the jew, the light rod bends over and a 45cm flathead comes in. I did a couple more drifts then moved over to another spot where I picked up 3 more flatties up to 50cm and released a few more smaller ones. Got to love it when a plan comes together! A great way to start the year and it was the quietest Sunday morning on the water I have ever experienced. The menu is now set for tomorrow's BBQ!
  4. Great report Dave and some good sized flatties there!
  5. Well done on a very windy day for KB.
  6. Great session DR...what depth were you finding them if you don't mind me asking?
  7. Great post Roberta and well done on some fine looking trout!
  8. Momma!! That is one way to end the year.....unbelievable!!! Congrats boys!
  9. Nice seafood collection Trung and some size about the flat chaps. Hope you enjoyed them!
  10. Hey Stormy, Nice to meet you the other day! Let me know if you want to head out for a fish over January, I'll dust off my Alvey blackfish reel!
  11. Man, That looks more like a soapy! Well done and I like the advice about paying for the lawn to be mowed to create more fishing time!
  12. Matty, Great catch...some of those flatties have some size about them!
  13. Cracker! Well done on the release!!
  14. Great pic of a nicely marked fish and well done on releasing her!
  15. How deep is that whiting's body...did you weigh the beast? Great ctach and what else was around?
  16. That's a great effort and loks like someone is hooked! Top feed too!
  17. Formulated a plan last night after catching some fat poddies. Plan A was to hit the shallow bays on the run out to score a feed of flatties then Plan B was to move on down to the deep channel and deploy a livey or two for the last of the run out. Plan A was pretty quiet and only managed one keep and a few throw backs. I pedalled into the shallowest part of the bay and my mirage drive started to get bogged so I turned around to head back to slightly deeper water. Just after the turn, I sent the lures out the back and slowly moved off. One of the rods with the ZX-40 on it looked to be tickled so I picked it up and whatever was on started slowly swimming to the yak on a bit of an angle. I reeled in the slack line to set the hook and it took off under the yak with drag screaming. I got the other rod in out of the way and started following the fish keeping tension on. I was in very shallow water and the fish was sending up big clouds of mud and scattering mullet and prawns into the air. Still no colour and I couldn't get it off the shallow bottom. I thought it may have been a jew or a ray but then I got a glimpse of a striped tail and it turned with a spade-like head up to the surface. I was patting myself on the back for upping my leader from 6-14lb after some expensive losses lately. I couldn't get a look at the whole fish but knew it was a cracker. I slipped the big silicon net under half of her and gently laid her in front of me in the yak. I pedalled 30m over to a boat ramp and quickly took a couple of shots, retrieved my tiny lure and started swimming her. Her dorsal fins were all upright band she gave a bite on the grips so I slipped the grips out and gave her a push out. She snaked off into the muddy water and I inspected the lure, which remarkably only had on hook slightly out of shape. My plan seemed to have reversed and things were quiet so I headed down river to one of my reliable channel holes. I rigged my heavy line with a poddy and started a drift. First two or three drifts and no hits, plus the tide was starting to slow but then on cue, my T-Curve and Stradic started a few violent bends from good head shakes. I set the hook and she came up petty easily. I slipped the net under her and had her sitting in the net inside the yak while I went to grab the phone for a pic. What happened next was the best escape I have ever seen. The big girl launced vertically out of the net and yak and dived head down beside the yak. I grabbed the rod again but the force of her vertical dive dusted the trace in an instant. She was as fat as, a very light sandy colour and at least 80cm. Well Plan B had worked OK and I headed back to the ramp about 10:30am. It was a memorable 4 hours on the water and I managed to bring two mid 40s home for dinner. Now I just need to crack the metre!
  18. Great fish & release.... and check out the blue lips!
  19. Now that is a plan that came together! Top stuff!
  20. Well done on the popper! Keep trying that area as the water warms up!
  21. Great release Trung and your bost looks like a top set up!
  22. Now that's a plan coming together! Top stuff!
  23. Great pig RnK! Did you get a measurement? Do you target drummer and what bait did you use (if you don't mind me asking?)
  24. Congrats on a good fish from the groynes!
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